Zespół Szkół in Siewierz is a public school held by the Commune of Siewierz. Zespół Szkół consists of Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 im. Księstwa Siewierskiego (primary school) and Gimnazjum in Siewierz (junior high school).
The primary school consists of 12 class groups with 227 pupils, 117 of which are pupils of I – III classes. Gimnazjum consists of 9 class groups, with 181 students. In the school year 2010/2011 there are 408 students in Zespół Szkół in Siewierz.
The teacher staff of the school consists of 46 teachers. In addition, 24 workers of administration and service are employed. The teacher staff is highly qualified. 29 teachers have got the highest degree in teaching and 11 teachers are one level below that.
Our school has got well-equipped classrooms which are adjusted to the students’ needs. The students can also use a sport centre, a gym, a library, a common room, a canteen, an internet room, a play room, computer rooms, an interactive clasroom, a multimedia classroom, Ecological Education Centre and a playground.
The sport centre is used during the Physical Education lessons as well as extra curricular classes. A lot of sport competitions are organised here.
The gym is used by the younger students of our school during sport classes as well as for playing.
Our library encourages students to read and gain knowledge from various sources. There is the Multimedia Information Centre in the library.
The common room in our school provides a wide range of workshops after school. A lot of after school clubs are organised in the common room. The canteen provides students with breakfasts, lunches and tees.
The internet common room provides classes for primary school pupils. During the classes the pupils use the internet to develop their knowlegde on the topics they are interested in.
In our school there is a play room for the youngest pupils. They can develop their physical skills there.
In our school we have got two well-equipped computer rooms. Computer Studies lessons, Technology lessons as well as after school clubs take place here.
The interactive classroom has got modern multimedia equipment: an interactive whiteboard with a notebook computer and a projector. It is used by students and teachers during various lessons and after lessons clubs.
The multimedia room is used during lessons as well as during after lessons clubs. It is equipped with a notebook computer and a multimedia projector.
The clasroom is equipped with numerous teaching aids and it has got a modern interactive whiteboard with a notebook computer and a projector, a visualiser and a microscope with a camera. Biology and Geography take place here as well as afer lessons clubs and open classes for the inhabitants of the commune of Siewierz.
In the school square there is a playground for the youngest pupils of our school. The pupils spend their time in the fresh air and develop their physical abilities.
Our school organises classes with more Physical Education and English lessons for the students particularly interested in these subjects. We offer our students a wide range of after school clubs where they develop their interests and talents as well as gain knowledge and improve their skills.
During the sport classes students develop their physical abilities and prevent faulty posture.
During the journalist classes our students edit the school magazine „Gimnazjalista” and our school supplement to the local „Kurier Siewierski”.
During these classes our students learn about the threats to the environment and protect the nature.
During these classes our students develop their dancing abilities and musical or vocal talents.
During these classes our students develop their artistic and technical skills by creating various works of art and models.
During these classes the students develop their skills in searching information and communicating and they edit our school webpage.
During these classes our students improve their abilities to speak English and German.
During these classes students learn about their region as well as gain knowledge about the European Union.
There are two groups of scouts in our school: “The Globetrotters” and “The Independents”. During their assemblies they learn how to be responsible, how to work in groups and they get to know the world around them as well as the people. They achieve individual and group skills and they explore the nearest neighbourhood.
In our school Physiical Education is realised during lessons and as faculty classes. The students can choose between volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, aerobics, cheerleading and hiking.
The common room offers help in learning and doing homework as well as various classes developing their interests and talents – Art, dancing, vocal, music, reading, language, computer classes and it organises meetings with interesting people.
The common room takes part in various governmental programmes: „A glass of milk” and „ Fruit at school”. It also organises educational programmes for students „ I do my homework at school” and „ The teacher reads to the pupils”.
Our school participates in many projects and programmes which enrich our facilities and educalional offer.
The project is directed to the youngest pupils and it is based on developing multiple intelligence. It assumes adjusting education to the needs and learning style of a student and enables every child to reach success, not only at school.
The aim of this programme is to develop key competence with special attention to sciences, ITC technology, foreign languages and initiative. To realize the tasks there is an e-learning platform, which is used by the students with or without a teacher.
The Comenius project „From the paths of stone to the paths of lava” is realised with partner-schools from Greece, Turkey and Italy. The aim of this project is to learn about the past and the present of geology and integrate all the partners.
Within the governmental programme „Radosna szkoła” (Happy school) a playroom and a playground were created. These facilities encourage the general development of our pupils.
The governmental programme „Owoce w szkole” (Fruit at school) is realised with the aim to change the nutrition habits of children by means of increasing the number of vegetables and fruit in their everyday diet.
This governmental programme is directed to all the students in our school. As a promotion of healthy food they get small cartons of milk.
Our school participates in the action „Plant your tree” which is dotated by Fundacja Ekologiczna SILESIA in Katowice (Ecologic Fundation). Within this activity three gardens were created: Nature Observatory, a garden for the scouts and a rock garden.
Within this project our school was equipped with Ecological Education Centre which has got modern equipment. The classroom is used to teach Ecology to the younger and older part of the Siewierz population. The project Balanced Development was realised by our Commune with partners from Denmark, Ireland and Finnland. It was dotated by „Lifelong learning - Grundtvig”.
Last year our school achieved an international certificate „Green Flag”, which says that the students and the teachers of our school are very engaged in ecology and the level of ecological education at our school is really high.
In September last year our school achieved the 5th position in the ecological competition „Raport na medal” (A Medal Report), sponsored by Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej and won valuable awards, multimedia projector with a screen, a microscope with a camera and books.
Thank you for your attention.