+ Grade 5 Lesson 1.9 Factor strings and prime factorizations
+ Math Message and 4 * 4 are two names for the number 16. On a sticky note, write at least five other names for 16. Put this on your number when you are done. These are called Name –Collections for 16.
+ Factor Strings A factor string is a multiplication expression that has at least two factors that are greater than 1. In a factor string, the number 1 cannot be used as a factor. For example, the factor string for 24 is 2 * 3 * 4 The length of this factor string is 3 (we count the number of factors in it) The commutative property of multiplication (4 * 2 is the same as 2 * 4) applies here too. Therefore 2 * 3 * 4 is the same as 3 * 4 * 2 and is considered the same string.
+ You try Find the factor strings for the following numbers: 7What is the answer to this one 1 * 7 Can 7 have a factor string? No… Why not? Because prime numbers do not have factor strings
+ Prime Factorization The longest factor string for a number is called Prime factorization. For example, the prime factorization for 24 is 2 * 2 * 2 * 3
+ Workbook pages 25 and 26 You may work with a partner if you wish. Complete workbook pages 25 and 26. Ask for help if it is needed.
+ Using Factor Trees to find prime factorization (page 25) 36 6 * 6 3 * 2 * 3 * * 12 3 * 3 * 4 3 * 3 * 2 * 2
+ Name that Number Game Pick a partner and Play Name that Number, practicing applying number properties, equivalent names, arithmetic operations, and basic facts.
+ Homework Page 24 is homework for this lesson.
+ Enrichment Exploring Palindromic Squares Page 28 Explore the relationships between numbers and their squares, find palindrome numbers by looking at the arrangement of their digits. List 3 and 4 digit palindromes, then square these to find palindromic squares – (the square of a palindrome number is also a palindrome number!)