Federal Highway Administration Office of Civil Rights New Employee Orientation Workshop On-the-Job Training/ Supportive Services Program Presented By: Zakiah Latif-Lynch, OJT/SS Program Manager August 6, 2010
On-the-Job Training/Supportive Services (OJT/SS) Program Purpose Legislative Authority Regulatory Authority SAFETEA-LU OJT/Supportive Services Solicitation Process OJT/SS Program Challenges Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Fact Sheet Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program In this presentation, we will cover:
3 Purpose of the OJT/SS Program Recruit Individuals Train Individuals Employ Women, Minorities, and Disadvantaged Individuals Increase the Effectiveness of Approved State Training Programs Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
4 Legislative Authority Equal Employment The Secretary shall assure that employment will be provided without regard to race, color creed, national origin, or sex. Use of Funds (National Discretionary) The Secretary shall deduct such sums as she/he may deem necessary, not to exceed $10,000,000 per fiscal year. Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program Title 23, United States Code, Section 140(a)(b) Nondiscrimination
5 Regulatory Authority Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230, - External Programs, Subpart A –EEO on Federal and Federal-aid Construction Contracts (Including Supportive Services) Policy Federal-aid highway construction projects – FHWA requires full utilization of all available training and skill –improvement opportunities to assure the increased participation of minority groups, disadvantaged individuals an women in all phases of the highway construction industry.
6 SAFETEA-LU Section 5204(e) – Subject to project approval by the Secretary, a State may obligate funds apportioned to the State under sections 104(b)(1), 104(b)(2), 104(b)(3), 104(b)(4) and 144(e) for the surface transportation, workforce development, training and education. Federal share of the cost activities carried out is 100 percent. The State is not required to match funds. Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
7 On-the-Job Training/Supportive Services Outreach Recruitment Job Readiness Assessment Job Placement Mentoring Child Care Transportation Mediation Retention Follow-up Training Life Skills Skills Improvement Remedial Education Technology On-the-Job Classroom Safety Commercial Drivers License Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
8 Solicitation Process Budgetary Advice Solicitation Selection Criteria Review and Evaluation Panel Rules and Procedures Rating and Ranking Selections Allocations Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
Solicitation Process 9
10 Who We Serve - OJT/SS Program Welfare, Low-Income and Disadvantaged Individuals Native Americans Ex-Offenders Persons with Limited English Proficiency Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Persons with Disabilities Veterans Youth Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
11 Key Components of Statement of Work 1.Scope of Work 2.Purpose Statement 3.Period of Performance 4.Needs Assessment 5.Timeline 6.Performance Goals, Objectives, and Measurements 7.Budget Summary and Narrative 8.Monitoring and Evaluation 9.Report Requirements Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
12 OJT/SS Program Challenges Accountability Realize Meaningful Return on Investment Minimize Administrative Cost Limited Funding Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
13 FY OJT/SS Projects WA OR CA NV MT UT AZ NM CO TX KS WI NY AR TN AL GA SC VA ME PR HI Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program MI ID FL OH PA MN ID MO IL OK RI
14 Programs Under OJT/SS National Summer Transportation Institute Unsolicited Proposals and Inter-agency Agreements TransTech Academy Summer Internship for Diverse Program Group Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program State Programs
Number of States & Projects Funded Between FYs Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
16 FY Regional Breakdown of Participants Who Completed the OJT/SS Training Program Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program
17 Did You Know… 7.7 million employees in the industry and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that another 792,000 new construction jobs will be created in the decade between 2004 and 2014 One-third of the nation’s high school students – about 1.2 million each year – leave high school without a diploma. Of those who graduate from high school, only 57% of those who enroll in college will graduate within six years, according to the Alliance for Excellent Education. Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program AGC Fact Sheet on Construction Industry Statistics for 2007 According to the 2007AGC Fact Sheet
18 According to the BLS “Job opportunities are expected to be excellent in the construction industry, especially for skilled trade workers.” The BLS has identified construction as the only goods- producing section in which employment is expected to grow between 2002 and Construction, according to BLS, offers more opportunities than most other industries for individuals who want to own and run their own business, and provides higher earnings than the average for all industries. Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program AGC Fact Sheet on Construction Industry Statistics for 2007 AGC Fact Sheet (Continued)
19 Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program AGC Fact Sheet (Continued) The BLS predicts the following occupations will have an increased growth. OccupationsTotal Projected Predicted Growth Overall Construction & Extraction Occupations2,548,00015% Construction Supervisors/Managers197, % Brickmasons/Blockmasons/Stonemasons48, % Carpenters319, % Cement Masons/ Concrete Finishers86, % Construction Craft Operators258, % Construction Equipment Operators144, % Electricians285, % Painters/Paperhangers124, % Plumbers/Pipefitters/Steamfitters225, % Sheet Metal Workers90, % Ironworkers28, %
20 OJT/SS Program Recommendations Develop a relationship with the State Transportation Agencies Obtain information on the established OJT programs to link it to the OJT/SS program. Increase and/or strengthen existing partnerships with State Transportation Agencies… - Federal Agencies - Minority Institutions of Higher Education - Community-based Organizations - Contractors Association Unions
21 Contact Information Zakiah Latif-Lynch OJT/SS Program Manager Phone: Fax: Federal Highway Administration On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program