For more information contact 633 CES Readiness and Emergency Management Flight: 1 June 2015 Page 1 of 2 Emergency Contact Numbers: Security Forces…………….911 Fire Department…………….911 Command Post…………… CES UCC……………… Notification Hurricane Watch/Warning Notifications made by: Chain-of-Command notifications Base Emergency Mass Notification System (EMNS) (AtHoc pop-ups, phone notifications) Public Affairs social media: PA Smart Phone APP, JBLE Website, Facebook NOAA Weather Radios Local News Channels/Station Hurricane Watch/Warning Statuses Hurricane Watch: Hurricane likely, but storm impact more that 96 hours from base HURCON 5: H-96 Hours (until storm hits base) HURCON 4: H-72 Hours HURCON 3: H-48 Hours HURCON 2: H-24 Hours HURCON 1: H-12 Hours Hurricane Wind Scale: Post Hurricane Actions : Monitor Chain-of-Command, EMNS, PA Social Media, weather radios, and local news. Stay inside until after the hurricane has passed. Do not be fooled if there is a lull; it could be the eye of the storm and winds will pick up again If you require emergency assistance dial 911. Only use the telephone for emergency phone calls. Avoid using tap water. Water lines may be damaged, allowing contaminated to enter the system. Leave the building if you smell gas, propane, or chemical fumes. Find new shelter immediately. Immediate Actions Hurricane Watch: Monitor EMNS, PA Social Media, weather radios, and local news. Secure all moveable objects around your home and workplace. Review/test/build family Disaster Supply Kit items – visit commissary/base exchange as required Fill cars with gas and get extra cash Gather important documents Review family evacuation plan, in case required Update information in the Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (AFPAAS) Hurricane Warning: Monitor EMNS, PA Social Media, weather radios, and local news. Turn off utilities if directed to do so Turn off propane tanks Unplug electrical equipment (computers) Avoid using the phone except during emergency situations Evacuate if directed Stay indoors and away from glass windows and doors during storm HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS
For more information contact 633 CES Readiness and Emergency Management Flight: NOTE: The greatest danger to Langley during hurricanes is flooding. Stay out of flooded areas. Water may still be rising and the current may be unusually swift. Remember, a vehicle gains 1500 lbs of buoyancy for every foot of water present. DRIVE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. Avoid natural streambeds and other drainage channels. Have a plan to relocate if you live in a low elevation area. HTA/LTA housing areas may experience basement flooding/back-up of sewage lines (toilets). Housing residents should report all flooding to 633 CES Unit Control Center at / / , and to the Housing Hotline at June 2015 Page 2 of 2 Protective Actions Family Disaster Supply Kit Post Storm Actions FOOD: Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, and vegetables Canned juices, milk, soup High energy foods – peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, trail mix Vitamins Foods for infants, elderly, or persons on special diets Comfort/stress foods – Cookies, hard candy, sweetened cereals, instant coffee, tea bags TOOLS AND SUPPLIES: Mess kits or paper cups, plates, plastic utensils Battery operated radio and extra batteries Flashlight and extra batteries Manual can opener, utility knife Matches in a waterproof container Plastic storage containers Whistle Local Map (for locating shelters) Toilet paper/ towelettes Soap Personal hygiene items Bleach Plastic garbage bags Disinfectant CLOTHING AND BEDDING: One change of clothes/sturdy footwear for each family member Blankets or sleeping bags SPECIAL ITEMS: Baby supplies- diapers, bottles, formula Medications Entertainment- games and books Important documents – birth certificates, social security cards, insurance policies, important phone numbers. Recommended Items include: STORM/FLOODING PREPAREDNESS DO NOT eat food that has come in contact with flood water. Ensure tap water is safe for drinking. Comply with safety precautions as directed. DO NOT visit flood areas. Your presence will hamper rescue and other emergency operations. DO NOT handle live electrical equipment in wet areas. Use battery operated flashlights or lanterns to examine buildings. Flammable vapors present higher explosion hazards in confined areas. Report broken/downed utility lines to proper authorities. For military privatized housing, report damage to Housing Hotline at For non-housing buildings, report damage to 633 CES/UCC. Monitor local news channels/stations for advice and instructions in order to obtain medical care, emergency housing, clothing, and food. Only use the telephone for emergency phone calls. If you have evacuated, enter AFPAAS and update your location.