Business Models & Environmental Data Chris Adams - Product
Overview for this session Understanding business models Case Study - AMEE Questions
What is a business model?
“A business model is the logic that describes how an organisation creates, delivers, and captures value” Ostervalder & co - Business Model Generation
Customer Segments
Value Propositions
Customer Segments Value Propositions Channels
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Value Propositions
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Structure Value Propositions
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Structure Key Resources Value Propositions
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Key Resources Revenue Structure Key Activities Value Propositions
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Key Resources Key Activities Revenue Structure Key Partners Value Propositions
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Structure Key Resources Key Activities Key Partners Cost Structure Value Propositions
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Structure Key Resources Key Activities Key Partners Cost Structure Value Propositions
Case Study: AMEE
First business model - aggregate data, sell access to calculations using it
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Structure Key Resources Key ActivitiesKey Partners Cost Structure Value Propositions gov dept large corporates innovative SMEs calculate environmental impact without needing science team website sales team acquisition consultative sales tiered subscription fees to use platform revenue share with software vendors building platform sales & client support comprehensive emissions data models deep expertise adding models to platform Data publishers (IPCC, DEFRA etc.) Large Corp Software Vendors Internet Infrastructure Co Science and sales team Platform hosting & software engineers Data licensing software vendor partners
2nd model: Package common uses of environmental data into apps
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Structure Key Resources Key ActivitiesKey Partners Cost Structure Value Propositions sustainability consulting firms in house CSR teams online apps for common sustainability analysis website sales team consultative sales self service Tiered subscription fees to use platform building platform sales & client support comprehensive emissions data models developer community online app development Data publishers (IPCC, DEFRA etc.) App hosting companies 3rd party developers Science and sales team App development team Developer community programme CSR software vendors add environmental calculations to own online apps Hosting fees for running own apps Bespoke online app development Platform hosting & platform team
3rd Model: Co-create datasets with users, sell the analysis
Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Structure Key Resources Key ActivitiesKey Partners Cost Structure Value Propositions Large corps - supply chain leaders Green SMEs Use env. & financial data to reduce risk in supply chain website sales team Bespoke analysis Self service SME advice Subscription revenue from larger corps for ‘pro’ supply chain features Business Analysis for large corps Financial and env. data Providing content for SMEs Financial and env. data providers Online CSR community Consumers of AMEE’s open datasets Sales and BI teams Compete on green credentials, and research competitors Rev share on reports from financial providers open data & APIs BI expertise Platform development Financial data licensing online CSR community Online community links
Your business model may change as your learn more about the problem you are trying to solve Be prepared to change how you use environmental data, and which activities it supports as your model changes Take away points
Thank you. Chris Adams - Product