Carbon cycling and optics in the Gulf of Maine: Observations and Modeling Joe Salisbury Doug Vandemark Janet Campbell Fei Chai Huijie Xue Amala Mahatavan Wade McGillis
Goal: Reduce uncertainty in carbon flux estimates in the Gulf of Maine - Air-sea -Land-Coast -Ocean-Coast
Gulf of Maine and associated watersheds (left) UNH monthly transects (right)
Profilers for IOPs, AOPs, and CTD Infrared CO 2 gas analyzer Flo-thru pCO 2, oxygen, IOPs, GTD, and CTD Fast-rate CO2 equilibrator R/V Gulf Challenger UNH Field Component
Spatial variability in continuous measurements
Temporal (Interannual) Variability: Mean cross-shelf pCO2 for June-July
Air - sea interaction at Wilkinson Basin pCO 2 (left), net flux (right) Annual flux = 12 to 20 gC/m 2 Range set by K 600 of Wanninkhof (1992) vs. Wanninkhof and McGillis (1999)
Modeling Efforts
Xue et al., CSR, in press
Modeled DIC (top) and Temperature (bottom) variability Mahatavan et al, GBC (2004) OPA model based on [Madec et al. [1999]]
Physical Model Nitrate [NO 3 ] Advection & Mixing Small Phytoplankton [P1] NO 3 Uptake Micro- Zooplankton [Z1] Grazing Ammonium [NH 4 ] Excretion NH 4 Uptake Detritus-N [DN] Fecal Pellet Sinking Silicate [Si(OH) 4 ] Diatoms [P2] Si-Uptake N-Uptake Meso- zooplankton [Z2] Sinking Detritus-Si [DSi] Grazing Fecal Pellet Sinking Predation Lost Total CO 2 [TCO 2 ] Biological Uptake Air-Sea Exchange Dissolution Carbon, Silicate, Nitrogen Ecosystem Model CoSiNE, Chai et al. 2002; Dugdale et al Chai et al., DSR 1996 Iron
SeaWiFS Derived Chlorophyll Modeled Surface Chlorophyll Comparison between Model result and SeaWiFS data, April 2004
SeaWiFS Chlorophyll Climatology April ( )
Time series comparison EMCCWMCC Georges Bank (1) Wilkinson Basin (5) ModelSeaWiFS
High Resolution Circulation Modeling and Remote Sensing
31 20 Gulf of Maine Circulation Model (H. Xue, UMO) Sea Surface Salinity (psu) (3/17/ EST)
8282 Gulf of Maine Circulation Model (H. Xue, UMO) Sea Surface Temp ( o C)
MODIS Assessment of pCO 2 pCO 2 ( atm) (3/17/ EST)
NEM ( g L -1 d -1 ) estimate on 3/17/05 based on modeled alkalinity and DIC B derived by satellite-retrieved pCO 2 and modeled SST and SSS. n=126 RSME= 5.7 ( g L -1 d -1 ), r 2 = Net Ecosystem Metabolism ( g L -1 d -1 ) 3/17/ EST Estimated from: Modeled Alkalinity MODIS pCO2 Modeled DIC
IOP and SST variability versus pCO2 pCO2 retrieval based on classification of optical provinces Carbon and optics
Final comments: Off to a good start - team assembled, growing database of quality measurements Modeling and remote sensing of carbon parameters encouraging Budgets and error estimates forthcoming The end - thanks