They breed at the beginning of winter inland (about 40km) of the ice The temperatures can drop as low as minus 60ºc The single egg is transferred quickly to the male who balances the egg on his feet and covers it with a special brood pouch The male then incubates the egg over the following 9 weeks Brood pouch
The female leaves the male and returns to the sea to feed for 9 weeks She feeds on small fish By the time the female returns the chick has hatched The female feeds the chick on regurgitated food
The male then leaves to feed in the sea He returns 7 weeks later Now both parents care for the chick By the time the chick is 6 months old it is able to go to sea for the first time and feed for itself The pack ice has melted by this time and so the chick does not have to trek far to get to the sea. It is for this reason that the parents breed in the winter
Physical adaptations? Behavioural adaptation? Penguins are seen to form large close packed circles in which the penguins huddle closely Penguins are seen to rotate within the huddle taking turns to be in the centre and on the outside Does this behaviour help the penguin to adapt to the extreme cold?
Aim to see whether the rate of cooling differs for boiling tubes of warm water inside a circle and on the outside of a circle Measure temperature of the boiling tube in centre
Measure temperature of a boiling tube in outer circle Measure temperature of a boiling tube on its own
1. Make a bulleted list all of your experimental constant(s) and variable(s) and how are you going to control these? Health and Safety 2. What are the risks involved with this experiment and how are you going to minimise these risks?
Prediction 3. Make predictions as to which penguins (test tubes) will lose temperature most rapidly and explain why in scientific terminology? Results 4. Draw a suitable table to record all of your data - select suitable time periods for the 20min duration.
Take 7 boiling tubes and fill each with warm water (37ºc) using a jug Place the temperature probe connected to the data logger in the centre boiling tube Take the temperature every 1 min for 15 minutes
Simultaneously record from one of the boiling tubes in the outer circle using a second probe Finally, repeat using one boiling tube standing on its own Display the collected data as a line graph on the computer Display all three line graphs on one graph so that the results can be seen at once
TimeControl temp change Huddle 1Huddle 2 Temp change (centre) Temp 2 change (outer) Temp 1 change (centre) Temp 2 change (outer) etc
Does the arrangement of boiling tubes affect the rate of cooling? Do the results help to explain the huddling behaviour in penguins?
5. Draw a single graph of your data using a suitable key for each thermometer Discussion 6. Analyse your graph - what are the trends? Do they support your prediction? 7. What conclusions can be drawn from your results concerning surface area, volume and temperature loss? 8. Explain your EXPECTED trend IF you had carried out Huddle III ?
9. What could you have changed in this experimental procedure (given unlimited resources) to make this experiment more accurate? 10. Is this Biology or Physics? Are there any other everyday applications to this principle?
** Key Point to address for this experiment ** You will have been shown data produced from the data logger with temperature probe. 11. Evaluate (Pros & Cons) the difference between using a thermometer and a data logger? Conclusion Write a brief conclusion stating what scientific principles this experiment has shown you?