취급 분석기 제품 설명 로얄 시스텍㈜
PGC 2000 Series 용도 및 특징 Series Processor Gas Chromatograph - A Gas Chromatograph – Built on a Foundation of Leadership - A more Compact Design for greater space savings - Improved serviceability - Superior VistaNET Connectivity - Digital Analytical Control Functions - Ease of Operation - A World Class Analyzer meets World Standards - Real-Time VistaBASIC Series - PGC 2000 Gas Chromatograph - PGC 2002 Process Distillation - PGC 2003 PNA (Paraffins,Naphhthenes,Aromatics) - PGC 2005 Temperature Programmed GC - PGC 2007 Fuel Sulfur Analyzer - PGC 2009 Distillation
PGC 5000 용도 및 특징 Certification PGC5000A Master Controller Multiple Smart Oven Support SBC Processor , Local Memory Local 10.4 inch True Color SVGA display Keypad and Touch-Pad Mouse Redundant Ethernet NIC’s (IS)Fiber Optic Analyzer System Communication Standard SBC USB Ports Power Fail Recovery Customization SBC On-Board Diagnostic LED’s Certification Division 2 and Zone 2 hardware design Division 1 and Zone 1 with simple Y-type enclosure Purge IEC,ATEX,CSA,GOST,and NRTL Versions NEW TIIS, PCEC,and KGS versions VistaNET Analyzer Network compatible
AO 2000 Series 용도 및 특징 Series Using advanced technology Unlimited communications IR , UV analyzer module CO,CO2,NO,SO2,N2O,CH4,C3H8,C2H4,R134 Multi-analyzer systems Reliable and powerful Simple, user-friendly operation Integrated control and monitoring Wall Mount Series - Limas 11 Limas11UV, 11HW,11IR NO,SO2,NO2,H2S,CL2,CS2,COS,NH3 - Caldos15 Thermal Conductivity Ar in O2, H2 in Ar, N2 in Air etc,. - Magnos106 Thermomagnetical , O2 - MultiFID14 FID ( HC ) - Uras 26 NO,CO,CO2,SO2 Rack Mount
Multi-wave Series 용도 및 특징 Series Continuous Measurements Multiple Component Samples Measures Vapor or Liquid Samples Multiple Interference Compensation Capability VN2300(Formerly VistaNET) Connectivity Local Process(Explosion Proof)에 많이 사용 적용사례 : FCC Alkylation공정 SO2 Series Fiber Optic Photometers PFO3372 Ultraviolet Photometers PUV3402 Infrared Photometers PIR3502
VG 600 용도 및 특징 Process Mass Spectrometers Superior analytical performance RMS re-defining sampling standards Reduced service demands Fast analysis Multi components capability Low Maintenance Lower cost of ownership through design
Sola II 용도 및 특징 Total Sulfur Analyzer Gasoline, Diesel , Kerosene, Jet Fuel. Used unit , ppm or ppb Supply Utility Only Air. ASTM D5354 X-Purge Option. Range : 0~10, 0~50, 0~100ppm Comprehensive Diagnostics Rapid Response Superior Data Communications Automatic Control of UV Light Intensity ASTM method D5453, ISO 20846
Oil in water (UV) 용도 및 특징 태진 스메트에서 생산된 제품 Detector UV 30 Day Data, PC download. Easy User Interface. Measuring Range up to 0 – 500 ppm. ATEX Certification. Rapid Response
Radiation Gauge 용도 및 특징 Radiation Level Gauge Flexible Detector . High measuring sensitivity . Software support. HART Communication. DENSITY. WEIGHT. -
4000 Series 용도 및 특징 Series IR Analyzer Up to 4 Transducer Measuring Components O2, SOX, NOX, CO, CO2, CH4 etc.. Safe Area 19 “ RACK Type. Sensor Type. - PM, Zirconia, IR, (GFX ppm) SO2, NO - Standard 2 analog output and 3 Relay. Series 4100 4900
2200 용도 및 특징 O2 Analyzer. PM cell. Excellent Diagnostics. Easy Maintenance. Microprocessor 1 Controller up to 4 Transmitter. Range 0 – 100 %
1800 용도 및 특징 O2 Analyzer. PM Cell Best Price. Range 0 – 100 %
PH 용도 및 특징 Series PH, CONDUCTIVITY, DO,ORP Sensor SI 792 Transmitter HART, Profibus PA , Foundation Fieldbus 2-Wire Architecture Large Disply Comprehensive Diagnostics Hazardous Locations FM, CSA, ATEX Low Maintenance Design Series CL 17 Chlorine Analyzer APA 6000 Ammonia Analyzer 9245 Sodium Analyzer 1950 TOC Analyzer 1720E Turbidity Analyzer
가연성 용도 및 특징 공정 또는 Control Room내 가연성(폭발성) 가스의 누출을 검출하는 장비 측정형태 : 확산형(Diffusion) 측정가스 : 가연성 가스(Combustible Gas) 측정방식: 접촉 연소식(Catalytic Cell) 측정범위 : 0~100% LEL 내압 방폭형 (Ex d IIC T6) L.E.L (Lower Explosive Limit (폭발하한선) U.E.L (Upper Explosive Limit (폭발상한선) GTD-100Ex TS-1100Ex TS-2100Ex GTD-300Ex
독성 용도 및 특징 공정 또는 Control Room내 독성(인체에 유해) 가스의 누출을 검출하는 장비 측정형태 : 확산형(Diffusion) 측정가스 : 독성 가스(Toxic Gas) 측정방식: 전기 화학식(ElectroChemical Cell) 측정범위 : 측정성분에 따라 다름 내압 방폭형 (Ex d IIC T6) Time Weighted Average / TWA (시간 가중 허용 농도 8시간 기준) Short Term Exposure Limit / STEL (단시간 노출 허용 농도) Ceiling (최고 허용 농도)로 표시 TX-1100Tx TX-2100Tx GTD-300Tx TX-3000Tx TX-3100Tx
GIR-300 용도 및 특징 공정 또는 Control Room내 가연성(폭발성) 가스 및 CO2의 누출을 검출하는 장비 측정형태 : 확산형(Diffusion) 측정가스 : 가연성 가스, 이산화탄소 측정방식: 비분산 적외선식(NDIR Cell) 측정범위 : Combustible : 0~100% LEL CO2 : 0~5% 내압 방폭형 (Ex d IIC T6) GIR-300
Slick Sleuth 용도 및 특징 OIL LEAK DETECTOR 측정형태 : 비 접촉식 주사식 측정방식 : UV 형광 반응 검출 적용범위 : 공정내의 배수로 또는 최종방류구의 Oil 유출 방지용
Analyzer Package System 용도 및 특징 Out Side 분석기 시스템의 정상적인 동작을 위해서 공정 내에 설치하는 방호소로 분석기 시스템의 최종적인 기술임 Shelter 구성 - HVAC (Heating, ventilating, Air Coditioning) 난방, 통기, 공기조절 - Analyzer - SCS(Sample Conditioning System) - Positive Pressure (양압 설비) - Alarm, Horn etc., In Side