Johnson High School Media Center Facility Plan
Media Center Profile Media Center Complex is approximately 5,400 sq. ft. Serves a student body of 1450 students Serves a staff of 99 teachers, 8 paraprofessionals, 8 professional staff members, and 5 administrators Students range from 9 th to 12 th grade Includes International Baccalaureate program Staff includes two full time media specialists and four student peer facilitators
Hours of Operation Media Center Mon. – Fri. 7:30am – 3:00pm Media Lab Mon. – Fri. 8:00am – 3:00pm Mon. – Thurs. 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Location The media center is centrally located with two entrances that allow easy access to all classes. MEDIA CENTER
Current Floor Plan
Double Entrances 200 Wing Entrance 400 Wing Entrance
Circulation Desk Centrally located High visibility Room for two staff members Window to media office Student network printer is stationed behind this desk Book drop (pictured)
Periodical Area Located just inside the 200 wing entrance 28 Periodicals and two local newspapers Visible through the glass wall of the entrance Also has a dictionary stand
Study Area Six 36” round tables, three 6’ long rectangular tables, and eight 5’ long tables Three study carrels (2 with computers) Seating for at least 73 students Retractable projection screen that is visible throughout the main section of the study area Looking out from Circulation Desk Looking towards Circulation Desk
Computer Area Just inside 400 wing entrance Area houses 15 student computer stations with internet access Two additional computers on carrels in the study area. (Notice exposed wiring to access network and power)
Stacks Collection includes almost 15,000 books Generous shelving is well lit and open with easy access Shelving includes three spinner fixtures for paperback titles
Teacher Work Room Six computers for staff use Paper cutters Ellison machines Printer/copier Laminator Scantron Machine Bathroom facilities Glass window views periodical area
Technology Storage Room Industrial shelving to store large items such as computers Houses distribution system Two computers (1 runs announcements over distribution channel throughout the day, 1 is assigned to technician. Yikes!!
Video/Storage Room Utility shelving is adjustable and separates the room into two sections. Holds video collection of over1,039 titles (VHS and DVD) Storage for archived issues of periodicals Storage for decorations, workroom supplies, and miscellaneous items Short-term storage for some equipment
Media Center Office File cabinets, computer, circulating multi-media equipment (cameras, mics, etc) Space for two staff (currently houses only one) Two doors and a window overlooking the circulation desk give maximum access and visibility
Computer Lab Adjoining computer lab holds 30 student computers and is staffed by a full-time media specialist Provides credit recovery and distance learning during and after regular school hours Maintains a separate class visitation schedule Can handle overflow when computer demand exceeds availability The windows on the far wall overlook the computer area of the media center.
Media Center Survey Electronic survey of 50 students and staff yielded ratings and suggestions of media facilities and programs The surveys were anonymous and collected electronically. Survey: Ck0fhhIAyu9ymYw1Fw_3d_3d
Positive Survey Results Positive Survey Results Collection is very accessible Staff is helpful and welcoming Teacher’s workroom is very helpful Multi-media equipment is good
Negative Survey Results Negative Survey Results Not enough computers for students Professional library inadequate Atmosphere not inviting for leisure reading Need audiobooks
Strategies Remove one of the two-sided bookshelves in the periodical area and create a reading/listening area in the new space with comfortable seating. Move the paperback spinner that is placed in the non-fiction section to hold popular titles and a new collection of “play-a-way” audio books. This new seating area is just inside the glass wall and will create an inviting, welcoming entrance. Remove the two rectangular tables closest to the circulation desk to create room for two additional reading areas with comfortable seating. Move the small bookcase and rectangular display table just inside the entrances to add two study carrels on each side with four additional student computers to bring the total of student computers to 21 for the media center. Consolidate class sets in the Teacher’s Work Room to allow the development, growth, and accessibility to the professional lending library. Move filing cabinet to allow better access to the new collection. We are expecting delivery of a multi-media production station which will be located just outside the Teacher’s Work Room adjacent to the periodicals. Purchase plastic totes with see-through sides to store decorations, equipment parts, cables, and bulbs in the Technology Storage Room. Label for easy retrieval.
