Yang Jing Department of Art and Culture Studies Faculty of Humanities University of Jyväskylä
Course Time Schedule 1 st meeting: (14:15 pm-15:45 pm, Feb. 7 th, MaD 206) Introducing concepts and terms, demonstrating user interface: setting up projects, assigning PD files, coding different PD files, visualizing data analysis result 2 nd meeting: (14:15 pm-15:45 pm, Feb. 14 th, MaD 206) Different options for setting up projects, backup data, advanced coding process, families, working with memos 3 rd time: (14:15 pm-15:45 pm, Feb. 21 st, MaD 206) Class practice: working on your own data 4 th time: (14:15 pm-15:45 pm, Feb. 28 th, MaD 206) Introducing advanced data analysis tools 5 th time: (14:15 pm-15:45 pm, Mar. 7 th, MaD 206) Outputting your analysis result and supporting team work
During this course, participants will … Acquaint themselves with important terms, user interface and working procedure of Atlas.ti Practice coding different types of files Write comments and memos Use analysis tools Learn visualizing data analysis results Generate output and reports Export/import data between Atlas and other software Understand how Atlas.ti support team work
Three important things before starting: ATLAS.ti doesn’t analyze data, it is simply a tool for supporting the process of qualitative data analysis. There is no “Undo” option in Atlas.ti, so always remember to save your work and be careful with data store and backup to avoid losing your work. The only best way to learn Atlas.ti is through trials and errors.
Besides improving efficiency of qualitative data analysis, Atlas.ti improves transparency of data analysis and so enhancing the validity of qualitative research.
User Interface Starting Atlas.ti Margin Area: the main work space in Atlas.fi Toolbars 4 Object Managers with 4 Drop-down Menus Splitter and Fly-out Menu Project Setup: Creating / Saving / Exiting a HU project
There are different project setup options provided by Atlas.ti, the most popular and easy option both for single user and team work is putting all data files, including all primary documents and HU file in the same HU project folder. The project folder can be stored in your hard disk, external disk or on remote server, always remember back up data file in safety. Project Setup:
Important Terms
Hermeneutic Unit Codes Quotations Primary Documents Super Codes Hyper link Families Networks Memos
Data Preparation and Modification
Type of data FormatNotes Text (interviews, articles, reports).txt,.rtf, text PDF.doc(x) file should be converted to rich text, otherwise it can’t be edited. Text PDF file can’t be edited in Atlas.ti. Image (photos, screen shots, diagrams).jpg,.jpeg,.bmp,.tif,. giv,.png,.jif,.emf and graphic PDF Audio (interview s, broadcasts, music).wma,.mp3,.midi,.au,.wav Be careful of the codec when playing video or audio file, missing codec can cause problem. Videompeg, mpeg2, wmv, avi, wav, mov, qt Geo dataGoogle earth data file Survey dataResults from a on-line survey For the analysis for open-ended question Supported Data File Formats
Assigning: linking data to project Editing primary document in Edit Toolbar Associating Multimedia Files And Transcripts: Open the HU project and create a new text document Load the audio or video PD into the second region of the HU editor From the main menu select Documents / Associated Docs / Associate With Pd From Region Press F4 to play audio or video as much as you can remember, then press F4 to stop, then write down what you heard and press F8 at the end to insert an anchor point. Don’t delete or modify auxiliary log file of the primary document you have edited. The log file is stored in the same folder as the original file.
Personalizing user interface setting
Basic Quoting and Coding
Four Ways to Make Quotation Method 1: Highlight relevant text and right click the highlighted segment. Select Create Free Quotation. Method 2: Highlight relevant text segment. Choose Create New Quotation from Current Selection on the vertical toolbar at the left side of the screen. Method 3: Open quotation manager and choose quotations/new from selection. Method 4: Select Quotation / New from Selection from the Main Menu.
Quotation Reference: ID : The quotation ID is composed of 2 numbers, the first one is the number of PD and the second one is the order of quotation in this PD. Name : The name shows the first 30 characters of a textual quotation. This is the default setting. The name of a quotation can be renamed.
Four ways to Make a New Code Method 1: Highlight relevant text and right click the highlighted segment. Then, select Coding/Open Coding and type in the code name in the pops up field Method 2: Highlight relevant text and then choose Open Coding button from the vertical toolbar on the left side of the screen. Type in the code name. Method 3: Highlight relevant text, open code manager, then choose codes / coding / enter code name. Method 4: Highlight relevant text and choose Create and assign new codes to the current selection from vertical bar on the left side and type in the code name.
Select Codes from List Highlight text and open codes menu. Then, choose Coding / Select Codes from List select the correct code. Code in Vivo Code in Vivo means the first selected data segment (a letter, a word, a phase) will automatically become the code name.
Modify Codes General change DELETE: Delete the code and ALL links to that code. RENAME: Rename all places where that code appears. MERGE CODES: Can merge two very similar codes, get rid of redundancies. Local change UNLINK: Delete the link between one code and one quote, but not delete the code from existed code list. REPLACE / COPY: Drag one code to another quotation will move the code to the newly selected quotation, when holding “ctrl” keyboard, the original code will be copied to the newly selected quotation while still in original quotation.
Roundedness: the numbers of quotations assigned to a given code Density: number of links between a given code and other codes
Network-Visualize your analysis networks is used as “concept map " and the visual design of theoretical models in Atlas.ti. Network is a web that includes all objects in a HU and their respective links, A network is defined as a set of nodes and links.
Node: an object that is one element in a network is a node. A node can be a quotation, a code, a memo, a family. Links are usually drawn as lines between the connected nodes in graphical presentations of networks. Strong links – or “first class” links – are links based on relations. A strong link is only a link between a code and another code or a quote and another quote. Weak links are links that do not have individual properties, e. g., the links between quotations and codes, between codes and memos, between a family and its members.
Creating Network Views Open The code manager, choose a code and click on the network icon in the toolbar of code manager A network view editor opens, add more codes by dragging and dropping Select one code, then select Links/Link nodes from the main menu of the network view Establish link between two codes by moving cursor Select a relationship
More about Network Views About Layout Options: there are two options: semantic layout and topological layout. Semantic evenly distribute all nodes in a network view, thus it is useful when importing a number of objects at same time. Topological layout distribute nodes from upper left-corner to lower right-corner, thus it is useful to display the sequence of events or activities. About Save and Copy to Clipboard A created network view can be saved as network view with Atlas.ti or saved as graphic file. It can also be copied to clipboard and paste in other software as Microsoft Word. About Refresh Option: Refresh is used when the network views are not displayed, correctly. Pressing F5 on your keyboard can have same result.
If you have installed Atlas.ti in your own computer, more example projects for practice can be found from Help Menu of Atlas.ti program. Otherwise, you can find sample projects from software folder of Atlas.ti in computers in MaD206: C:\ Users\Public\ Public Documents\Scientific Software\Atlas.ti\Samples More Example Projects for Practice