Source: Kumar S (2008) The Gandhian Trinity. A template for ecology, peace and justice
Mahatma Gandhi b 1869, Gujarat, Hindu parents He held no office, pursued no career, accumulated no wealth and desired no fame. He lived the change he wanted to see in the world and his message was none other than his life itself. He was an uncompromising practitioner of non violence
Encounter He was thrown off a segregated train in Petermaritzburg in South Africa Mounted a nonviolent civil disobedience campaign to expose evils of apartheid Inspired by writings of Henry Thoreau, he called his campaign – ‘Truth Force’ or Satyagraha (Sanskrit)
On his return to India he introduced Satyagraha to empower people in their struggle for freedom from colonialism Was opposed not only to British but also to exploitative and violent systems of government and the economics of greed
Sarvodoya Upliftment of All Western democracy not good enough – rule of majority. He wanted no division between majority and minority. Democracy working with capitalism favours the few with capital. Democracy with socialism favours the majority but still limited to humans.
Swaraj Self government. Swaraj works to bring about social transformation through smal scale, decentralised and participatory forms of government. Swaraj implies self transformation, self discipline and self restraint on a personal level. ‘There is enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed’.
Swadeshi Local economy. Gandhi opposed mass production and favoured production by the masses. Work is as much a spiritual necessity as it is economic. Everyone should be involved in manual work. He believed that ling-distance transportation of goods, competitive trading and relentless economic growth would destroy the fabric of human communities as well as the integrity of the natural world
Tasks in small groups Working in 3s and 4s (maximum) look through the copies of Resurgence to find an inspiring story to share with another group Later, conduct a search about Wangari Maathai