© 2013 by Nelson Education1 Recruitment: The First Step in the Selection Process.


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Presentation transcript:

© 2013 by Nelson Education1 Recruitment: The First Step in the Selection Process

© 2013 by Nelson Education 2 Chapter Learning Outcomes  After reading this chapter you should:  Understand the link between recruitment and selection  Appreciate how the characteristics of the job and organization are influential in attracting job applicants  Know the role that accurate expectations play in developing a fit between a person and an organization

© 2013 by Nelson Education3  Be able to discuss why a realistic job preview may benefit both the job seeker and the organization  Be aware of the internal and external factors that influence an organization's recruitment strategy  Be able to design and implement a recruitment action plan/process Chapter Learning Outcomes (continued)

© 2013 by Nelson Education4  Be aware of the different methods that can be used to recruit internal and external job applicants  Understand the increasingly important role played by the Internet and social media in recruiting  Appreciate the need to evaluate the effectiveness of different recruitment methods Chapter Learning Outcomes (continued)

© 2013 by Nelson Education5 Attracting Job Applicants  Recruitment: the generation of an applicant pool for a position or job in order to provide the required number of qualified candidates for a subsequent selection or promotion process  Applicant pool: the set of potential candidates who may be interested in, and who are likely to apply for, a specific job

© 2013 by Nelson Education6  External Factors:  The labour market and economic conditions  part-time labour markets and outsourcing  The legal environment  systemic discrimination  employment equity Recruitment Strategies

© 2013 by Nelson Education7  Internal Factors:  Business Plan  Job Level and Type  Recruiting Strategy and Organizational Goals  Describing the Job Recruitment Strategies

© 2013 by Nelson Education 8  Developing a Recruitment Strategy:  Based on our business plan, how many positions will we need to staff?  Based on the job analysis, what is the nature of the position that must be filled?  Based on the job analysis, what qualifications must job candidates possess?  Based on organization analysis, what percentage of the positions can, or should, be staffed with internal candidates? Recruitment Strategy

 Based on the labour market, is there an available supply of qualified external candidates?  Based on the labour market, how extensively will we have to search for qualified applicants?  Based on legal considerations, what are our goals with respect to employment equity?  Based on the business plan, organization analysis, and job analysis, what information and materials will we present to job candidates? © 2013 by Nelson Education 9 Recruitment Strategy (continued)

© 2013 by Nelson Education 10 Attracting Job Applicants  People apply for jobs in organizations on the basis of their interest in the job and their belief that they have the required knowledge, skills, abilities and other talents needed to do the job well.

© 2010 Nelson Education Ltd. 11 The Formation of Job Expectations:  Organizational context (location, size, and type of industry)  An individual’s interests and values (these determine the importance of the different organizational attributes) – impacts the degree of satisfaction  Individual’s job search (strategies and where one looks for a job impacts they type of job and company they find)  Corporate image (the better the image/reputation the more attractive the company) Attracting Job Applicants

© 2013 by Nelson Education12  Person-job fit: when a job candidate has the knowledge, skills, abilities, or other attributes and competencies required by the job in question  Person-organization fit: when a job candidate fits the organization’s values and culture and has the contextual attributes desired by the organization The Person-Organization Fit

© 2010 Nelson Education Ltd.13  Communication and Perception  Accurate Expectations  Realistic Job Previews  Expectation Lowering Procedures  Decision Making Training Ensuring the Right Fit

© 2013 by Nelson Education 14 Key Concept  Self-selecting out: occurs during the recruitment and selection process when candidates form the opinion that they do not want to work in the organization for which they are being recruited

© 2013 by Nelson Education Ensure that candidates receive consistent and noncontradictory information about important features of the job and its environment 2. Recognize that the behaviour of recruiters and other representatives gives an impression of the organization’s climate, efficiency, and attitude toward employees 3. Ensure that all recruiting information and materials given to job applicants present accurate and consistent information Guidelines for Effective Recruiting

4. Present important information on the job and the organization to job candidates by several different, reliable, and credible sources 5. Give serious consideration not only to the content of information presented to candidates but also to the context in which it is presented © 2013 by Nelson Education16 Guidelines for Effective Recruiting (continued)

© 2013 by Nelson Education17  Elements of a Recruitment Action Plan: 1. Develop a recruitment strategy 2. Develop the applicant pool 3. Screen the applicant pool 4. Conduct a review of job applicants 5. Evaluate the recruiting effort Recruitment & Selection Process

© 2010 Nelson Education Ltd. 18 Job Ad Campaign  Who are you trying to reach? (target applicant pool)  How large is the pool? How do we obtain reasonable numbers?  How many applicants do we need to fill the position with the best candidate?  What type of ad content with attract the target applicant pool?  What advertising media is likely to reach the target applicant pool?

1. PRODUCT – type of company and position 2. PEOPLE – target market 3. PRICE – compensation strategy 4. PROCESS – R&S Process/Action Plan 5. PROMOTION – mix of recruitment sources 6. PLACES – when, where, run-time and cost of recruitment sources 7. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT – company environment, climate, working conditions © 2013 by Nelson Education19 The 7Ps: Marketing Plan

© 2013 by Nelson Education20  Internal Job Postings  Replacement Charts  Human Resources Information Systems  Nominations Recruitment Sources for Internal Candidates

Recruitment Sources for External Candidates  Search Firms  Newspapers  Professional Periodicals and Trade Journals  Radio and Television  Public Displays  Internet/Social Networks  Special Recruiting Events  Job Fair  Employee Referral Networking  Walk Ins  Employment Agencies  Direct Mail © 2013 by Nelson Education 21

Job Advertisements Has a simple, clear, and relevant headline It is directed towards a person who has the right KSAs (do not exaggerate these). It states what the main purpose of the job is, and what the expected results should be. It focuses on responsibilities. It is to the point. It uses language that is easy to understand (has short sentences). The content is truthful/factual. It challenges. 22

A challenging ad has the following attributes:  It is directed towards a person who wants to work hard.  It does not avoid pointing out what barriers there may be.  It does not make a big issue of the money or compensation. The benefits of this kind of ad are:  The right applicants will be more interested.  Non-performers will shy away.  It gives a better image to your present and future customers (yes, they do read your job ads).  The applicant does not pick up any wrong expectations about the position. 23 Job Advertisements (continued)

© 2010 Nelson Education Ltd. 24 Job advertisements using AIDA formula: A – Attention: grab the reader’s attention using headlines, white space, graphics, font types I – Interest: make the copy interesting – how is the product/service/job better than others D – Desire: make sure “What’s in it for me?” is answered A – Action: urge the reader to take some action and make it easy (e.g. apply, find out more) Job Advertisements (continued)

The consequences of a poor ad:  No clear idea as to the personal attributes of the employee required.  Poor corporate image.  Poor questions/answers at the interview.  Hiring the wrong person.  A lot of paperwork for you to handle.  Not enough real performers applying, as they respond better to more challenging ads.  A tough job of finding the best performers amongst that huge pile of responses. 25 Job Advertisements (continued)