End of life care (eolc) Dr Nicholas Herodotou Macmillan Consultant Palliative Medicine (Cambridge Community Services) L&D University Hospital
“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1–2)
A child's prayer for EOLC..
Topics Definitions Communication Assisted Suicide Intervention
History of hospice movement Latin ‘hospis’ meaning guest Early church cared for poor and dying Modern hospice movement, Dame Cecily Saunders, 1967, St Christopher’s hospice Focus on holistic symptom management of palliative patients & carers using a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) approach
Definition of palliative care Holistic multidisciplinary care of patient & family suffering from a progressive, incurable, life limiting illness. Aim is to give quantity and NOT quantity to their life Physical, psychological, social & spiritual
Prognostic Indicator Guidance (PIG) 4th Edition Oct 2011 © The Gold Standards Framework Centre In End of Life Care CIC, Thomas.K et al
Extracted from More Care Less Pathway, a Review of the LCP
Team work…
Team members… Doctor/Mac Nurse Support workers Palliative Patient Discharge team Social worker Psychology Chaplain Dietician OT/Physio
Hospice: doctors Nurses Social worker Volunteers Day unit Hospital: Mac nurses Consultant Discharge team Chaplin Community: Macmillan nurses Support workers Primary care: District nurses GP
My role..
Hospital & community patients Ethical decision making Support to hospital/community/GP Teaching Interventions
Palliative patients include… Cancer Neurological conditions: MND, MS Heart failure Lung disease: Advanced dementia
Why non-cancer? Non-cancer dying patients were dying badly Discrepancy of care: over focus on cancer End of Life Care (EOLC) strategy 2008: Identifying cancer & non- cancer patients in last year of life Advanced Care planning(ACP) Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP)
Discrepancy of care
Advanced Care Planning (ACP) Advance statements to inform subsequent best interests decisions Advance decisions to refuse treatment which are legally binding if valid and applicable to the circumstances at hand (Living Will) Appointment of Lasting Powers of Attorney (‘health & welfare’ and/or ‘property and affairs’)
When is a person dying? Less energy Semi-conscious Clinically deteriorating Francis I at the dying Leonardo da Vinci by Louis Gallait
Culturally insensitive…
Lacking compassion..
Lost the art of medicine..
But… “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Nelson Mandela
Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) problem.. Poor communication by consultants Misunderstanding of the LCP Not identifying the dying patient Huge complaints therefore…
Baroness Neuberger Report 2013
44 recommendations Stop using LCP & avoid the word ‘pathway’ Senior clinician responsibility Identifying dying patient Allowing oral food/water Good documented communication
Replacing the LCP? National template Individualised Care plan Clearer documented communication
Individual plan of care of the dying patient
Preparing for a natural death Administration of the Eucharist to a dying person (painting by19th-century artist Alexey Venetsianov)
Assisted suicide
Death of Socrates, 1787
Recent MP vote on Assisted Dying 330 against vs 118 for Bill was to allow terminally ill patients < 6 months to live to be helped to die Two independent doctors to sign form Competent, not depressed, not coerced Eleven attempts in 12 yrs. to change law in parliament on Assisted Dying
Palliative Medicine Physicians Survey on Assisted Suicide, 2015 http://apmonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Assisted-Suicide-Survey-Quantitative-Results-.pdf
Lessons from Belgium.. 50% euthanasia nurses killed without consent 50% cases unreported Euthanasia patients used as organ donors Euthanasia for children just passed
Mosque clinic
Rare Neuro MDT chair
Permanent drain for malignant ascites
Venting tube for malignant bowel blockage
Anaesthetising a palliative patient for chronic insomnia!
https://onedrive. live. com/redir. page=view&resid=E5695E33DA4C1B5A https://onedrive.live.com/redir?page=view&resid=E5695E33DA4C1B5A!5560&authkey=!AHnjr2iskHPEJCc