Ecology Unit Study Set Blank Objective and Vocabulary Pages for Your Studying Pleasure
ObjectivesNotes ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZATION Distinguish between the biotic and abiotic parts of the environment Identify and describe the 5 levels of environmental organization
Vocabulary Ecology Biotic Abiotic Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere organism
ObjectivesNotes ENERGY IN THE ECOSYSTEM Distinguish between an organism’s habitat and niche Explain how energy flows through a food web Describe the functions of producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem Distinguish between a food chain and a food web
Vocabulary - Quizlet is a great resource Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Scavenger Producer Consumer – Primary – Secondary – Tertiary Decomposer Food web Food chain Energy pyramid Niche habitat Trophic levels
With the EnvironmentAmong Organisms Carrying Capacity- Limiting Factors- CompetitionPredator/Prey SymbiosisCoevolution Is when … Example: bird beak/ tongue shaped like flower allowing the bird to feed and the flower to be pollinated Mutualism- Commensalism- One benefits the other is not harmed. Example: shark and remora Parasitism – Prey Adaptations – Predator Adaptations - Between populations- Within populations -
Vocabulary Carrying capacity Limiting factor Prey Predator Symbiosis Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism Coevolution Adaptation Invasive species
ObjectivesNotes (To DIAGRAM means to make a simple labeled drawing of the pathways a nutrient takes as it cycles through the environment) Diagram the cycle of water between the atmosphere, organisms, land, and oceans. Diagram the carbon cycle and explain its importance to living things Diagram the nitrogen cycle and explain its importance to living things
Vocabulary Decomposition Combustion Transpiration Evaporation precipitation
ObjectivesNotes CLASSIFICATION #1 List reasons why scientists classify living things #2List the seven levels of classification #3 Explain how scientific names are written and why they are important #4 Use a dichotomous key to identify organisms
Vocabulary Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Taxonomy Dichotomous key
Objectives - 6 KINGDOMS What is the basis of placing organisms in kingdoms? – List the 6 Kingdoms and identify their unique characteristics
Vocabulary Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Plantae Fungi animalia