4.1.3 Quality of information How information can improve the quality of decision making. Candidates should understand that accurate correctly targeted understandable complete relevant up to date information has user confidence. How to find information. On-line (Internet, Intranet, CD Roms) and non-ICT sources.
The task of keeping data up-to-date is expensive. Methods used include: frequent updating (typing in the changes) frequent collecting of data through questionnaires, letters or check sheets interactive systems where a person can update his/her own detail deleting out-of-date data or data which is no longer needed making sure that all copies of the data are updated so that everyone uses the same, amended data.
What if information was not kept up to date? Problem 1 Not updating shared files with amended data It is essential to make sure that all copies of the data are updated so that everyone uses the same, amended data. If a customers orders extras on a new car but is either written down incorrectly or he changes his mind later then if order not amended the factory could make a car with all the extras and extra cost which the customer could refuse to pay for. Problem 2 Out of date data It is no good having a mailing list when the addresses are no longer correct. When people move house, mail continues to be sent to the old address until the relevant mailing list is updated. Companies who sell their products through direct mail (junk-mail is the more commonly used name!) need up-to-date lists of names and addresses of people who are likely to be interested in their product. An out-of-date list is of no value whatsoever. Remember people move house, grow old, die, and change their interests or buying habits. Problem 3 Inaccurate data An automatic system using sensors to collect data might have faulty sensors and could inaccurate data could lead to a catastrophe e.g. chemical processes going wrong/ blowing up.
Accurate data What would happen if data was not accurate? Example A transposition error could occur typing instead of If a credit card number is typed in wrongly you may not be able to use it to buy goods
Examiner’s example answers to exam. question Good quality information is up to date, relevant and correctly targeted. (a) Describe two methods of keeping data up to date. [2] Poor answer: Typing in the new information and using the internet. Medium Answer: Sending out forms to people and getting them to note changes. Getting people once a month to check their records online and make the changes needed. Best answer: Getting people once a month to check their records online and make the changes needed. Sending out forms to all customers on a quarterly basis and then using this information to keep the records up to date.
Examiner’s example answers to exam. question (c) Describe two advantages of keeping data up to date, relevant and correctly targeted. [2] Poor answer: They make more money and sell to more customers. Medium answer: They can spot trends in the way sales are going and buy more of the right thing. Good answer: They can spot trends in the way sales are going and buy more of the right thing. They can see how each of their salesman are doing and decide whether they need to speak to some of them or give others a bonus.
Finding information Text Books/ newspapers magazines / encyclopaedia etc. Books may not be available at home / on loan Internet / search enginesKey word searches Interactive resources Editable information Copy and paste pictures / diagrams into reports Experts / teacher could give faster response Bulletin boardsPost questions on them and reach wider audience CD based softwareKey word searches Lighter to carry home Copy and paste pictures / diagrams into reports ChatAsk questions to other students /tutors Real time -Ask further questions if not sure