T HE USE OF VISUAL TOOLS FOR SCAFFOLDING THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS Dr. Jaya Naidoo Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. UKZN 2011
B ACKGROUND The data discussed here is part of a PHD study. This was a qualitative, interpretative study. The focus of this presentation is to provide a background of the study and then illustrate examples from the study.
I NTRODUCTION Mathematics is considered a gatekeeper subject, the teaching and learning of mathematics needs to be improved in order to allow access to learners. Successful KZN teachers were noted to use visual tools effectively when teaching mathematics. These teachers constructed visual techniques for advancing the teaching of mathematical concepts.
P ARTICIPANTS 30 Master Teachers (MT)were identified in KZN. All 30 taught at Dinaledi Schools. Dinaledi schools are considered ‘star’ schools in SA. Dinaledi teachers were provided with additional professional development and support in the teaching and learning of M and Sc. These teachers earned the status of ‘M T’ based on a number of criteria including their number of years of teaching experience, professional development, qualification levels and the pass rates of their learners in past Grade 12 examinations.
S TAGES FOR DATA COLLECTION Questionnaire Video recording of lessons and lesson observations MT interview Focus group interview with learners
I NSTRUMENTS FOR DATA COLLECTION Questionnaire Observation schedule MT interview schedule Focus Group interview schedule
Critical Research Questions ParticipantMethod 1. What visuals do master teachers use in mathematics classrooms? Master TeacherQuestionnaire. Classroom observations (3/4). Field notes. Video recordings of mathematics lessons. 2. How do master teachers use visuals in mathematics classrooms? Master Teacher Learner Classroom observations (3/4). Field Notes. Video recordings of mathematics lessons. 3. Why do master teachers use visuals in mathematics classrooms? Master Teacher Learner Perusal of video recordings by master teachers. Interviews with master mathematics teachers (1).Focus group interviews with learners (1). D ATA C OLLECTION P LAN
M ETHODOLOGY Stage 1- A questionnaire was completed by each M T. The questionnaire comprised 3 sections: The school profile, school infrastructure and the MT profile. Based on analysis of the questionnaire 20 teachers were selected for the next stage of data collection. Stage 2 - At least 3 Grade 11 mathematics lessons were observed per teacher, these lessons were video recorded. Stage 3 - After analyzing the observations 10 Master teachers were interviewed. The interviews were recorded. Stage 4- After analyzing the MT interviews, focus group interviews were conducted with learners from 6 of the schools. The interviews were recorded.
R ESULTS All MT used visual tools to scaffold the teaching and learning of mathematics. There are three levels of scaffolding which was evident in the study. LEVEL 1: ORGANISING THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT LEVEL 2: THE TEACHER-LEARNER INTERACTION LEVEL 3: THE USE OF REPRESENTATIONAL TOOLS
R ESULTS Visual tools included diagrams, symbols, the smart board, pictures, graphs, colour, mathematics manipulatives and gestures. Based on the focus group interviews with learners, the learners stated that the use of visual tools assisted them in learning mathematics concepts. Both the MT and learners stated that visual tools made complicated and abstract mathematics easier to understand.
S OME E XAMPLES Scaffolding at level 1
S OME E XAMPLES Scaffolding at level 2 & 3 m 0
S OME E XAMPLES OF THE VISUAL TOOLS USED Scaffolding at level 2 & 3
S OME E XAMPLES OF THE VISUAL TOOLS USED Scaffolding at level 2 & 3
I MPLICATIONS MT can share their ideas of good practice with other colleagues at conferences and workshops. MT strategies could be demonstrated by lecturers of teacher training institutions to exhibit different teaching strategies. MT strategies could be used as examples to initiate creativity in the mathematics classroom. Curriculum developers at teacher training institutions could use the examples provided in the study as module material for method classes.
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