Popular Culture HU 300: Arts and Humanities
MENTAL FIELD TRIP Did you see any advertising in the last few days?
ADVERTISING TACTICS What was advertised and where did you see it? Can you remember the images and the products being advertised? Geico Dr. Pepper 10 Axe Body Spray
ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS Is advertising effective? Why or why not? Name two ads that immediately come to mind What made the image stay with you?
Too Much? What does the pervasiveness of advertising say about our culture?
The Persuaders The film discusses how marketers seek to appeal to consumers, specifically through creating loyalty and a sense of membership. Do you know anyone who feels this way about a product or a possession? What does this say about the product or possession?
Unit 9 Discussion Board The Gods Must Be Crazy is a comedy devoted to the premise of discovery and meaning. While flying over a remote corner of Africa, a pilot tosses out a soda bottle. The bottle is discovered by a man who has no idea what it is. Cut off from mass media, he believes it to be a message from the gods. He and his fellow villagers try to figure out what it could possibly mean. Imagine that someone cut off from mass culture finds an artifact from today’s culture, an item from popular culture. In your discussion, explain what item you would like this person to find, what you would hope it would signify to them, and how you imagine it could also be interpreted. (Everyone try to pick something different)
FINAL PROJECT An 8- part assignment Due June 21 Extensions possible but unlikely beyond June 23 – ASK Early
Final Project, Parts 1, 2 and 3 1. A letter of introduction to tell someone in the future about your day-to-day life. What is your daily experience? Tell this person about your habits, your customs, your feelings about our present time, and your dreams for the future. 2. An example of morality and decision-making in current culture in 100 words or more. 3. Your definition of happiness in 100 words or more, including how you came to this view.
Final Project Parts 4 thru 8 Next, you will also choose an artifact for each of the following areas (4-8). You will explain the item in one paragraph, giving it context, and describing it. Then spend at least one paragraph justifying its inclusion in the time capsule: Why is this item worth preserving for the future, and what does it communicate about our culture today? Why this object above all the other possibilities?
Final Project, Parts 4 thru 8 4.A significant literary work (poem, short story, play, or novel.) 5. A significant example of art or architecture. 6. A significant song or group of songs. 7. A significant film. 8. A significant item from popular culture (a toy, gadget, fad, etc.) Please feel free to include examples that you discovered in our studies this term. Challenge yourself to choose items that might be valuable for the future, though they might not necessarily be your favorites. Cite sources if you use them. As always, contact your instructor if you have questions.
And don’t forget Unit 10 Discussion Board Questions? Good luck, both with your project, your education, and being a great human being!