Expressive and Receptive Language Speaks in complete sentence Understands and follows directions with at least two steps Understands vocabulary related to position, direction, size, and comparison like / different top / bottom first / last big / little up / down
Approach to Learning and Cognition Participates in repeating a familiar song, poem, finger play and/or nursery rhyme Retells a simple story after listening to a story with pictures Phonological Awareness and Print Knowledge Recognizes own name in print Points to and/or recognizes letters in own name Attempts to write letters in own name Demonstrates book awareness Identifies the cover and the back of a book Follows words left to right Words are read from top to bottom Holds a book right side up Identifies two words that rhyme Recognizes some alphabet letter names
Mathematics Matches and sorts objects Counts the number of objects in a small group - 0 to 10 Identifies numerals 0 to 10 Matches a numeral to a group with that number objects - 0 to 10 Arranges numerals in order 0 to 10 Identifies / points to common 2D and 3D shapes CircleTriangle SquareRectangle Oval Cube Cone Sphere Understands concepts of more and less up to 5 objects
Social / Emotional Identifies self as a boy or a girl Knows first and last name Identifies age Demonstrates independence in personal care (washing hands, dressing, bathroom use) Physical Development Uses writing and drawing tools and child-sized scissors with control and intention Copies figures such as: straight linecircle X+ lettersnumerals Demonstrates gross motor skills: hops, jumps, runs, catches and bounces a ball
Students work with manipulatives Hands-on activities Recess Two teachers in the classroom Independent activities during small groups Parental involvement encouraged
No naptime Subjects taught in blocks – ELA (reading, writing and grammar), math, social studies and science Specials – P.E., Music, Computer Lab and Media Center (check out books) Supervised breakfast and lunch without classroom teacher Homework Worksheets Signed papers
Reading Consistently names all 52 upper and lower case letters Consistently distinguishes rhyming and non rhyming words Produces rhyming words from a prompt Consistently reads 75 or more high frequency words taught in kindergarten Consistently produces the most frequent sounds for each consonant, and the long and the short vowel sounds for the five major vowels Consistently retells familiar events, stories and important facts Consistently uses left to right pattern, uses capitalization at the beginning of sentences, and punctuation at the end of sentences Fluently read and comprehends C level books
Math Consistently names triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders and spheres Compares sets to the number of objects in another group (equal to, greater than, less than) Writes numerals to label sets of 20 items Uses representations to create, explain and solve story problems Consistently shows understanding of special relationships (such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to)