D evelopment o f an I nternational Model for Curriculum Reform in Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity T raining Field Monitoring Report: June 19, 2014
TOPICS FOR FIELD MONITORING 1.Brief Introduction to DOIT’s Objectives and Aims. 2.Brief Overview of DOIT’s consortium. 3.Main Results Achieved to Date and Future Plans WP1: Development WP2: Portal WP3: Faculty Workshops WP4: Pilots WP5: Student Activities WP6: Quality Assurance WP7: Dissemination and Sustainability WP8: Management: Financial Overview and Plan 4.Future Plans: Publications and Conferences
Foster and strengthen the sharing of knowledge relating to the dynamic processes of Multicultural Education and Cultural diversity training among professionals involved in education. Promote Human and Children’s Rights in our Academic Programs. Objectives:
Everyone takes a role in the Development and Implementation of DOIT’s Dynamic Multi- Dimensional Program Strength of the program is our Involvement of key stakeholders, faculty and students.
Create and pilot courses (universal and culturally specific for GEO and IL. Run Faculty workshop and Training Sessions Implement outside of the classroom activities for the students that promote inter-cultural relations. DISSEMINATE OUR COURSES AND GOOD PRACTICES WITHIN AND BEYOND OUR CONSORTIUM (through several avenues. Portal, conferences, publications, etc.). SUSTAIN our program in our HEIs (especially in IL and GEO OBJECTIVES
Develop and create a portal that facilitates the quality of work, communication, materials, dissemination and sustaining of the program among members and beyond. Objectives
Professional Educators of Teachers will have strategic models for multicultural educational training and developing cultural competency among students of education and teachers. Professional Educators of Teachers gain life-long skills which they pass on to their students and teachers (domino effect). Students and participants of our program will gain skills and values that promote multiculturalism, diversity and Human and Children’s Rights. End Results :
Academic Colleges of Education, Departments of Education in Universities, and NGO which are involved in education and social Issues of their society. Professionals who are aware and involved in the social challenges that their students of education must face in the classroom. Involved in their society (not part of the ivory tower club). Our Consortium: (an “A” Team)
16 HEI and 4 NGO + 6 Student unions 6 HEI in IL 5 HEI from GEO HEI from UK (2), GER, AUS, NETH 3 Student unions in IL and 3 in GEO. 4 NGOs: IL, GEO (2) and Estonia. Consortium Composition:
Israeli HEIs: Gordon Academic College of Education Sachnin Academic College Kaye Academic College of Education Interdisciplinary Center of Hertzilya Sapir Academic College Ben Gurion University of the Negev – Israeli NGO: Interfaith Encounter Association – Student Unions of GCE, SAC, IDC. Quality of Consortium:
1.Ilia State University 2.Tbilisi State University 3.Sokhumi State University 4.Telavi State University 5.Samtskhe-Javakheti State Teaching College ( unified Akhaltsikhe State Teaching University and Akhalkalaki Higher Educational Institution College) 6.Civic Development Institute 7.Center for Civil Integration and Inter-Ethnic Relations 8.Student unions of ISU, TELAVI, SJSTU Georgian Partners
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom Birkbeck of the University of London, United Kingdom University of Education in Upper-Austria Hogeschool van Arnhem, The Netherlands Jaan Tonisson Institute, Estonia European Partners
Main Changes to Date 1. Extension of program through August 15, 2015 so we can achieve all of our objectives. 2. We will need to resubmit our budget since we did not take into account the mobility for dissemination as well as all of the dissemination events in that we have in our application. 3.Minor changes in our Courses and Faculty Training Plan due to the collaborative process which suggested changes. 4.Separating Curriculum Academic Quality Assessment from Project Monitoring Quality Control (creating 2 teams instead of 1). 5.Expanding QA role in organizing reports from our institutions. 15
