Decolonization Decolonization: post-WW II European nations could no longer maintain control of colonial empires British: 1947: India declared independence 1947: Br. withdrew from Palestine 1956: Egypt “nationalized” Suez Canal from Br. (USSR pledged aid to Egypt) ’s: Br. lost rest of Africa French: lost Indo-China (Vietnam) & N. Africa (Algeria) Netherlands: lost Dutch E. Indies (Indonesia)
The Cold War Diplomatic crisis b/n U.S. (& its Western “bloc” allies) & U.S.S.R. (& its Eastern bloc) problems from end of WW II 1946: Churchhill called Soviet domination of E. Europe the “Iron Curtain” communist puppet gov’ts in E. Europe Poland: 1947 Czechoslovakia: 1948 Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Yugoslavia:
THE IRON CURTAIN “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the continent.” - Winston Churchill March 5, 1946
The West Takes a Stand USSR supported communist rebels in Greece & Turkey Truman Doctrine: U.S. would provide aid to any free nation to fight communism Military Alliances: Western Bloc: NATO (1949) North Atlantic Treaty Organization to protect W. Europe from USSR Eastern Bloc: Warsaw Pact (1955) to protect E. Europe from capitalist influence Marshall Plan ( ): U.S. provided $9.4 billion to rebuild W. Europe
Symbols of the Cold War
Division of Germany At Potsdam Conference: Germany divided b/n “West” & “East” Spring, 1948: Stalin refused to reunify the zones Berlin Blockade: Stalin blocked off W. Berlin Allies responded w/ massive airlift to supply W. Berlin W. Ger. became: Federal Republic of Ger. E. Ger.: Ger. Democratic Republic (Soviet puppet state)
W. Germany By 1950’s: W. Ger. had stable 2-party democracy Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Social Democratic Party (SPD) Chancellor Willy Brandt (SPD): process called Ostpolitik, to open diplomacy w/ E. Ger.
Post-war Italy new constitution: ended monarchy created democratic republic 2 major parties: Communists Christian Democratic Party
Post-war France 4th French Republic: many small parties Female suffrage th French Republic (1958): using crisis in Algeria, DeGaulle created 5 th Rep. (giving Pres. much more power)
Economic Recovery in W. Europe Marshall Plan: led to post-WW II economic boom in W. Eur. (until early 1970’s) Gov’ts created social welfare programs: “cradle- to-grave” protection
Post-war Great Britain Labor Party: focused on social welfare programs Reforms: nationalized the Bank of England nationalized railways, airlines, coal & steel industries old-age pensions unemployment insurance National Health Service
Costs of Reform High taxes to pay for reforms Margaret Thatcher (Br. PM): rollback of welfare “nanny” state by 1990’s W. Europe less economically competitive in era of “globalization”
European Integration Economic Integration: 1951: European Coal & Steel Community 1958: European Common Market (EEC) eliminated barriers to trade 1962: European Parliament European Union: created by Maastrict Treaty (1992) & defined economic, political, military roles established common currency: Euro (1999) EXPANSION EASTWARD
European Union
E. European “Satellite” States Warsaw Pact: military control by USSR COMECON: economic control Berlin Wall built in 1961: to stop E. Ger. Refugees Resistance against Soviets: 1956: Polish revolts suppressed by USSR 1956: Imre Nagy of Hungary encouraged reforms… brutal suppression by Soviets 1968: Prague Spring led by Alexander Dubcek in Czech. (“socialism w/ a human face”) 1978: Polish Pope John Paul II led to Polish Solidarity Movement against USSR
“De-Stalinization” 1953: Nikita Khrushchev took control after Stalin’s death 1956: Khruschev announced “destalinization” condemned Stalin’s crimes increased tension w/ U.S. (i.e.: Cuban Missile Crisis) Kruschev adopted “détente” policy of dialogue w/ U.S. * Brezhnev replaced Khruschev in 1964 until his death in 1982: pursued policy of “New Cold War”
Soviet Failures & Reforms Failed invasion of Afghanistan (1979) & Chernobyl nuclear accident Reform policies of Mikhail Gorbachev: Glasnost: political “openness” Perestroika: free-market reforms Series of revolutions started in 1989: Fall of Berlin Wall (reunification of Ger.) Romania: executed brutal dictator Ceausescu on Christmas Day, 1989
Revolution in Russia Satellite states in E. Europe & C. Asia separated August 1991: hard-line communists staged a coup against Gorb. Boris Yeltsin against hardliners Aug Dec. 1991: more break-away Soviet republics December 1991: USSR dissolved & Gorb. resigned
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Yugoslavia Yugoslavia: formed post-WW I (fall of Ottomans) Post WW II: under control of Josip Broz (Tito) Communist dictator Ethnic rivalries: Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, Slovenes Tito controlled rivalries until his death 1991: Slovenia & Croatia seceded Bosnian Muslims feared Serbs & seceded war b/n Bosnian Serbs & Bosnian Muslims Serbs supported by Yugo. gov’t
Slobodan Milosevic Yugoslav Pres. Milosevic: policy of “ethnic cleansing” Serbs against Muslims U.S. & NATO nations attack Serbs Dayton Accords of 1995 U.N. war crimes trials against Milosevic Kosovo crisis (1999): Serbs ran ethnic Albanians out of Kosovo