Wakefield Infrastructure Study
Background and Main Aims Challenge of focusing and coordinating investment across different infrastructure types to support future strategy for development and change. Evidence base to support the development and delivery of sound planning documents including the site specific proposals DPD. Informing funding and delivery strategies in an era of fiscal constraint and challenging development markets.
Funding for Infrastructure – UK context Global economic recession Funding gap widening Private Sector Caution – and pressure on developer contributions Public sector purse strings tightening ?
Definition of Infrastructure
Internal Contacts Council Departments and Teams Strategic Housing & Economic Development Cleaner & Greener Spatial PlanningEnvironment Services Urban & Neighbourhood RenaissanceSport & Active Lifestyles Facilities ManagementFamily Services Transportation & HighwaysArts Museums and Heritage Waste & RecyclingLibraries
External Contacts External Infrastructure Providers Environment AgencyHighways Agency Leeds City Region SecretariatLocal Government Yorkshire and Humber MetroMid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Natural EnglandNHS Wakefield District Northern Gas NetworksNorthern Rail United UtilitiesWest Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service West Yorkshire Police ForceYorkshire Ambulance Service Yorkshire Electricity DistributionYorkshire Water Services
Main District Wide Findings The development strategy is generally deliverable, But the timing, phasing and funding of infrastructure and delivery of development must be coordinated. The main infrastructure risk is transport. There is scope for greater clarity and coherence in the Council’s strategy and investment programme for open space. There are also issues in relation to the quality of sport and recreation facilities - there are opportunities to improve the quality of provision through co-location of facilities.
Spatially Specific Issues
Key Infrastructure Implications Critical Desirable ‘Nice to Have’ Phasing Planned and Future Infrastructure The Funding Gap
Infrastructure Funding Options Developer Contributions Prudential Borrowing Public Private Partnership LABV LHC Tax Increment Financing JESSICA
Delivering Infrastructure The new economic landscape It’s all about smarter ways of realising investment Co-location, joint delivery, shared investment Public sector as ‘enabler’ S106 versus Tariff versus CIL Challenge to justify investment in upgrading quality
Main Issues Moving Forward Implications of tightened public sector funding. Capturing and levering in private sector investment. Developing new and more integrated approaches to capital investment. Working in partnership (across and beyond the council) to deliver common goals. Need for more work on transport infrastructure. Delivered improved quality of place. Developing detailed strategies for key areas of growth or change. Wakefield City, Wakefield East and the Five Towns.