Class of 2016 Parent Information Meeting March 4 th, 2016
Overview Graduation Information Important Dates Rehearsal Graduation Day Do’s and Don'ts Review of Dates
Graduation Central – Room 17 Go to Room 17 for all payments Last day to pay with a check is April 8 th Cap/Gown, fines, cords, Prom, Senior Luncheon, Grad Nite, etc. Students MUST have ID card If a replacement ID card is needed the cost is $5
Prom Information May 14, 2016 Sales Start on April 25 th ! Students will need an ID to buy the ticket and also to get into the venue If your date does not attend LHHS, make sure they have their PHOTO ID that night! All ticket sales are final! No Refunds!! Last day to buy tickets is May 6th
AP Testing May 2 nd – 13 th AP information is with Mr. Gallego in the counseling office. His office number is Sales are going on now! Can cost up to $85 per test.
Graduation Material Students will be receiving only 8 ceremony tickets There will be no wait list or extra ticket availability No replacement tickets will be available. Cap & Gown need to have been paid for Cap & Gown – now $30 Prices will go up as we get closer to graduation Graduation product orders can be placed online at or by calling JOSTENS
Graduation Cords Cords will be on sale through Room 17 from May 2-20 th It is the responsibility of the program advisor to sign-off on the order form. Graduation Cord Order Form is online
Account Holds If there are any Holds on Student Accounts, students will not be allowed to pick up their Ceremony Tickets and/or their Cap/Gown after Grad Practice Students may be on a hold list for: Academics (Attendance & Grades) Library/Textbooks Fines
Textbooks and Fines TEXTBOOKS / LIBRARY BOOKS All Library Books must be turned in by May 2 nd All textbook fines show up for the last 4 years (from any school you might have attended in the district); textbooks must be turned in or fines paid by May 13 th. Please See Ms. Avalos in the Library if you have any concerns. ASB Accounts (a letter will be sent out to all students that might have any holds on their accounts) Library Cafeteria Programs/Clubs Athletics Other Credits
Academics ATTENDANCE If you are losing credits (or have lost credits) due to attendance, absences must be cleared by May 2 nd If you need to clear any absences, you must submit a signed note to the Attendance Office CREDITS/GRADES Last day of the Quarter is March 11 th April 27 th is the last progress report date Credits made up through Academic Saturday School must be completed by April 23 rd If you have any concerns, now is the time to contact teachers and/or counselors If students do not meet all of the requirements, they will not be able to graduate. You will be notified by Friday, May 20 th.
Graduation Rehearsal Day Seniors Last Day of instruction is Friday, May 20 th. Any failures will be given to counselors by the end of the day and parents will be notified. Tuesday, May 24 th …… Report time is no later than 7:30am at the Tennis Courts Attendance is mandatory If students do not show up to rehearsal, they will not be allowed to walk at the ceremony Students will find out at rehearsal what side of the field they will be sitting on Tickets and Caps & Gowns will be distributed at this time If there are any holds on accounts at this time, students will not receive tickets or cap & gown Students will be released by 11:00am
Senior Luncheon/Reflections Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel Luncheon 12:30-2:30pm. (Reflections Video, Performances, Fun Awards) Tickets are $25, (prices will go up), first come-first served basis The hotel is towards the back of the park on Crescent Ave Students are to tell the parking attendant that they are there for a breakfast event for La Habra High School and there will be no charge for parking Students will be allowed to park at the Hotel during their stay at the park Tickets into the park will be given to students once they leave the luncheon
Graduation Day Graduation is at 6:00pm Students report to the Tennis Courts no later than 5:00pm. (Stadium Gates will open at 4:30pm) Once students are in the tennis courts, they will not be allowed to leave the courts! Dress Code will be enforced Formal Attire required Dress Shoes
Examples of Appropriate Graduation Attire
Not Allowed
Graduation Day Each graduate will receive 8 tickets Due to limited capacity in the football stadium, no additional graduation tickets will be distributed. Replacement tickets are not available. If you require wheelchair seating or handicapped access for one of your guests, please contact Mrs. Simonian. (If this is not done ahead of time, we will not be able to accommodate your guest. ) List will begin on May 2 nd ! First Come First Served while seats are available When you call, you must have your students’ name, name of the person needing the seating arrangement and the name of the ONE guest that will accompany Your guest is not allowed on the field at any time for any reason. Your guest must remain seated or will risk being removed from the ceremony.
