Major Academic Plan (MAP) Why Study Physics? Physics is the study of the physical environment and the laws governing the behavior of particles, fields.


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Presentation transcript:

Major Academic Plan (MAP) Why Study Physics? Physics is the study of the physical environment and the laws governing the behavior of particles, fields an space/time. More specifically physicists study mechanics, heat, light, electric and magnetic fields, gravitation, relativity, atomic and nuclear physics, solid state physics and many other topics. Learning Outcomes Demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts of physics (such as mechanics, thermodynamics and electricity and magnetism); Write effectively using the language of physics; Make and interpret laboratory measurements in physics Physics/Secondary Education Major (45 credits) Secondary Education Core (43 credits) Required Courses (51 credits) CHEM 151 General Chemistry (5) CHEM 152 General Chemistry (5) PHYS 151 General Physics I (4) PHYS 152 General Physics II (4) PHYS 153 General Physics III (4) PHYS 161 Mechanics Lab (1) PHYS 162 Heat and Optics Lab (1) PHYS 163 Instrumentation Lab I (1) PHYS 164 Instrumentation Lab II (1) PHYS 221 General Physics IV (4) PHYS 371 Introduction to Quantum Physics (4) PHYS 390 Physics Teaching Methods (1) MATH 161 Calculus I (5) MATH 162 Calculus II (5) MATH 163 Calculus III (5) SCED 390 Secondary Science Teaching Methods (1) Electives (18 credits) See Catalog for Approved Courses Department Chair Dr. Robin McRae 226 Science Building Sample Careers Associate of Arts BAE in Physics, Secondary Education (69 credits) Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Department Assistant Maggie Cox 226 Science Building

AA-DTA Degree Requirements with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements The courses listed below transfer to satisfy EWU Graduation Requirements and can be taken before or during the major program International Studies (one course)  FILM 224  HIST 230 Latin American History (5)  MUSC 109 World music (5)  POLS 125 Introduction to Global Issues (5)  POLS& 203 International Relations (5)  POLS 205 Islam and the West; Theater of Cooperation and Conflict (5)  SOC& 201 Social Problems (5) SPOKANE FALLS C.C. COURSEE.W.U. COURSE EQUIVALENT COMMUNICATION (10 credits) ENGL& 101 English Composition I (5)ENGL 101 College Composition: Argument and Exposition (5) ENGL& 102 Composition II (5)ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) QUANTITATIVE/SYMBOLIC REASONING (5 credits) MATH& 141 Precalculus I (5)MATH 141 Precalculus I (5) HUMANITIES (15 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. SOCIAL SCIENCES (15 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. MATHEMATICS/SCIENCE (15 credits) CHEM& 161 General Chem: w/Lab I (5)CHEM 151 General Chemistry (5) MATH& 142 Precalculus II (5)MATH 142 Precalculus II (5) HEALTH/REC/LEISURE/ACTIVITIES COURSES (5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. ELECTIVES (25 credits) CHEM& 162 General Chem: w/Lab II (5)CHEM 152 General Chemistry (5) EDUC& 205 Intro to Ed w/Field Exp (5)EDUC 201 Introduction to Education (5) Cultural Diversity (one course)  ANTH& 210 Indians of North America (5)  ART 112 Non-Western Art (5)  CMST 226 Gender Communication (5)  CMST 227 Intercultural Communication (5)  ENGL 247 American Multicultural Literature (5)  ENGL 259 African American Literature (5)  ENGL278 Women Writers (5)  FILM 225  HUM 107 Introduction to Cultural Studies (5)  SOC 221 Race and Ethnic Relations (5)  SOC 230 Sociology of Gender (5)