Local economy – social economy = sustainable development
Social economy Definition “… “Social economy implies organized activity, which primarily pursues social objectives and which is based on democratic values, and is not dependent on the state sector. This social and economic activity is carried out mainly in associations, cooperatives, foundations, and other organizations. The main purpose of enterprises within the social economy is not to realize a profit, but to benefit an individual and a whole group of people." Source: Working Group on Social Economy in the Ministry of Culture, December 1999
S Social cooperatives with integrated employment Social economy working places working places / workers plus deeds of gift of volunteers that are equivalent to working places In whole 7% of the GDP 300 Social companies / enterprises
Local development group NGO is public (non-governmental) organization Local / umbrella organization It is established by local associations / members It cooperates with local authorities, acting as a provider of services and / or representative of local development partners It may take part in the development of the policy document / agreement prescribing the work of local authorities and administration with public organizations Provides certain services to the local administration and is paid for it Stimulates and supports local development, advising on the possibilities of launching a project, a network, as well as on the political decision-making processes
Local development through municipal planning Municipal planning is a tool The essence of the municipal planning is to answer five questions: What will we achieve? (a goal setting) What do we need to focus on in order to succeed? (a strategy) What do we need to do to achieve our goals? (an Action plan) What resources do we need? (a resource analysis) Who is responsible for what? (the organization) Participation (everybody involved should get the right to vote)
The examples of organizations Sports clubs Communities of exchange of experience of similar interests Educational Agricultural For children and youth Landlords that rent premises Yacht clubs Cultural (dance, music, etc.) Studying the folklore Rural communities Political
NGO (non-governmental organization) – members of local associations The contract with the city government of city of Boden Assist in contact with representatives of local authorities Find, fill and send forms / applications to local authorities and to other administrative bodies Provide for temporary use computers, Internet, telephone, and other services needed in office work Possibility to copy, scan and print documents, tickets and information Assist in making an appointment to the doctor in a medical center, hospital,and others Assist in paying bills,and other online services Possibility to rent individual rooms for business meetings Help in finding needed local government bodies, public authorities, and business entities Tourism: providing qualitative information on the various places in the valley of the Rone river (Råneälven).
The goals of “Hela Sverige ska leva!” (All Sweden shall live!) are To encourage and support local development To enhance communication and cooperation between rural initiative groups To act as a representative of rural initiative groups To notify the public, decision- making bodies and rule-making bodies To improve the policy of rural development in Sweden 50 national non-governmental organizations will become the members, as well as rural initiative groups
Agreement Agreements (social services and integration) between the government of Sweden, organizations taking a national idea as a basis for their activity (civil societies/ NGOs), and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR). National agreements on issues in the field of culture and development are being developed In the course of the joint dialogue, principles necessary for the development of relations and clarification of roles performed by each participant have been identified. These six principles offer each party the guide for a number of contractual obligations and measures for their implementation: The principle of autonomy and independence The dialogue principle The principle of quality The principle of long-term cooperation The principle of transparency The principle of variety Agreements at regional and local level: About 50% of the regional / provincial councils are involved,or have already decided, to take part Local agreements : 80 out of 294 local authorities (municipalities) have signed,or are in the process of preparation of the agreements. International agreements : About 15 such agreements are contractual acts. The same principles are used in different countries, despite the differences in legislative systems, social security wealths, and conditions. The British contractual act (the Compact) is one of the oldest. The European Council decides on the primary document and the methods of cooperation between officials and representatives of the social economy. The tools for the dialogue – the European Code of Good Practice
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is intended to protect the interests of new social business models that foster prosperity and provide jobs in Europe. November 18, 2011 General information: - Ensuring “competitive social market economy" implies support for the social economy and social innovation. Definition: - Social purpose: commercial activity - social innovation - The income is mainly reinvested in the fulfillment of social needs - The organizing system, or share participation reflects our purpose – to follow the principles of democracy, participation and social justice - To facilitate the access to financial field - To raise public awareness about social enterprises - To strive to improving the legislative framework On November 18, 2011 the European Commission announced a decision to recognize the social entrepreneurship a high priority issue in the EU member States. The issue was formulated in the "Europe 2020" Strategy brochure/sbi-brochure-web_en.pdf