Business Plan Open Mind Computers
Introduction…………………………………… Overall Corp. Strategy………………… Strategic Analysis Market Performance……………………… Strategic Analysis Business Expansion……………………………………………..07 Strategic Analysis Competitor Analysis……………………………………………..08 Strategic Analysis S.W.O.P……………………………………………………………..09 Strategic Analysis Manufacturing………………………………………………… Strategic Analysis Sales Channel………………………………… Strategic Analysis Human Resources………………………… Strategic Analysis Financial……………………………………… Conclusion…………………………………………………… Questions……………………………………………………… References………………………………………………………
Open Mind Computer was established in 2012 by Kaplan University students Open Mind Computers will build computers that meet customers needs Open Mind Computer has established a new standard for high quality products
Alberto Silveira – VP of Marketing Alexander Rigsby – VP of Human Resources Brian Powell – VP of Accounting & Finance John Rissmiller – VP of Manufacturing Sparkle White - President
Group Strengths Daring Logical Thinkers Innovative Team Players Flexible Skilled Knowledgable
Mission: ◦ “Open Mind Computer's mission is to maintain as the number one provider of the world's technology for various cultures in various nations across the globe. Open Mind Computers is a company that delivers the best quality products for the best price, satisfying our customer needs and making products easy to transport and making products that's culture sensitive. At Open Mind Computers, customers always come first and we are committed to them and we are committed to our team. We work hard to achieve our goals and we work hard to achieve maximum results.” Culture/Values: ◦ Innovation ◦ Transparency ◦ Ethics & Respect ◦ Support ◦ Customer Focus ◦ Quality
Open Minds operated closely to a functional organization by having specialist in their function of choice This way easily tracked performance of each team member.
Problem: Open Mind Computers the traveler segment; need to design the right product for potential customers. Enhance competition for workhorse segment. Determining the right amount of production to project to decrease inventory and determining how much to spend on R&D and Advertisements to catch the eye of customers and the eye of investors like venture capitalists. Solution: ◦ The solution was found through careful strategic planning and research. Objectives: ◦ Profits ◦ Share Holders Value ◦ Market Presence ◦ Cash
Open Mind Computers is doing great work in the simulation. Open Mind Computers submitted an excellent business plan. Open Mind Computers have done a great job throughout the entire class.
Goals for Year 2: Advertise current products Increase manufacturing Add sales staff Be strong financially Performance in Year 2 Strong marketing philosophy Manufacturing expanded Sales staff increased Strong financially
Performance has been outstanding through 6 quarters The goal of Open Mind Computers is to be the market leader not only in brands but also as a company, for a long time We are already the market leader in the Mercedes series Soon to be the market leader in both the Traveler series and the Workhorse series
Strengths: Maintain lead in Mercedes and Traveler brand market. Invest heavy in R&D and sales force, out perform competition. Weaknesses: Enhance strength for Workhorse Market. Opportunity: Maintain a complementary brand for Traveler segment. Threat: have borrowed an emergency loan in 5th quarter. Need to maintain financial integrity. Strategic Analysis: S.W.O.T.
Roles were selected based on: ◦ Each team mates area of expertise ◦ Their strengths and weakness ◦ Their experience ◦ Their interest
Team Changes Changed the time when assignments were due Adjusted the frequency of team meetings Market Changes Mercedes Demand increased Demand for workhorse and customers wants increased
Conclusion *Objectives* -Become the market leader -Sell the most products with the highest profit margin -Have companies asking for our help
Questions? Please contact us on our group discussion area.
Author Anonymous (2012). Web market place business simulaton. Cadotte E. R. & Harry J. B. (2008). The management of strategy in the marketplace. Innovative Learning Solutions, Inc. ISBN: References