1 Brussels 16 January 2009
2 What is HOPE? HOPE is an excellent example of the diversity of European healthcare system What is HOPE? HOPE is an excellent example of the diversity of European healthcare system
3 European Hospital and Healthcare Federation European Hospital and Healthcare Federation HOPE includes national hospital associations and (if those do not exist) Federations of local and regional authorities or representatives from the national health systems or ministries of member states of the EU (and observer members) HOPE includes national hospital associations and (if those do not exist) Federations of local and regional authorities or representatives from the national health systems or ministries of member states of the EU (and observer members)
4 Local authorities 3 Ministries and NHS 5 Hospital Federations Membership (by member state), yesterday
5 Local authorities 3 Ministries and NHS 5 Hospital Federations Membership (by member state), today
6 CORE ACTIVITIES Knowledge and exchange Influence and representation
7 Knowledge and Exchange: Information Since 1998, an Official Reference Book Hospital Healthcare Europe" has been published in collaboration with Campden Publishing Limited (London). HOPE also produces leaflets on a specific topic describing the situation in the various Member States as well as thematic books and reports on its seminars. Since February 2003 HOPE has been publishing a monthly newsletter presenting EU developments and national health care news.
8 Knowledge and Exchange: publications Topics for reports and seminars : Organ transplants AIDS/HIV Patients’ Rights Cost Containment Liability Glossary Euro-Patient's Card Hospital Management Environment Ageing Alternatives to Hospitalisation Nursing Social Dialogue Accessibility and Solidarity in Health Care Health Care Data
9 Knowledge and exchange: publications Role of the Hospital Quality of Hospital Care Euro Health Promotion Rationing in Healthcare Cancer Cross border Health Care Disaster Medicine Benchmarking Waiting lists Emergency Care Hospitals and Occupational Health Healthcare costs = investment Healthcare as a growth factor Hospital Pharmacy
10 Knowledge and exchange: HOPE Exchange Programme The HOPE Exchange Programme is meant for Hospital Professionals who are prepared to participate in a 5-week managerial training courses in another European country (broader than the EU Member States!) concluded by an evaluation meeting and a seminar on a specific topic. The concrete organisation of these trainings is carried out by national co-coordinators in each of the 25 countries involved, who work very closely with HOPE headquarters in Brussels, and with the host hospitals in their own country. Some delegations also organised (and still organise) bilateral exchanges or study tours linked with the HOPE Exchange Programme as well as twinning operations of individual hospitals with East and Central European ones.
11 East/West Hospital Co-operation 1990: Berlin 1992: Strasbourg 1993: Linköping 1994: Bucharest 1998: Bucharest 2002: Bucharest Knowledge and exchange: conferences Since 1989, HOPE has organised quite a number of conferences, which contributed to a better understanding of the relationship between Europe and Health and especially of the role of hospitals in this context. Besides the conferences organised at the end of each year’s exchange programme there were: 1991: Paris 1993: Athens 1995: Brussels 1997: Odense 1999: Sevilla 2001: London 2004: Paris 2005: Cardiff 2006: Viareggio 2007: Madrid 2008: Paris
12 HOPE Exchange programme 2009 for hospital and healthcare professionals Evaluation meeting in Lisbon June 14-15, 2009 on the issue of "Health Professionals in Europe: new roles, new skills"
13 Comparison: the traditional activity of HOPE Influence: the new perspective for HOPE
14 To compare To improveTo influence Local National EU Two reasons to continue to compare
15 The priorities for comparison and influence have to be defined in the EU context What are our forces? How to define them? What do we need?
16 Subsidiarity Principle Art.152 (public health) Community action, which shall complement national policies, shall be directed towards [..] preventing human illness and diseases, and obviating sources of danger to human health. [..] The Community shall encourage cooperation between the Member States in the areas referred to in this Article and, if necessary, lend support to their action. [..] Community action in the field of public health shall fully respect the responsibilities of the Member States for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care.”
17 Defining priorities: Members of HOPE The Commission and its different DGs The mechanism since 2004: High Level Group on Health Services and Medical Care European Parliament
18 European Health Policy Forum Committee of regions HOPE Parliament Commission Council HLG HOPE and the EU institutions, today
19 European Commission Influence on the texts Influence through the programmes Influence through representation
20 European Parliament Pro-active Building a working relation with the European Parliament Re-active
21 Council Presidencies: preparation of joint conferences
22 The present EU issues Political texts (- HOPE position papers) Technical texts (- HOPE expertise)
23 The growing influence of the EU legislation on hospitals Examples of the proposed recent EU legislation: - Draft Directive on the application of patients' rights in to cross- border healthcare - Proposal for a Council Recommendation on patient safety, including the prevention and control of HAIs - Proposal for a Directive on standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation -Proposal for a Council Recommendation on a European Action in the field of rare disease -Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health …
24 Involvement in European projects: SIMPATIE 2 years project funded by the EC Public Health Programme ended in 2007 Aim to establish a a common European set of vocabulary, indicators, internal and external instruments for improvement of safety in health care
25 Research project on Quality: “Marquis” “Methods of Assessing Response Quality Improvement Strategies” Project funded by 6 th Framework Research Programme Launched on January 2005, ended in
26 New Patient Safety Project: “EUNetPaS” European Union Network for Patient Safety
27 EUNetPaS project A platform at EU level for collaboration and networking between: - Member States - international organizations - stakeholders in the field of Patient Safety (decision makers, health care professionals, patients, researchers …)
28 EUNetPaS goal: Interview support for the situation analysis including basic set of specific questions for: - Patient safety culture - Patient safety education - Reporting - Medication safety
29 Thank you! HOPE Karolina HANSLIK