Academic/Formal Writing: Paragraph
Paragraphs group of connected sentences, generally made up of one main idea and a group of supporting sentences. the basic unit for building longer pieces of writing, eg essays, reports, assignments etc. contain three main parts: A topic sentence - contains the main idea of the paragraph. It's often but not always the first sentence of the paragraph. Supporting sentences - these sentences develop or give details about the topic sentence. They can: – expand on the main point – offer explanations – give examples – give additional details. A concluding sentence - summarises the paragraph or may provide a link to the next paragraph. This sentence is not always necessary in a paragraph.
What is a topic sentence? Activity - Recognise and find a topic sentence regular breaks in the working day can increase productivity. workers are more efficient and accurate after a break. on the other hand, tired workers make more mistakes. in addition, workers are more likely to experience accidents when they are tired. breaks are therefore an important part of the work schedule many people are afraid of snakes. however, snakes are shy creatures that avoid contact with humans. snakes generally hide under logs or rocks. if approached they move away rapidly. in addition, snakes only attack when under thread. if snakes are left alone they are usually not a problem
How to write a topic sentence This paragraph does not have a topic sentence. Rework on it program at UTM include degree and post graduate program in science, engineering, education as well as in several other areas. in addition, UTM offers many technical and short courses at certificate and diploma level. UTM therefore has a lot to offer its students. What is this paragraph about? What is the topic of this paragraph? The topic is the range of programs offered at UTM. A possible topic sentence could be: “UTM offers a wide range of programs from Certificate to Post Graduate level” By incorporating the two of them together, you would get the final paragraph below. UTM offers a wide range of programs from Certificate to Post Graduate level. Program at UTM include degree and post graduate program in science, engineering, education as well as in several other areas. in addition, UTM offers many technical and short courses at certificate and diploma level. UTM therefore has a lot to offer its students.
A topic sentence is usually best placed at the beginning of the paragraph. Why? It helps the reader to understand quickly what the paragraph is going to be about. Allows the writer to clearly develop the paragraph that follows. Helps the writer check that they are writing about one topic only. Allows the writer to easily transfer information from a plan.
Activity 2 - Selecting the correct topic sentence Each of the following paragraphs lacks a topic sentence. Read each of them and pick an appropriate topic sentence from choices In China tea is usually drunk without milk or sugar in small cups. In Arab countries tea is usually flavored with mint leaves and sugar. However, in India tea is taken with both milk and sugar. This habit is shared by the English who introduced tea to western countries. Tea is now a popular drink worldwide a. tea is a healthy and refreshing drink b. tea is taken in a variety of ways in different countries c. tea is an important part of the global economy Good office systems ensure the work is done efficiently. they also enable clear procedures and communications. these helps to maintain good relationships in the office. most importantly, they enable each worker to clearly understand what is required a. a well run office is one where staff respect each other b. good organisation is the basic of a well run office c. happy staff make an efficient office
Steps for paragraph writing Step1 — write an outline Step 2 — write the topic sentence Step 3 — write supporting sentences Step 4 — concluding sentence Step 5 — final paragraph
Step1 — write an outline When writing a paragraph, first write an outline of the paragraph and include: – the topic – supporting information. example: topic - smoking and health hazards outline lung cancer - proven link other lung diseases - emphysema, bronchitis heart disease - risk factor passive smoking - effect on others Step 2 — write the topic sentence Write a topic sentence. example There are several serious health hazards directly linked to smoking
Step 3 — write supporting sentences Next write a supporting sentence for each point. Use facts or examples to support your points. example the link between smoking and cancer is known. as well smoking is linked to other lung diseases like emphysema and bronchitis. smokers also have a greater risk of heart disease later in life. this is evidenced in recent court cases in the USA where smokers have been awarded damages from tobacco companies. further, there is substantial research found that even passive smoking can have long term effects on health. Step 4 — concluding sentence Then write a concluding sentence to sum up example clearly smoking is a dangerous habit and should be avoided
Step 5 — final paragraph Write the final paragraph.
Activity 3 - Identifying the paragraph structure Read the paragraphs and identify the topic sentences, the supporting sentences and the concluding sentences
Writing concluding sentences Generally used to summarise or conclude a paragraph. Below is a list of useful language that could be used in your concluding statement(s). Finally In conclusion In summary Therefore Thus As a result Indeed Clearly It is clear that
Paragraph unity — sentence connectors All sentences need to relate to the main idea / topic sentence in the paragraph. The reader should be able to see how each sentence flows from the previous one and how each is connected to the topic sentence. Sentence connectors weave sentences together to create a cohesive paragraph. They order and sequence ideas, theory, data etc. List useful connectors:
Useful sentence connectors Logical order firstly, secondly, thirdly etc next, last, finally in addition furthermore also at present / presently Order of importance more importantly most significantly above all primarily Contrast however on the other hand on the contrary by (in) comparison in contrast Comparison similarily likewise Useful connectors within paragraphs Comparison like and both alike similar (to) the same (as) Not only compared to in comparison to so...that Contrast although though while even though whereas yet but more than different / differ from unlike
Cohesion Along with sentence / paragraph connectors, paragraph unity / cohesion is also developed through: repitition of key words and associated synonyms within the paragraph and following paragraphs. substituting pronouns for key words. Be aware that these cohesive devices should be used sparingly to avoid repetition
Find 5 linking words in the following paragraph. The other cohesive devices will also be highlighted.
Activity 4 - Identifying cohesive devices In the following paragraph several different cohesive devices have been used. There are five linking words which connect sentences within the paragraph. Identify 5 linking words