Working Package #1 DEVELOPMENT Established Working Teams that developed: COURSES: Children and Human Rights through Education Identity Formation in Multicultural Environments Pedagogical Approaches in the Classroom that Promote Inter-cultural Relations. Multiethnic and Multicultural Georgia Ethnic and Minority Groups in Israel CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT TEMPLATE Academic Quality (structural and academic-2 teams). NGO-Student teams : Planning of students events Main Results Achieved To Date: June 2014
Working Package #1 DEVELOPMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE OF DOIT AS A WHOLE: Logistics and communication Monitor the degree to which we are achieving our objectives. Implementing Academic assessment of all of our courses. Quality Assurance of our Academic Development (structural and content). 18 Planning of students events
Course Syllabi have been developed and courses are being piloted. Student activities were planned. Curriculum Assessment Team created a TEMPLATE that all courses applied when developing their syllabi. Quality Academic Assurance made sure that the syllabi developed were on acceptable on an academic level. Curriculum Assessment team finalized questionnaires that academically assess the courses. Quality Assurance Team constantly monitors the overall functioning, management and communication within DOIT and the degree to which we are meeting our objectives as defined in the application (WILL DISCUSS IN DETAIL IN WP 6). Summary of WP# 1 Results :
WP1: Activities to Date that have contributed to DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM MEETING #1: October Tbilisi. CONSORTIUM MEETING #2: March in Landau. CONSORTIUM MEETING #3: June in Linz. Periodic Israeli Meetings and Periodic Georgian Meetings. NUMEROUS SKYPE meetings of working team leaders with members of their team. Numerous SKYPE meetings of Coordinator and team leaders.
Main Results Achieved To Date (June 2014) Working Package #2: Dr. Hanan Maoz DOIT’s Portal is launched and running. Home Page Working, areas Financial Management area Consortium news Continuing developing to meet new needs as they come up (reporting sections pilot sections, student activity sections, etc. Public portal is almost ready to launch Continuous Support of Portal Users
Working Package 3: Faculty Training Workshops FACULTY WORKSHOPS: Application: 3 five hour workshops in 14 HEI 5 three hour workshops on MCE and CHR 22
Modification of Faculty Training Workshops 23 Faculty seminar at colleges with regions providing joint sessions to present DOIT’s courses. Focus on individual mentoring system to train faculty who want to teach our courses. Extend faculty workshops to in-service teachers and not only faculty in HEI.
Results to Date of Faculty Workshops 24 1 four-hour mentoring session for Kaye College faculty member that will teacher CHR. A three day workshop (21 hours) for 30 faculty from 7 Georgian Institutions in Tbilisi. 1 intra-university faculty training at SSU 2 faculty training sessions during our 4 th consortium meeting for two of our courses. 30 members from 12 HEI of 4 of DOIT’s countries benefitted from this program.
Faculty training for in-service teachers 25 Gordon is building a Program for advanced teacher-training for CHR that will run over 2 years and be project oriented (Project Based Learning) and be accredited by the Ministry of Education with Certification of completion. We expect between in-service teachers from different schools in Israel to participate. Ongoing program (sustainability). A pilot of this in-service training will run the summer of 2014 that will focus on the theoretical part of the course (30 hours). ISU has piloted training courses for in-service teachers and has or is planning to run around 8 different training courses that provide teachers with the tools to understand CHR and implement MCE in their teaching.
Working Package #4: Pilots Obligated 48 pilots in all of our institutions (estimation that we will have at least 75 pilots by the end of the program—increase of about 65%) Israel: GCE: 5 courses to date. Plan at least 3 courses next year. Administration has created a “tempus” space each year for our first year early childhood education department (over 150 students).
