Mechanisms of Evolution and Their Effect on Populations Section 9.1
Summation of Natural Selection Species that reproduce sexually, each individual inherits a new combination of alleles from parents New mutations occur randomly in each generation (potential for new traits to develop) Genetic variation in a population is random Individuals with genes that help them survive and reproduce pass them along to offspring
Why look at populations when studying evolution? Individual organisms do not evolve, but populations of organisms do. The gene pool of a population consists of all the alleles of all genes of each individual in that population. The percentage of each allele in any given gene present in the population determines the genetic characteristics of the population.
Factors that Change Allele Frequencies in Populations Allele frequencies are the number of copies of an allele compared to the total number of alleles in a population. The changing percentages or frequencies of alleles within populations are the small events that lead to evolution within a population. When the frequency of an allele in a population changes, microevolution has occurred.
Factors that Cause Microevolution 1. Mutation 2. Gene Flow (migration) 3. Non-Random Mating 4. Genetic Drift 5. Natural Selection
1. Mutations A permanent change to the DNA of an individual. If it is heritable, it can be passed onto offspring and can add to the population’s gene pool and genetic diversity.
Example Warfarin is a blood thinner (prevents blood from clotting) and has also been used a rat poison since the 1950’s. Norway rats are resistant to warfarin. It is likely that a few rats had a mutation that made them resistant to warfarin’s effects and they survived the applications, mated, and passed on the resistance to their offspring.
2. Gene Flow (migration) Describes the net movement of alleles from one population to another as a result of the migration of individuals.
Examples Example – Grey Wolf often breeds with member of a nearby population
3. Non-Random Mating Mating among individuals on the basis of mate selection for a particular phenotype or due to inbreeding. In random mating, partners are randomly selected (pulled from a hat). There is no way to predict which males will mate with which females.
Non-Random Mating – Preferred Phenotypes In animal populations, individuals may choose mates based on physical or behavioural traits (phenotypes). Caribou males lock horns and fight for the right to mate. It’s non-random mating because it prevents individuals with particular traits from breeding. Only the ones that mate will pass on their gene pool to the next generation.
Non-Random Mating - Inbreeding Inbreeding occurs when closely related individuals breed together. Close relatives share similar genotypes so inbreeding increases the frequency of homozygous genotypes. Negative effects are evident in purebred animals which have a higher incidence of deformities and health problems, low fertility rates, and short life expectancies.
4. Genetic Drift The change in frequencies of alleles due to chance alone. The smaller the population, the less likely the parent generation will be reflected in the offspring (traits may disappear).
Most populations are large enough to overcome the effects of genetic drift. Two situations can lead to it in any population. The Founder Effect The Bottleneck Effect
Genetic Drift and The Founder Effect New populations are formed by a few individuals or founders. Founders carry some but not all of the alleles from the original population’s gene pool and the new population’s diversity is therefore limited. If founders are rare, their alleles will increase in frequency. Founder Effect – a change in a gene pool that occurs when a few individuals start a new isolated population.
Example The Amish population of Philadelphia Pennsylvania was founded in the 1700’s by a few families. The current population has an unusually high frequency of polydactylism – the presence of a sixth finger or toe.
Genetic Drift – Bottleneck Effect Starvation, disease, human activities, natural disasters can quickly reduce the size of a population. Survivors only have a fraction of the alleles present in the original population and therefore gene pool loses diversity. Bottleneck Effect – gene pool changes resulting from a rapid decrease in population size.
Example In 1775 a typhoon devastated Pingelap Island (in the Pacific Ocean) and there were fewer than 30 survivors from the original One of the survivors had a genetic mutation causing colour vision deficiency and now 10% of the current population does. This condition is more rare in the general population. Bottleneck effect is usually evident in nearly extinct species that have regenerated.
Natural Selection Selective forces such as competition and predation affect populations. If having a single allele gives even a slight, yet consistent, selective advantage, the frequency of the allele in the population will increase from one generation to the next at the expense of less favourable alleles. Natural selection affects the frequency of a heritable trait in a population which can lead to evolutionary change.
Stabilizing Selection Favours an intermediate phenotype and acts against extreme variants of the phenotype. The most common phenotype (the intermediate form) is made more common in the population by removing the extreme forms.
Directional Selection Favours the phenotypes at one extreme over the other. Common during times of environmental change or when a population migrates to a new habitat with different environmental conditions and niches to exploit. Example – English Peppered Moth colouring or antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Disruptive Selection Takes place when the extremes over a range of phenotypes are favoured over intermediate phenotypes. Intermediate phenotypes can be eliminated from the population. Example – male coho salmon size, small are good for sneak-attack fertilization and large is good for fighting for access to female’s eggs.
Sexual Selection Involves competition between males through combat or through visual displays (such as showy feathers). Involves choices females make for mates. Sexual dimorphism – the different physical characteristics between males and females.
Sexual Dimorphism
Males Impressing Females
Homework Mutation, Gene Flow, Non-random Mating #1, 2, 10, 11 on page 359. Genetic Drift #5, 6, 7, 8, 9 on page 359. Natural Selection #4 on page 359 and Activity 9.1 on page 358.