Support to clouds Introduction Andres Steijaert, GÉANT SA7 / SURFnet TNC 2014, Dublin
2 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Towards the clouds together
3 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Cloud changes the distribution chain
4 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate GÉANT cloud objectives Empower NRENs to deliver cloud and mobile services to their communities, with the right conditions of use Users to consume online services they want and need Facilitate the change in the traditional software distribution model and supply chain Demand aggregation & collaboration between research and education organisations to prevent fragmentation and provide ease of use, interoperability and security
5 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Overarching aims Facilitate multiple services from different providers Commercial and community providers Collaboration across organisations and borders; interoperability between services and systems User and data protection Choice 1 Safe and Secure 3 Openness Ease of Use 2
6 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate GÉANT SA7 cloud activity structure
7 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Cloud connection elements
8 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Two cloud paradigms BROKER PRODUCE
9 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Progress in year 1 There is great willingness by NRENs to collaborate and transition towards the cloud The baseline is in place: Approach, common language, first version of delivery chain A strong joint effort towards providers made an impact. NRENs collaborating on joint cloud production efforts Five NRENs were gathered for a joint procurement for 3G and 4G mobile voice and data services
10 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Challenges: cross the chasm o Foster new cloud and mobile expertise o Improve NREN position in order to drive decision making and adoption of cloud and mobile services
Cloud Strategy Fulvio Galeazzi, TNC 2014, Dublin
12 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Time to act for NRENs Cloud is the latest “big thing” affecting NREN users Do NREN need to care? Services: anywhere, any-device By its nature, the scale of cloud is trans-national At the same time, users are organizing themselves into large border-less collaborations, (also in sectors where this was not traditionally the case, like ESFRI projects) YES, definitely: individually and as a NREN community Time for a change for NRENs! Evolution from mere connectivity to providing services over the wire Not in each and every NREN’s “genetic code”… Re-define “users”? What kind of services? How to propose services to users? What impact on the NREN organization?
13 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate What’s on the horizon Medium-term perspective led to the creation of SA7 within GN3+ From the GEG report: – The networks must evolve into service-enabled infrastructures – We envisage moving towards a richer mesh of networks based on ubiquitous virtualized resources – Grow beyond the network Reflected in H2020 programme: – By 2020 GÉANT is the European communications commons where talent anywhere is able to collaborate with their peers around the world and have instantaneous and unlimited access to any resource for knowledge creation, innovation and learning, unconstrained by the barriers of the pre-digital and the present digital world.
14 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate T1 mission and objectives T1 is a sort of “glue” of all other SA7 tasks, with the mission to: Identify and describe community / user needs and supplier capabilities Define goals, principles, added values, benefits of the use of cloud by Higher Education and Research Investigate core competencies needed, and impact on NREN business models and organizations Concrete actions: Align NRENs, finding a common ground while taking into account differences (structure, strategy, environment,…) Ensure NRENs and GEANT hold a strong position in the cloud computing landscape Look at other initiatives at European level Communicate both internally and externally Help GEANT and NRENs design a cloud strategy
15 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Cloud questionnaire: where are we? Cloud Assessment Survey Delivered as MS7.1.1 last summer Comprehensive overview of what NRENs have been/are doing, their worries, their vision Very good number of respondents: 27 from 23 NRENs
16 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Cloud questionnaire: outcomes Main outcomes of the Cloud Assessment Survey: Right time to act, cloud is happening “now”: risks in not acting NRENs have different degrees of experience NRENs willing to work together Two main groups, producers/consumers, with lots of gray in between NREN perceived as a trusted party, by users and peers Users mostly interested in: AAI integration, IaaS/PaaS, Backup/DR, Storage, WebConf,… NRENs are very different from one another There is no single “right” way of doing things, multiple paths are possible Questionnaire serves as inspiration for all other work within SA7
17 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate What’s next: drawing a common strategy Cloud Strategy Framework Document Being drafted within T1 Important for it not to be developed outside the context of NRENs’ management – Already met twice with the enlarged community Conceived as a tool to develop NREN’s own strategy Not just “learn by example” but draw a path which helps asking the right questions – Identify NREN specificity – Analyze “environment” – Relation with commercial providers – Impact on organization – Fit it in a process: set goals, strategy, review, adjust…
18 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate New WorkPackage for “Cloud Producers” New since Year 2: WorkPackage aiming at “aligning” NRENs willing to self-produce or serve from their own infrastructure Started working on ownCloud (TERENA framework agreement). Explore: Different architectures, What it takes to make it a “service” Later considering other wide- interest products (OpenStack) and/or technologies (encryption, security).
Cloud Brokerage & Vendor Mgmt. From Cloud Vendors to Users Branko Radojević, GÉANT SA7 / CARNet TNC 2014, Dublin
20 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate NREN Users Ins Cloud Delivery Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Cloud Vendor Sell Services & Make Money S e ll S e r v i c e s & M a k e M one y T & C Network eduGAIN Requirements: Int. property rights Ownership Legal aspects Security Continuity Confidentiality Communication Billing Technical Requirements: Int. property rights Ownership Legal aspects Security Continuity Confidentiality Communication Billing Technical GÉANT Cloud Catalogue
21 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Cloud Humor
Cloud Integration Panos Louridas, TNC 2014, Dublin
23 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate SA7, organisation and structure
24 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate SA7, T4: Scope AAI Integration Service publication
25 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate SA7, T4: AAI Enable Cloud Services to be available to users through their institutional accounts. Make Cloud Services available to all GÉANT users.
26 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Support providers to connect to eduGain
27 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate For this to work we need: – A well defined procedure for making a service available through eduGain. – The procedure is given to Cloud Service Providers. – Cloud Service Providers open a test account on an NREN: GRNET has set up a special Virtual Home Organisation (VHO) for that purpose. – The service itself is advertised through JANET, in co- operation with DANTE, except if existing collaborations with federations are in place. eduGain integration
28 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate SA7, T4: Cloud Service Catalogue Act as a single point of information for Cloud Services available to users. Provide RAG (Red-Amber-Green) validation of Cloud Requirements (as set out by T3). Publish RAG scores and all other related info (availability, etc.) on Cloud Service Catalogue.
29 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate ObjectivesChallenges / Mitigation Summary / Next Steps Achievements Q&A GÉANT Cloud Team issues PIN CSP responds to PIN CSP fills in Cloud Requirements in Cloud Service Catalogue GÉANT Cloud Team review CSP response CSP RAG score published in GÉANT Cloud Catalogue Institution + Users use Catalogue as Information Point Agreement Signed Between Institution and CSP Cloud Catalogue Updated with Availability Info
30 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Provide clarity – to cloud providers, regarding the requirements from Research and Education community – to the Research and Education community, regarding capabilities of cloud providers Provide choice Cloud catalogue
31 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Cloud Service Catalogue users should be able to: – search / browse services that are available through their Identity Federation. – search / browse services available to all users of eduGAIN. – search / browse services that are available to others, but not to their Identify Federation. – view a cloud service matrix that will show all services available, and the relationships between services, Identify Federations and participating entities. – request to their IdP a service that is listed in the Catalogue but not offered through their federation. The Cloud Service Catalogue should be the focus point of the shopping mall paradigm. Cloud Catalogue Requirements
32 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Work has already started: – The Cloud Service Catalogue is currently being implemented – Prototype will be ready in the second quarter Cloud Catalogue Implementation and Status
Thank you! Any questions? Towards the clouds, together