Hire the Best, Train the Rest Nicole Machado, PHR,SHRM-CP
Dollars and Sense ➔ Total Cost of an employee ◆ Wages ◆ Benefits ◆ Insurances (Workers’ Comp, Unemployment, etc.) ◆ Taxes ➔ Cost of Turnover ◆ Advertising ◆ Training ◆ Lost Productivity
Behavior Based Hiring ➔ Attitude over Experience ➔ Who was successful? ➔ Who can be successful? ➔ What do they need to succeed?
Behavior Based Interviewing ➔ Set the candidate at ease ➔ Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior ➔ Don’t leave with unanswered questions
The Candle Problem
A Candle Solution
The Surprising Truth
21st Century Motivators ➔ Autonomy ➔ Mastery ➔ Purpose What about the $$$?
Being Autonomous & Finding Purpose
Achieving Mastery
STAGE 1: Seek To Understand
Tone Matters
Your Employee Brenda Scenario: ➔ Brenda stayed late to help Veronica ➔ Brenda said “See, that’s not so hard now is it” in a sarcastic tone ➔ Veronica feels disrespected by Brenda ➔ You must now speak to Brenda STU, Make sure to: ➔ Stick to the facts ➔ Check for understanding ➔ Ask for reflection ➔ Be aware of your tone and body language
STAGE 2: Standard - Behavior - Impact ➔ Used for repeat behavior ➔ Still seeking understanding ➔ Focus on discovering the root cause ➔ Brainstorm solutions together ➔ Offer continued support to the employee
Check in with Brenda Scenario ➔ You received a customer complaint about Brenda ➔ She used a “short” tone when addressing a customer service issue with a client SBI, Make sure to: ➔ Connect to previous commitment ➔ Seek understanding ➔ Look for root cause ➔ Brainstorm together ➔ Be supportive
STAGE 3: Standard - Behavior - Impact - Consequence ➔ Multiple repeats of the same behavior ➔ Stronger message ➔ Insist on change ➔ Recap expectations ➔ Check for understanding
Brenda’s struggles continue Scenario: ➔ We have changed her schedule to accommodate her commute ➔ An employee is in your office to talk about Brenda ➔ She said in a meeting “Who doesn’t know how to make a work order?!” SBIC, Make sure to: ➔ Discuss previous commitments ➔ Communicate the impact ➔ Share potential consequences ➔ Come up with a plan ➔ Recap commitments
Tracking Employee Coaching ➔ Done in real time ➔ Easily accessible ➔ Stick to the facts ➔ Avoid protected class status ➔ Write it down: ◆ What happened ◆ What you did ◆ What the employee said ◆ What the outcome was
Conclusion ➔ Hire based on attitude and motivation ➔ Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose as Motivators ➔ Feedback Matters ➔ Use Teachable Moments to: ◆ Coach ◆ Inspire ◆ Motivate ➔ Seek to Understand the root causes of problems to help empower an employee to solve their own problems