An overview of the Social Protection Floor Initiative Valerie Schmitt Social Security Specialist, ILO DWT Bangkok Civil Society Forum on Social Protection Floor in Thailand 23 February 2012, Karnmanee Palace Hotel, Bangkok
Structure of the presentation What is the social protection floor? What is the SPF initiative? Why do we need the SPF? How do we implement the SPF?
What is the Social Protection Floor? A mechanism providing protection against the financial consequences of risks (9 contingencies) A mechanism to: Protect people from poverty through a guarantee of income security help people meet their basic needs & develop individual capabilities A shift in the definition of social security
CSMBS (7% population) SSS (15% population) SSS for informal economy workers Level of coverage The SPF is the first step towards higher levels of social protection UCS & 500 Baht scheme NSF for informal economy workers Poor - Informal economy - Form. Sect.
The SPF is defined in terms of guarantees All residents have access to essential health care All children enjoy income security through transfers in cash or kind access to nutrition, education and care All those in active age groups who cannot earn sufficient income enjoy a minimum income security (transfer in cash or in kind & employment guarantee schemes) All residents in old age and with disabilities have income security through pensions or transfers in kind
India: RSBY, NREGA Thailand: UC scheme, minimum pension scheme (500 THB) Cambodia: CARD’s NSPS with clear reference to the SPF … including HEFs, CBHIs, Food distribution, PWPs,… Lao: extension of SHP for all Vietnam: 10 years Social security strategy Indonesia: Jamkesmas, Jampersal, PKH, Rice for the poor, PNPM China: minimum living standard guarantee program; new rural corporative medical care (NRCMC); health insurance for urban uninsured residents (HIUR); rural old-age pension Philippines: 4Ps Many elements of the SPF are already here in Asia Relevance, South South
Structure of the presentation What is the social protection floor? What is the SPF initiative? Why do we need the SPF? How do we implement the SPF?
UN CEB initiative April 2009 Leadership ILO & WHO 17 UN agencies Int. NGOs Development partners Global/regional/country activities The SPF initiative
The SPF Web Page on GESS
The SPF initiative Global level 1.International coalition of UN agencies, NGOs and development partners under leadership of ILO and WHO 2.International advocacy and endorsement at global level, ex: G20 Summit 3.Technical and financial support 4.Capacity building, ex: ITC ILO Turin courses 5.Tools and methodologies, ex: Joint SPF-I manual, ILO-UNICEF simplified rapid assessment protocol 6.Knowledge sharing, ex: GESS platform, “Sharing innovative Experiences, Successful social protection floor experiences (18 countries)”, the “Bachelet Report”
The SPF initiative Regional level in Asia-Pacific 1.Advocacy and endorsement at the regional level, ex: contribution to UN ESCAP publication, APRM (Dec 2011), 7 th ASEAN SOMSWD in Sept Technical support, tools and methodologies, ex: UNDG-AP Issues brief on social protection, Assessment Based National Dialogue participatory approach 3.Capacity building, ex: Assessment course in Nov 2010 in Bangkok, Training tools available on line 4.Knowledge sharing, ex: GESS platform with many workspaces and country pages, regional research e.g. on income security for working age
The SPF initiative Country level in Thailand 1.Creation of the SPF Team – ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, and WHO (March 2010) – collaboration of Academia, Line Ministries (MSDHS, MoL, MoH…), Civil society 2.Advocacy and endorsement at the national level, ex: Development Cooperation Seminar on social protection (Nov 2010), SPF included in the UNPAF on social protection 3.Technical support, tools and methodologies, ex: Assessment Based National Dialogue, development of joint programme to support the implementation of the UNPAF - SP 4.Capacity building, ex: Workshop on costing in May 2012, Training tools 5.Knowledge sharing, ex: GESS pages & workspaces Video “Building a SPF in Thailand” Brochure “The Social Protection Floor Joint Team in Thailand, a replicable experience for other UN country teams”
Structure of the presentation What is the social protection floor? What is the SPF initiative? Why do we need the SPF? How do we implement the SPF?
Why do we need the SPF? Persistent poverty, polarization, inequalities have increased in Asia APRM: towards more inclusive societies Other reasons: – Financial crisis: stabilizer of individual’s income and aggregate demand – Development of domestic & regional markets – Social cohesion, empowerment of women, disaster management
The SPF is an accelerator of the social security extension China, Rwanda, Thailand or Viet Nam have achieved large scale and near universal basic coverage in a very short period Thailand
Results of the costing in Viet Nam, using ILO costing tool The SPF is affordable
The SPF is an investment (not a cost)
Structure of the presentation What is the social protection floor? What is the SPF initiative? Why do we need the SPF? How do we implement the SPF?
s National Social Protection Floors Not a one size fits all approach : each country defines the levels of benefits that it can/is willing to provide Each country also decides how to do it – through universal schemes, targeted social assistance, social insurance, a combination…
A long way to go Design & impl. of schemes Assessments (including costing) Policy choices Improving existing schemes Integrated approaches & other mechanisms to reach out beneficiaries … Fiscal space analysis and tax reform
Policy policy… what about implementation? How to reach out final beneficiaries, facilitate registration? How to share standardized administrative functions? How to provide an adapted and comprehensive support answering to the specific needs of the households? How to update databases of final beneficiaries and utilization? How to best involve CSOs and local administration? How to coordinate at decentralized level and national level the implementation of the SPF? Databases / beneficiaries, utilization Consultation & update