Rick Scott Governor of Florida Population 18,801,310
Personal History Birth When Where Wife Two girl School
Political Life When Jobs Before Governor : Started C.H.C in late 1900s
Contribution to American Way of Life Applauded money for new school funding. To get new school supplies, books, and other needs.
Contribution to American Way of Life Creating jobs b/c of economic growth. Getting more jobs for people moving from Florida.
Lasting Importance In my opinion I think Rick Scott is a very good governor. He has done many things for his state since he's become governor, even though he was elected in 2010 and sworn in in January. He hasn’t had much time to do a lot for his state but I think he will be a very good governor.
Works Cited "Florida Governor Rick Scott." Web. 29 Mar "Governor Scott Applauds $1 Billion in New Funding for Education." Web. 29 Mar "Rick Scott." Web. 4 Apr Janssen, Sarah, ed. The World Almanac. New York: InfoBase Learning, Print.