DOIT – 2012/15 in SACHNIN! Dr. Manal Yazbak Abu Ahmed DOIT – 2012/15 in SACHNIN! Dr. Manal Yazbak Abu Ahmed Semester A 2013/14: 1 course in the English department for the Elementary (40) 2 courses in the Early Childhood Department (35, 35 ) Semester B 2013/14: 1 courses in the English department for the Junior High Track (30)
DOIT – 2012/15 At least Two academic courses :children rights and Multiculturalism 1 workshop among the faculty staff : Teaching in a multicultural environment. In the beginning of the academic year 1 workshop for Students persist: sustainability and maintaining. Student day: under the heading “the other is me”
Pilot Courses at IDC Dr. Ora Nakash IDC: 4 Courses: Psychology and Society (Identity Formation Units); Multicultural Psychology; CHR, MA program Multicultural Psychology. 29
Pilots Courses in Israel SAP: 3 existing courses at SAPIR will be integrating units from DOIT’s courses Identity Formation and Ethnic Groups. Kaye: 4 Courses: CHR, Identity (2x) + Ethnic Minorities. 11 March 2013Dr. Hanan Maoz, Tempus-DOIT Project, Landuau, Germany30
Pilots and Curriculum Reform in Georgia ISU: 9 courses AND one new joint MA program with Batumi. TSU: 4 courses and CURRICULUM Reform in Institute of Cultural Studies (Identity Formation is now a required course for the BA program and Multiethnic Georgia is integrated into the curriculum as an elective course). 11 March 2013Dr. Hanan Maoz, Tempus-DOIT Project, Landuau, Germany31
Pilots in Georgia SSU 11 courses!! – Three New Curricular Programs. Two have been submitted and accepted by the Ministry which integrate DOIT courses into their teacher-training program for History AS WELL AS for their History Department. – MA program on Inter-cultural relations uses DOIT’s courses. Telavi: 4 courses (designing a MA program on Intercultural Relations which uses DOIT courses.) SJSTU: 11 courses !! 32
Pilots In EU Partners Obligated to Pilot 6 courses (2 in each institution.) Plans are to pilot 10!. UKL: 3 courses ( CHR x 3) PHOO: 3 Courses: CHR + Identity Formation HAN: 4 Courses: CHR + integrates units from Pedagogical Approaches in 3 courses). 11 March 2013Dr. Hanan Maoz, Tempus-DOIT Project, Landuau, Germany33
NGO did not jointly run OR PLAN this program with any of our institutions and each student union needed to find replacements for this work. NGO just requested reports (and sometimes publicized them without visibility required).. Sahknin and at Gordon, their staff took over. Gordon hired an extra member to help organize and work with students (over 100 students). IDC student unit head and his team did all of the work alone. The NGO ever attended any of their events (or inquired when they were being run). WE DID DOIT INSPITE OF THE CHALLENGES 35 Major Challenge: Quality of Participation of NGO
DOIT in Saknin! 2012/15 Year 2012/2013, semester B 1 workshop (28 Ss) :Multicultural Education Theoretical material and definitions Differences between Education Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education Value education and practical use Teaching methods: workshops, experiential learning, videos, groups, discussion, presentations and paper
DOIT in Saknin: 2012/15 Year 2013/2014, semester B 2 workshops (31 Ss/ 21 Ss) : Formation of Identity in a Multicultural Environment Theoretical material and definitions Multiculturalism and Identity Inclusion (the other is me) Teaching methods: workshops, experiential learning, videos, groups, discussion, presentations and paper
DOIT in SACHNIN – 2012/15 At least Two academic courses :children rights and Multiculturalism 1 workshop among the faculty staff : Teaching in a multicultural environment. In the beginning of the academic year 1 workshop for Students persist: sustainability and maintaining. Student day: under the heading “the other is me”
DOIT – after August 2015: Sachnin WILL SUSTAIN PROGRAMS! Two academic courses :Children rights and Multiculturalism Periodic workshops among the faculty staff : Teaching in a multicultural environment. One workshop for Students persist: sustainability and maintaining. Student day: under the heading “the other is me”
Student Activities in Gordon 120 students were divided into 5 groups that met for 2 hours once a week over the first semester to discuss various issues relating to inter-cultural relations and to plan a major event on campus (14 meetings). One major “happening” event that was a big success and will hopefully be sustained each year (one event a semester). 40