Graduation Day Don’ts Students are not allowed to bring anything into the stadium! Students will be searched No Cell Phones/IPods, electronic devices, etc. We will confiscate items. No beach balls, flowers, leis, balloons, cell phones, IPods, etc. Students are not allowed to decorate their CAPS; they will be asked to remove the decoration in order to participate in the ceremony. If any items are confiscated, students will leave them at their own risk, and can collect items in the lecture hall after the ceremony Students will be reminded to uphold the integrity of the ceremony Can be removed in front of the entire stadium audience Can be arrested for disruption of school activities Students are NOT allowed to toss the cap.
Most Common Problems Lost graduation tickets (no additional tickets granted) Lost tassel on the way in to graduation Bringing items that you should not have into graduation Removal from activity for inappropriate behavior or possession of illegal substance Students should bring pins/safety pins to make sure that the cap & gown are worn properly
Graduation Day Message to Guests Guest are not allowed to bring the following items into the stadium: balloons, noise makers, large signs, umbrellas, strollers These items will be confiscated and may lead to the removal of the guest from the ceremony Guests who do not follow the instructions of administration or administrative designees will be removed from the stadium
During the Ceremony… Students are to remember that they are representing La Habra High School at all times School officials will remove any student that distracts from the dignity of the ceremony Teacher Honor Guard will be seated among students Honor Guard will confiscate any items and will have students removed from the ceremony if necessary Throughout the course of the ceremony students may not throw anything, including caps
After the Graduation Ceremony Immediately after the ceremony concludes, students are to go to the Lecture Hall and pick up actual diplomas The LHHS staff will leave by 8:30 p.m. After that time, students will need to come to school on Friday, May 27 th to pick up the diploma and resolve any remaining issues. Immediately following the ceremony, graduates become Alumni and are not allowed to come on campus without a guest pass. Guest passes can be obtained by checking in at the front office.
Grad Nite Starts that night at 9:30 p.m. Students must be checked in by 11:30pm or they will not be allowed in. Ends Thursday morning at 5 a.m. Cost is $90 (price goes up to $100 at the door) You can go to their website to get more information Parent Permission slip is required Grad Nite Committee will be on campus for two remaining meetings at 7pm in the Library on April 6 th and May 4 th
Other Info for Students Student Discipline Graduation Ceremony is a privilege. Students are urged to not make poor choices between now and graduation Students can forfeit their chance to walk at graduation Follow all education codes and school rules Students are to avoid water balloon or food fights, fist fights, suspensions, etc.
For More Information All seniors were given a Senior Bulletin All Information can be found online on the school website Cord information/eligibility Sheets are available in the counseling office and online Grad Images Photography will be taking official photos of each graduate during the procession Scholarship information is available with Mrs. Vasquez in room 21
Important Dates Senior Parent Meeting – March 4, 6:30pm March 28 th -April 1 st – Spring Break April 6 th – Top 100 Westridge Golf Club April 20 th – Senior LH Community Center April 25 th - May 6 th – Prom Sales April 27 th – Last Progress Report May 2 nd – 20 th – Cord Sales / AP Testing May 13 th (or earlier) – Yearbook Distribution May 19 th & 20 th – Senior Finals May 20 th – All Accounts must be cleared / Senior Survey DUE!! May 24 th —Rehearsal & Senior Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel May 25 th – 6:00pm (report time 5:00pm)