Evaluating the Alignment and Quality of the Written, Taught, and Tested Curriculum Written Taught Test Curriculum Presented By: Dr. Shawnrell Blackwell
Like Simon’s Cat…we are going to Pick apart, Claw through, Open up, Dive in, And Unpack the standards in our boxes.
Unpacking the Standards When we unpack a standard in order to plan our Written and Taught Curricula, we should use both the Standards of Learning and the Curriculum Framework.
Unpacking the Standards 1. Review the overarching standards in order to determine the CONTEXT. 2. Determine the CONTENT (what students must know). 3. Determine the COGNITIVE LEVEL. (Bloom’s Taxonomy, Revised): What student’s must be able to do with what they know
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised) RememberRecalling previously learned information UnderstandDemonstrating an understanding of the facts; explaining ideas or concepts ApplyUsing information in another familiar situation AnalyzeBreaking information into parts to explore understanding and relationships EvaluateJustifying a decision or course of action CreateGenerating new ideas products or ways of viewing things
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised) RememberArrange, define, describe, duplicate, identify, label, list, match, memorize, name, order, recall, relate, recognize, repeat, select, state UnderstandClassify, convert, defend, describe, discuss, distinguish, estimate, explain, give examples, indicate, locate, paraphrase, predict, summarize ApplyChange, choose, compute, demonstrate, employ, illustrate, interpret, manipulate, modify, practice, prepare, show, sketch, solve, use AnalyzeAppraise, breakdown, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, diagram, differentiate, distinguish, examine, infer, model, question, test EvaluateAppraise, argue, assess, attach, choose, conclude, defend, discriminate, estimate, judge, justify, interpret, rate, support, value CreateAssemble, combine, compose, construct, design, develop, devise, formulate, generate, plan, set up, synthesize, tell, write
Reading a Standard: English The student will demonstrate comprehension of information from a variety of print and electronic resources. a)Use encyclopedias and other reference books, including online reference materials. b)Use table of contents, indices, and charts. UNDERSTANDING THE STANDARD (Teacher Notes) ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDIN GS ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND PROCESSES The intent of this standard is that students will use a variety of print and electronic resources to gather information on a specific topic. Students will select which resource is best for locating a specific type of information. All students should understand ways to select the best resource for gathering information on a given topic. To be successful with this standard, students are expected to make decisions about which resource is best for locating a given type of information. locate selected information in encyclopedias, atlases, and other print and online reference materials. retrieve information from electronic sources. use the Internet to find information on a given topic. Framework= Essential Understanding, Knowing, and Skill
Example: Unpacking a Standard For the learning objective, underline the content, circle the word(s) that provide information regarding cognitive level, and finally, classify the word into one of Bloom’s six cognitive levels. English 3.7: The student will demonstrate comprehension of information from a variety of print and electronic resources. a) The student will use encyclopedias and other reference books, including online reference materials. Standards= Context
Example: Unpacking a Standard For the learning objective, underline the content, circle the word(s) that provide information regarding cognitive levels, and finally, classify the word into one of Bloom’s six cognitive levels. English 3.7: The student will demonstrate comprehension of information from a variety of print and electronic resources. a) The student will use encyclopedia and other reference books, including online reference materials. Understand Apply
Example: Unpacking a Standard For the learning objective, underline the content, circle the word(s) that provide information regarding cognitive level, and finally, classify the word into one of Bloom’s six cognitive levels. ______________________________________________________ ___ LS. 3 The student will investigate and understand that living things show patterns of cellular organization. Key concepts include a) cells, tissue, organs, and system; and b) Patterns of cellular organization and their relationship to life processes in living things. Students will explain the role that each life function serves for an organism: ingestion, digestion and removal of waste, stimulus response, growth and repair, gas exchange, and reproduction. Standard=Context Framework= Essential Knowledge and Skill
Example: Unpacking a Standard For the learning objective, underline the content, circle the word(s) that provide information regarding cognitive level, and finally, classify the word into one of Bloom’s six cognitive levels. ______________________________________________________ ___ LS3Student will investigate and understand that living things show patterns of cellular organization. Key concepts include a) Cells, tissue, organs, and system; and b) Patterns of cellular organization and their relationship to life processes in living things. Students will explain the role that each life function serves for an organism: ingestion, digestion, and removal of waste, stimulus response, growth, and repair, gas exchange, and reproduction. Understand
Example: Unpacking a Standard For the learning objective, underline the content, circle the word(s) that provide information regarding cognitive level, and finally, classify the word into one of Bloom’s six cognitive levels. _________________________________________________ WG. 1e: The student will use maps, globes, satellite images, photographs, or diagrams to analyze and explain how different cultures use maps and other visual images to reflect their own interests and ambitions. Compare maps and make inferences. Standard= Context Framework (essential Skills)
Example: Unpacking a Standard-23 For the learning objective, underline the content, circle the word(s) that provide information regarding cognitive level, and finally, classify the word into one of Bloom’s six cognitive levels. _____________________________________________ WG. 1e: The student will use maps, globes, satellite images, photographs, or diagrams to analyze and explain how different cultures use maps and other visual images to reflect their own interests and ambitions. Compare maps and make inferences. Apply Analyze
Now that you have “unpacked” the standards… You should be able to: Review lesson plans with an eagle eye to see if the lessons truly reflects the standard Observe classes with an eagle eye to see if the lessons taught meet the standard By Friday, November 8, please send me 2 (1 good and 1 not so good) copies of lesson plans per grade level of all your warned subjects. For example, Peabody will send 2 Grade 6 lessons (1 good; 1 bad) and 2 grade 7 English lesson plans (total of 4) and the same for Math. For a grand total of 8 lesson plans sent to my office.