WHAT IS ALPHA EPSILON DELTA? Alpha Epsilon Delta is the National Health Pre-Professional Honor Society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in pre-professional health scholarship Membership is open to students currently interested in a health professional career (including but not limited to medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, veterinary, clinical psychology, and nursing). Provides a forum for students with common interests Extends a program of service to benefit the college/university community. AED functions both as an honor society and service organization—this dual role is reflected in the societal structure and chapter activities.
MEET YOUR OFFICERS President: Saman Shahid Vice President: Jaime Valencia Treasurer: Rosse Ariscain Secretary: Lalita Kota Events Coordinator: Paige Epler Webmaster: Emad Gelani Historian: Hoda Ahmad Fundraiser: Samanza Hussain
HOW DO I BECOME A MEMBER? Anyone in this room has the potential to become an AED member There are two types of membership: National and Affiliate In order to attain membership you need to complete the requirements listed for each membership type and earn 20 points by the week before the induction ceremony in the spring 2016 semester Throughout the year you will be given many opportunities to earn points; Points are given out for attending membership meetings, other pre-health related meetings, and volunteering with AED events
NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP By becoming a national member, you will be joining this national organization as a member for life You must obtain 20 points by the week prior to induction You must have a cumulative GPA and BCPM GPA of at least 3.2 (biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics) You must have completed 45 credits Potential members who meet the GPA and are transferring from another school to GMU will be eligible for membership after the completion of one semester at the new school. The grade point averages used to determine scholastic eligibility at the new school will be detThere is a one-time membership fee of $75. Once you pay the one-time membership fee, you need to maintain 15 points per year to maintain membership. ermined by averaging all grades from both old and new schools.
AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP Students that are not eligible for national membership due to grades or student tenure may be invited to become affiliate members of their schools' chapter and are expected to apply for national membership upon eligibility. There is NO GPA requirement You must earn 20 points by the week before the induction ceremony in the Spring 2015 semester Affiliate members do not enjoy full membership privileges: may not vote, apply for scholarships, officer status or wear AED insignia. NOTE: National members are qualified to run for the following nationally recognized positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Affiliate members may run for all other chapter-specific positions: Events Coordinator, Fundraiser, and Webmaster.
OPPORTUNITIES TO EARN POINTS AED Membership Meetings Meetings hosted by GMU’s Pre-Health Advisor: Jane Rockwood Seminars hosted by the biology department Participating in AED fundraisers Participating in AED volunteering opportunities …More to be announced!
FALL 2015 MEETING SCHEDULE Meetings will rotate between Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. This list can be found on our website.
PRE-HEALTH ADVISOR: JANE ROCKWOOD AED’s Faculty Advisor Website: Visit this website and follow the listed instructions to join the listserv Great resource for any pre-health student, regardless of if you decide to join AED or not Weekly s of upcoming events Different job and volunteer opportunities for students that are relevant to the health field and look great on a resume You will receive two points for attending any of the events held on campus
Pre-Health Advising: September Calendar of Events
BIO SEMINARS Hosted every semester by GMU’s Department of Biology You can earn one point for attending these seminars Always take place on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:15 pm
LEARN MORE ABOUT US Visit our website: Like our Facebook Page: OR search “Alpha Epsilon Delta-Zeta Chapter GMU” us:
WE WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINIONS What kind of meetings and opportunities would you like to see this semester? Fill out the survey form and it will earn you an extra point