What’s Happening in the Legislature Gary Hunter and David Childs FAPA Public Policy Workshop Tallahassee, Florida February 3, 2016
As usual, a few big issues get attention Budget and Governor’s proposed $1 billion tax cut Health care funding, but not Medicaid expansion School funding: public schools versus charters Fix for Florida’s death penalty statute Re-election – all 160 House and Senate seats are up 2
3 Growth management
The story so far … In 2015, Legislature – Ended prospective review of new DRI-scale projects – Required that such projects “shall be approved by a local government pursuant to s (4)” instead of § DEO opined that non-exempt DRI-scale projects must go through the plan amendment process—even those already consistent with the local plan 4
CS/SB 1190: comprehensive planning Cleans up 2015 provision that substituted state coordinated plan review for DRI review – No review required if project is already consistent with plan – (Companion provision added to § 380.0o6) Accelerates schedule for final action on RO’s Cuts minimum size of sector plans to 5,000 acres 5
CS/SB 1190: DRIs For approved DRIs, makes automatic substantial deviations subject only to NOPC review Addresses essentially built out DRIs – Authorizes land use trade-offs if no net increase in impacts to public facilities if local government authorizes by resolution – Clarifies process for amending EBO agreements Phase date extensions not a sub D if no traffic impacts 6
CS/SB 1190: DRIs Allows change that reduces approved height, density, or intensity even if not consistent with local plan – Waters down Bay Point decision limiting DRI vested rights Addresses essentially built out DRIs Phase date extensions not a sub D if no traffic impacts 7
8 Water policy
The story so far… …is pretty much over! Massive water legislation (SB 552) passed the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor Numerous issues addressed, including … – Regional water supply plans – Basin management action plans – Springs protection – Water conservation incentives 9
Regional water supply plans 10 EDR Oversight Must be Reality Based If you want $ for your water project, better stay attuned! CFWI
Springs protection 11 Assessment deadlines -Water flow by Water quality by Year Restoration Plans -BMAPS (Water Quality) -MFL (Water Flow) -Detailed & Project Driven Annual progress reports
Water conservation incentives No more “use it or lose it” Possible permit extensions Cost-share programs 12
13 Thank you!