Aneroid Barometer Advantages: l No liquid l Easily portable l Low weight l Adaptable to recording Disadvantages: l Less precise or accurate as a mercury barometer (Normal accuracy about ±0.15 mb) l Needs frequent calibration (1-2 years)
Errors of Aneroid Temperature: l Use of bimetallic strip or inert gas in changer can reduce effects. Parallax / Observer Error: l Placement of mirror behind pointer assists. Hysteresis: l Varies with (1) temperature, (2) range of pressure change, (3) rate of pressure change, (4) material from which the system is constructed.
Hysteresis is usually unimportant for station pressures do to small changes that occur. Temperature error is a much more important defect.
B. Indirect Pressure Measuring Instruments 1. Hypsometer: Literally, an instrument for measuring height. l One type utilizes the relationship between atmospheric pressure and the boiling point of a liquid. l The relationship is given by the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation. l Invented by Francisco Jose de Caldas
Where: L = Heat of Vaporization of Liquid R = Universal Gas Constant T = Temperature at boiling ( o K) Temperature must be very accurately measured. More accurate at low pressure, high elevation. Used in some radiosondes.
More Indirect Pressuring Measuring Instruments 2. Piezoelectric Barometer l Electrical characteristics of certain materials change when subject to a change in pressure or force on the material. l An electromagnetic force is produced across the faces of a quartz crystal when a dynamic force is applied. The EMF can be measured and is a measure of the dynamic force exerted.
3. Piezoresistive Barometer Electrical resistance in a circuit changes when the sensor is subject to a change in pressure. The change is current, produced by a change in resistance, can be easily measured and is a measure of the pressure. l Strain Gauge
Strain Gauge Barometer Thin wires across a membrane change their resistance due to stretching of the material to which it is bonded according to the following relationship. Strain Gauge Barometers can be quite small Accuracy is about ±0.88 mb
4. Variable Capacitance Barometer 4. Change in pressure causes a change in capacitance across the electrodes. l Accurate to ±0.3 mb
ASOS - Automated Surface Observing System Sensors: l Precipitation Accumulation Sensor l Temperature Sensor l Dew Point Sensor l Precipitation Identification Sensor l Visibility Sensor l Wind Sensor l Wind Direction Sensor l Pressure Sensor l Sky Condition Sensor (Ceilometer) l Freezing Rain Sensor
ASOS Pressure Sensor Capacitive Type Pressure Sensor Accuracy ±0.02 inches of mercury Range is from 16.9 to 31.5 inches of mercury Resolution is inches and it reports to the nearest inches. 2 to 3 sensors are used at each location. Sensors are mounted in the Acquisition Control Unit
Every 10 seconds a measurement is made and used to compute a 1-minute average. Lowest 1- minute sensor pressure value obtained from a pair of sensors whose difference is 0.04 inch or less is the designated pressure to be reported and is used to determine other derived pressure values using various algorithms. l Sea Level Pressure Pressure Altitude l Altimeter Setting Pressure Change l Density Altitude Pressure Tendency