NoWCADD Progress Report
NoWCADD – building firm foundations in 2015 Delivering the science: 3 technology projects in progress with emerging opportunities on the horizon. Growing the network: Research links developing across the University of Manchester with the network expanded into leading European research groups Funding the future: 2 grant applications submitted with a number of other collaborative opportunities under consideration. Developing the next generation: AZ staff working collaboratively with Manchester Pharmacy School to inspire students about careers in industry
Achieve Scientific Leadership Create a world leading centre for the design, development and commercial exploitation of advanced drug delivery systems which ensure the optimal efficacy, safety and acceptability of medicinal products. The aim is to deliver valuable product innovations which provide benefits to patients whilst equipping the next generation of pharmaceutical scientists for meaningful employment in industry, academia and healthcare provision.
Stimulate innovation and investment in an area of great unmet need – Advanced Drug Delivery systems to address the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s medicines Perform on the global stage and build strong connections into the wider science and technology community Help Academia to translate great science into great products for wider health, societal and economic benefits Support the creation of a highly skilled workforce Business Context
Quotes from the leaders Dr Paul Stott, (Vice-President, Product Development at AstraZeneca) “2015 has seen us create a great collaborative relationship and build firm foundations with a number of innovative science projects in place which will shape the future research direction of the NoWCADD programme.” Professor Kay Marshall, Head of Manchester Pharmacy School “The opportunity for interactions between AZ staff and pharmacy students has been well received and has reinvigorated interest in industry as an exciting opportunity for pharmacists at the beginning of their careers ”
The NoWCADD journey to date First Discussions 1Q 2014 Launch 1Q 2015 Completion of first projects 1Q 2016
2015/2016 PRIORITIES Develop the Next Generation Grow the Network Fund the Future Deliver the Science
Deliver the science Several projects on-going Novel applications of carbon nanotubes* Novel applications of chitosan/hyaluronic acid nanoparticles** *Image from Kostarelos, Nature Biotechnol. 26 (2008) **Image from Almalik et al, J. Control. Rel. 172 (2013) Novel manufacturing methods for advanced drug delivery systems
On the Horizon Drug delivery systems using new materials, therapeutic modalities and routes of administration
Growing portfolio of science projects Feasibility studies MPharm Projects Grant applications Innovate UK collaborative project PhDs
Grow the Network Network growing – locally, nationally and internationally Number of internal and external workshops planned
Fund the Future 2 grant applications submitted – awaiting outcomes More collaborative funding applications under consideration We are targeting funding opportunities which fit well with the core themes of NoWCADD EPSRC Healthcare Technologies (Developing Future Therapies) Access through local schemes of the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Innovate UK collaborative research competitions CRUK – multidisciplinary project awards
Develop the Next Generation Several successful AstraZeneca visit days AstraZeneca staff actively involved in undergraduate and post-graduate learning and teaching activity
Develop the Next Generation Quotes from 3 rd Year attendees on the AZ visit day “Experienced a lot, helped me to have an insight to industry and definitely will apply for summer placement “ “ I loved it thank-you. I have been wanting to get hands on experience as I am aiming for industrial pharmacy and this was the perfect experience” “Thank-you for the day. It has really encouraged me to apply for a summer placement as I have gained a lot of confidence in lab work”
Develop the Next Generation Increasing interest in industry careers for MPharm students Support provided by university staff to encourage applications for industry placements and early career roles
Foundations for success NoWCADD launched and building substantial momentum Ambitions for 2016 First publications Drive projects with translational potential Initial grant successes Broader network of collaborators Continued AZ site visits for undergraduate students Emergence of Manchester graduates in AZ early career roles