Overview of DOIT Assessment Process: Prof. Ronen Peretz DOIT’s assessment process divided in two spheres: a)Evaluation of the project’s formative development (project progress) a)Evaluation of the project outputs (pilots)
Formative Development Since the beginning of the project, the QA team has been monitoring the development and progress of activities/work packages How? Feedback questionnaires for consortium partners (following consortium meetings, mid-term questionnaire) One-on-one discussions with consortium partners Evaluation reports Progress report (Latest- March 2014)
Assessing Pilot Courses Questionnaires 1)Post course evaluation/feedback questionnaire 2)Pre and Post questionnaire assessing attitudes towards multiculturalism Interviews One-on-one discussions with course developers/lecturers
Assessing Pilot Student Activities Questionnaire -Post-Activity evaluation/feedback questionnaire Participant observation (planned for academic year, where possible) Discussions with students/ program developers
Assessing Faculty Workshops Post workshop evaluation questionnaire Participant observation
Main Results Achieved To Date June 2014 WP#7: Dissemination and Sustainability National Conferences or Dissemination Events: 19 Total events and 30 presentations : 10 in Israel 8 in Georgia 1 in UK International Conferences for Dissemination DOIT’s programs: 9 international conferences: 20 Presentations 1 Israel 1 Georgia 2 Arab Countries (Jordan and Qatar) 2 in USA 2 UK 1 Turkey
Main Results Achieved To Date Dissemination through the Media
Main Results Achieved To Date :
: Dissemination through Pamphlets and Flyers:
Main Results Achieved To Date (October 15-May 4 th ) : Dissemination through our banner
SUSTAINABILITY :Main Results Achieved To Date GCE: Will run the CHR course each year and has set aside a “TEMPUS” 2 hour slot for first year students in the Early Childhood Department to benefit from DOIT’s programs (courses, activities, etc.). Will run a 2-year advanced training course for in-service teachers on Children’s Rights (PBL). Other courses will be offered when faculty wish to teach them. SAC: Will continue student activities and the course in CHR KAYE: They have a MCE program for all of their second year students and will integrate some of DOIT’s topics within this program.
SUSTAINABILITY IN GEORGIA ILIA: Created new MA program (with Batumi) and will continue to use modules from DOIT’s courses. TSU: Institute of Cultural Studies: Made one DOIT course required and will offer another as an elective. SSU: Created new programs that have been accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. TELAVI: Will integrate several of DOIT’s courses into their program of studies and hope to submit a new MA program SJSTU: Will integrate several of DOIT into their teacher- training curriculum. 53
WP#8: Management Portal contributes to the managerial processes (uploading of documents, templates for financial reports etc.). Overall Picture of Financial Management of DOIT to date: 54
Future Plans to Disseminate the Project's Results and Ensure Sustainability.. Pilots, Student activities and Faculty Workshops (continuing). Dissemination: 2 Booklets: DOIT’s Achievements and another on Good Practices in Implementing International Programs for Curriculum Reform. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES. PUBLIC PORTAL….
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES The Georgian DOIT team will hold a National Conference that will disseminate DOIT’s programs and encourage other Georgian Experts to share their practices aimed to promote multicultural education and human rights through education. 57
National and International Conference In Israel, there will be an open International Conference on Education for Multiculturalism, Global Citizenship and Human Rights. Our national conference will run parallel to the international one. DOIT consortium members from our 7 countries will present our results to an international audience. Experts on these topics will be invited to submit abstracts to be considered for presentations, round- table discussions and poster sessions. Prof James Banks will be a keynote speaker. Prof. Sue Jackson will be a featured-note speaker. Call will be going out in a few weeks. 58