Promoting cross-organisational working in the Academic Health Science Network Dr Séamus O’Neill CEO, AHSN North East and North Cumbria 27 th April 2016 © AHSN NENC. All Rights in this presentation Reserved
This presentation The AHSN context: Our role How we have interpreted that in NENC Support for collaborative working; giving some examples Some success factors Take home message: Real progress where we have worked to join things up across the region #regionalreach #localbuyin
Improving the Health and Wealth of the country through innovation System-wide integration
Improving Health and Supporting Economic Growth Funding: Circa £2.5m in 16/17 NHS England contract £2.1m, member contributions £400k Mandate: all Trusts and Universities as members, all but one CCG
The Innovation Pathway
Medicines Optimisation - Projects Support for Clinical Programmes Meds Opt in vulnerable adults Care Homes focus Best-practice, safety and cost Evidence of impact Need to spread Electronic transfer of care Regional framework for e-transfer from 2 o to 1 o care All Trusts, but varying uptake Community pharmacy support National reach, evidence of impact and return on investment
Medicines Optimisation – Leadership and coordination Steering Group MO Programme Lead MO Programme Manager Chair of the Senior Pharmacy Managers Representative from the University of Durham Representative from the University of Sunderland Head of MO North England Commissioning Support Representative from the Local Professional Network (Pharmacy) Patient representative (Healthwatch) Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Representation from both the Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) and the Local Medical Committee (LMC)
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Support provided AHSN Member Organisation and Board support Visibility and comms Leadership Some funding Measurement expertise Regional networks of practitioners
Connected Health Cities CHCs are part of a £20M investment spanning the 4 northern AHSNs Northern Powerhouse, Health North and the NHSA
Connected Health Cities A three year pilot connecting and using data across health and social care to: Provide better information to support care provision and decision making Provide better data, skills and collaboration for care, planning and research. Develop civic partnerships: initially health, local authority and academic Connected Health Cities
Governance: NENC Steering Group Seamus O’Neill (Chair) – CEO, AHSN NENC Mark Walsh – AHSN NENC Amanda Lamb – Programme Manager. Northern Health Science Alliance Tim Goodship – Clinical Academic, Newcastle University Mike Jarman – IT Programmes, Applications and Development Manager, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Susy Cook – South Tees NHS FT Ed Ruck-Keene - Institute of Advanced Research Computing, Durham University Joe McDonald – Chairman CCIO Network, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Gillian Gibson – Director of Public Health, Sunderland Local Authority Ali Wilson – Chief Officer, NHS Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees CCG Graham King – Chief Information Officer, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FT Dr Mark Westwood – GP IT lead, NHS North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Nick Booth – Newcastle University Business School Connected Health Cities
Where we want to be Connected Health Cities Open systems, data and document sharing Applied excellence in analytics to provision and commissioning of health and social care Game-changing levels of citizen engagement and ownership The Great North Care Record
Telehealth A number of successful projects Maternity care in Sunderland – PIH and GDM Live videolink for ultrasound in Carlisle INR pilot and Renal Clinic at home The future Leadership, critical mass, credibility? Future approach and providing cohesion? AHSN role?
Success factors – what we seek to provide Regional reach Trusted regional agent Working on stuff that matters to our region Innovation and best practice – credibility Visibility and adoption across our AHSN Our behaviours Local buy-in Board, CEOs, AOs Academic input where helpful Clinical programmes Non-clinical programmes Our behaviours