Macbeth Literacy Fair Project DUE Friday, April 15 th, 2016
Choose one of the following projects: Literacy by the Pint Story Stones Children’s Storybook Jackdaw Book in a Bottle Literacy Quilt Whose Phone is This? Pizza Box Before & After Character Sketch Click to view video.
Macbeth Choose to tell the whole story of Macbeth or one of the Acts through the project you have chosen. Whichever you choose your project must be full of the most significant details from your selection.
Literacy by the Pint – Create a unique Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavor based on the play, Macbeth, or you may choose to focus in on one of the 5 Acts in Macbeth. Your ice cream pint must have a creative name that clearly references Macbeth and the ice cream you have chosen. The pint label and lid design must be: –Detailed and neat –Creative and original –Colorful –Hand drawn or computer- generated –Use “up-cycled” ice cream pint or template The creative “ingredients” list must include: –Characters –Themes –Setting –Conflict –Other elements appropriate for the book The flavor description must have clever wording and creative marketing. There must be an appropriate blend of food imagery and literary elements. You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Story Stones - Create 10 story stones using acrylic paint, fabric collage, magazine collage, Sharpie oil-based paint pens, Sharpie permanent markers, etc… that accompany the Macbeth text or the Act you have chosen to tell. All art work on the stones must be original. Stones should be in some sort of creative and original bag or carrying case that represent Macbeth in some way. The original play or the act that you have chosen must be printed out and accompany the project. You must include directions on how to use the stones with your project. You must include at least one alternative way to use the stones without the accompanying play or act. You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Children’s Storybook – Create a storybook about Macbeth or one of the 5 acts in Macbeth that is appropriate for children. Your story should have something to do with the themes of Macbeth and teach a lesson (for example, greed, quest for power, temptation, etc.) The story must be original (written in your own words, although, you can mix in quotes from the play). The story must have front cover, back cover, and 6-8 original pages. It must clearly have a beginning, middle, and end. It must present and solve a conflict. It must be neatly and securely put together. The story should be typed and in legible font. All pages must have creative and original illustrations. You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Jackdaw – A Jackdaw is a clever and bold bird, known to collect things, especially shiny things. For this project you will produce a collection of objects that best represent Macbeth. These must be presented in a container that also represents the play. Your Jackdaw collection must contain at least 7 artifacts. Each object must represent Macbeth in some way. Each object must be recognized as significant to the play; either literally or figuratively/symbolically. The container you choose must also be relevant and significant to the play. Your project must include an index card with a written description of why you chose each artifact and their significance to the play. The index card must contain the container’s description of why you chose it and it’s significance to Macbeth. Be sure to look at the rubric before you finalize your project; These things must be obvious: –Title/author, setting, characters, plot, significant container You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Book in a Bottle – Create a Book in a Bottle based on Macbeth. Include symbolic itiems, text/quotes, along with a card describing how the objects and quotes relate to the novel. The bottle must be clear; made of plastic or glass. The bottle must be no larger than 2 liters. The bottle must have a lid and include a minimum of 5 objects that are symbolic or important to the story. Your bottle must have a ribbon or thin strip of paper with a significant quote on it from the play. Objects must be easily seen in the bottle. These can be suspended or free- floating as long as they are visible. You must attach a card or a paper with book title and author, explanation as to why the objects are important to the story, explanation of the quote and its significance. You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Literacy Quilt – Create a literacy quilt based on Macbeth. Your quilt must have a minimum of 12 squares. Squares may not be larger than 6”X6”. Your quilt must include Title/author, quotes, vocabulary signigicant to the play (defined), and most significant/important details. Your quilt must be securely put together and able to be folded and unfolded. It may be made of cloth, paper, other creative material. You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Whose Phone is This? Choose a character from Macbeth and create a poster showing the contents of their cell phone.. On a poster recreate the template. Include the title/author and character you have chosen. Create an accurate wallpaper on the cell phone that relates to the character. Create two received text messages with relevant content. Create at least 4 song titles with artists’ names and reasoning for appeal to character. All entries must be written in complete sentences. Must include your first and last name, name of school, name of teacher/reading coach. ContactsText MessagesMissed Calls Apps Music
Pizza Box – Use a pizza box to display your knowledge of Macbeth. The Pizza Box Top must include title/author and creativity. For example, you could add a fun slogan, lettering, illustrations, highlight a few of the most important details, etc. (“hand-tossed” or “best pizza in the province” or “Thane’s Specialty”) The Inside of the Box Top must include 10 vocabulary words from Macbeth. They must be words important to know when reading Macbeth (Thane, lady, etc.). You must also explain what each word means. The Pizza – Create a pizza with slices that are secured but removable: 1.Characters slice – most important with a brief description 2.Plot slice - description 3.Setting slice - description 4.Theme slice –Wis the author trying to tell us? What are the underlying messages? 5.Point of View slice – Who is telling the story? 6.Conflict slice - Which type of conflict; man vs. man, man vs. circumstances, man vs. society, man vs. himself/herself You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Before & After Character Sketch – Trace Macbeth’s character transformation from the beginning to the end of the play. Be creative in your display. You may want to merge the before character with the after character in a two-face type of display or you could show them as two separate characters. Display the sketch on a poster size display, no larger than 24”X18”. Include the title and author. The overall sketch should resemble an infographic. The sketch should be student’s original work, without the use of clipart or the use of technology. There should be an overall title and description (short introduction) of the poster’s contents. Include textual evidence for each character (before and after) clearly labeled, that prove the following (18 pieces of evidence – see below): –Actions (3 for before character and 3 for after character) –Personality (3 for before character and 3 for after character) –Thoughts (3 for before character and 3 for after character) You must include a MLA style citation of Macbeth somewhere on the FRONT of the character sketch. You must have your first and last name, school name, and teacher/reading coach name on your project.
Macbeth Literacy Fair Project DUE Friday, April 15 th, 2016 Choose one of the following projects: Literacy by the Pint Story Stones Children’s Storybook Jackdaw Book in a Bottle Literacy Quilt Whose Phone is This? Pizza Box Before & After Character Sketch