NOVA Presentation for PhD Students, Spring 2016 Updated 14 Apr. 2016
WHAT IS NOVA? The Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network (NOVA) is a university cooperation aimed at supporting the understanding of major global challenges in a Nordic context. Our main task is to initiate, administer, promote and financially support cooperation between the Nordic universities in postgraduate education. NOVA provides a platform for networking betweeen Nordic postgraduate students through facilitating high quality, international level education for postgraduate students. The courses are planned, run and taught by a group of leading Nordic teachers and researchers.
NOVA MEMBER INSTITUTIONS University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, KU-SCIENCE Aarhus University, Science and Technology, AU-ST University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, HU-AF University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, HU-V University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences, UEF-F The Agricultural University of Iceland, LBHI The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU
Course ResponsibleNOVA PhD Courses 2016Dates Søren K. Rasmussen, KU-SCIENCEGenomic Selection in Plant Breeding25-29 Jan. Thomas Nord-Larsen, KU-SCIENCEApplied Statistical Modelling in Forest and Natural Resource Assessment and Planning 1-5 Feb. Leena Maunula, HU-VMolecular Methods for Detection of Food- and Waterborne Pathogens 7-10 Mar. Elise Norberg, AU-STFeed Efficiency in Dairy Cattle7-11 Mar. Henrik Hjavard de Fine Licht, KU-SCIENCEChemical and Genomic Insight to Host-Microbe Symbiotic Interactions May Terje Gobakken, NMBUDecision Oriented Data Acquisition Strategies for Analysis of Sustainable Forestry May Jari Valkonen, HU-AFPlant-Associated Bacteria: Pathogens and Mutualists23-27 May Dirk Jan de Koning, SLUGenetic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases in Livestock7-11 Jun. Jim Rasmussen, AU-STSustainable Intensification of the Agricultural Production …20-25 Jun. Eystein Skjerve, NMBUDiagnostic Test Evaluation (Veterinary Epidemiology)27 Jun. – 1 Jul. Pekka Uimari, HU-AFQuantitative Genetics in Animal Breeding8-13 Aug. Arne Pommerening, SLUIntroduction to Scientific Programming & Simulation17-21 Oct. Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, KU-SCIENCEAn Introduction to Ecosystem Service Theory and Practices31 Oct. – 4 Nov. Anna Valros, HU-VAnimal Welfare - from Fork to Farm21-24 Nov. Olav Fjeld Kraugerud, NMBUNovel Ingredients - Processed for Novel Nutrition12-16 Dec.
Course ResponsiblePhD Course SeriesDates Heikki Hokkanen, HU‐AF (main responsible for series) Biodiversity and Integrated Pest Management Velemir Ninkovic, SLU1. Biodiversity Based IPM in Field Crops31 Aug. - 4 Sept Gudmundur Halldorsson, LBHI2. Modern IPM in Greenhouses4-9 Sept Lars P. Kiær, KU‐SCIENCE3. Stacking Biodiversity Benefits for Sustainable IPM2017 Heikki Hokkanen, HU‐AF4. Pollinators within IPM Strategies for Agriculture2018 Irmeli Mustalahti, UEF-F (main responsible for series) Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution Irmeli Mustalahti, UEF-F1. Introduction to Scientific Programming & Simulation15-19 Aug Jens Emborg, KU-SCIENCE2. Framework for analysis and intervention: Cases in Kenya and Denmark 2017 Hans Peter Hansen, SLU3. Inveigling Factor of Stakeholders: Cases in Sweden and Finland 2018 John McNeish, NMBU4. Explorations of Collaborative Closures in Environmental Conflicts: Cases in Norway and Bolivia 2019
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