Revised Floor Plan **Light Blue Areas are Revised
Reading Listening Area Need: 3 Contour Single Seat Lounge Chairs (By Buckstaff) $750 ea Have: 1 Brodart Classic Multiview Displayer Total Cost $2,250
Reading Areas Need: 6 Contour Single Seat Lounge Chairs (By Buckstaff) $750 ea 2 Eastwood Lounge Tables (By Buckstaff) $640 ea Total Cost $5,780
Expanded Individual Computer Stations Need: 4 Student Computers (By HP through Logical Choice) $570 ea Have: 4 Golden Oak Study Carrels There will need to be some wiring contracted to provide infrastructure and eliminate unsightly and unsafe wiring Total Cost $2,280
Multimedia Storage Area Reorganization (12) 5”x5.5”x10.5” Stacking Bins for Small Parts and Bulbs $3.59 ea (20) 14.5 Gallon Clear Plastic Totes $8.79 ea Office Depot Item # Office Depot Item # Total Cost $218.88
Media Center Procedures The media center is open from 7 am to 3 pm daily. Students may utilize the media center without a teacher’s pass during their lunch periods for research, studying and pleasure reading. During instructional times students must have a library pass to access the media center. Class visits are scheduled cooperatively between the teacher and the media specialist. Each block is divided into two 45 minute sections to accommodate up to two classes per block. Class visits must be arranged through the media staff at lease 24 hours prior to the visit. Scheduling is flexible with no one teacher allowed to monopolize any time or day slot. Every effort is made to accommodate as many students and teachers as possible. Teachers must remain with their class during media center visits. The PLATO computer lab maintains a separate schedule and is staffed by a full-time media specialist. External groups may reserve the media center by first gaining approval through the school administration.
Media Center Procedures Students and staff may check out materials for up to two weeks with another two week renewal period available. Overdue materials incur a fine at 5 cents each day for each overdue item. This is limited to school days. Vacation days and weekends do not incur fines. Lost books incur the cost of the book at the time of purchase. Black and white printing is available at 5 cents per sheet. Copies are available at 5 cents per page. Students with overdue materials or fines may not check out materials until the account is cleared. Reference materials, periodicals and newspapers are for use in the media center and are not available for circulation. All students are expected to abide by the internet use policy as stated on the registration packet and its attachments. Inappropriate use may result in the loss of computer privileges. Unpaid fines will result in the holding of a student’s report card until the balance is paid.
Suggested Procedure Changes Limit material checkout to three items per student at a time to prevent excessive fines which ultimately discourage collection use. Create a media circulation program to circulate inexpensive cameras and video equipment such as ‘i-flip” cameras for use in media production. Allow students and teachers to reserve the multi-media production station for optimum technology assistance. Include web-access to the online card catalog to give students and teachers 24-7 access to the collection. Staffing of the media center should include two full time media specialists and one full time media clerk. Allow parents, substitute teachers, and community members to check out up to two books at a time. This will encourage parent and community involvement and support all staff.
The Sol C. Johnson High School Media Center is well designed to place the program at the center of activity for students as well as faculty. Unfortunately, clutter and crowding prevent the design from embracing new trends in media center use. Such popular cultural centers as Barnes & Noble and Borders have introduced the concept of relaxed reading centers that offer all types of media and have given media centers a new model to follow. This plan attempts to organize the clutter, eliminate unnecessary furniture, and establish an environment that will appeal to today’s patrons. The new media center plan aims for versatility and accessibility for all. The improved and expanded professional library builds on the strengths of a workroom that is well-used and appreciated. It is my hope that these suggestions and improvements can be modeled into a staged plan to bring about change that will make the Johnson High Media Center more creative, more productive, and more effective than ever. Conclusion
Johnson High School Media Center Facility Plan By: Susan Smith ITEC 7132 Georgia Southern University