Washington Street Boat Landing Pergola Restoration Design-Build Project Design-Build RFQ – Pre-Submittal Meeting Jeff Lundstrom, SDOT Project Manager February.


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Presentation transcript:

Washington Street Boat Landing Pergola Restoration Design-Build Project Design-Build RFQ – Pre-Submittal Meeting Jeff Lundstrom, SDOT Project Manager February 9, 2016

Our mission, vision, and core values Committed to 5 core values to create a city that is: Safe Interconnected Affordable Vibrant Innovative Mission : deliver a high-quality transportation system for Seattle Vision : connected people, places, and products 2

Agenda Welcome and Introductions Overview of Project Why Design-Build? Procurement Questions

Welcome & Introductions Jeff Lundstrom, SDOT Project Manager Aleanna Kondelis, City Construction Contract Mgr. Point of Contact for all Questions

Self Introductions Name Firm Specialty Prime or Subconsultant (Please sign in!) 5

Announcement Remarks and explanations at this conference shall not qualify the terms of the solicitation, unless a written amendment/addendum is published on the eBid system. The RFQ and formal addenda will be the official document, not unwritten responses discussed at this meeting. All official documents will be posted on eBid: Additional materials available on the SDOT website: The items on the website are for general information only and to aid Proposers in understanding the scope of the work. The materials are not part of the official RFP, RFQ, Technical Requirements, or Instructions to Proposers, unless expressly stated on eBid. 6

Historical Context and Commitments The pergola has been a part of Seattle’s waterfront since the 1920s and has had several uses, including:  Landing for ferries and maritime vessels  U.S. Navy’s landing and departure point  Headquarters for the Seattle Harbor Patrol The pergola is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), noting; “The Public Boat Landing Facility is significant, not only for its attractive architecture, and for its connection with all phases of water-land transit, but also as the only remaining link of the Pioneer Square District with the historic waterfront.” (NRHP nomination form, 1973) 7

Historical Context and Commitments To mitigate adverse affects from nearby seawall construction, the pergola will be restored and reinstalled in its original footprint and orientation, and;  Must not alter the characteristics that qualify the pergola for inclusion in the NRHP, including the pergola’s location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, or association;  Signage will also be installed to explain the historic function of the pergola, its relationship to the waterfront and to Pioneer Square Historic District, geomorphology of the shoreline, and indigenous use of the area. The last structural repairs were completed in the 1980s. 9

Original Architectural Plans

Original Specifications

Tax Record Card, dated 1938

Condition of the Pergola before the move

Diagram showing how temporary office wall removal occurred in panels

Temporary Removal and Storage  The pergola was braced and transported as the whole structure to Pier 25  A fenced enclosure within Pier 25 is designated for storage of the Pergola during the term of the lease with the Port of Seattle

 Salvaged items include: exterior office walls, steel flag poles, benches, existing monuments and miscellaneous building hardware

The Washington Street Boat Landing Pergola will be returned to its original location on the new seawall along Seattle’s Waterfront

Design-Build Alternative Public Works delivery method as defined by RCW Public Bodies may utilize the design-build procedure for public works where: – (1)(a) …”the construction activities are highly specialized and the design-build approach is critical in developing the construction methodology.”

Why Design-Build? The historic nature of the Pergola requires expertise in the design of “means and methods” in order to restore and obtain the required approvals The design required to incorporate current building code requirements while maintaining the historic nature and aesthetics of the structure

Expectations Owner –Coordination and Communication –Review and Concurrence Design-Builder –Performance Contract –Designer of Record –Specialty Trades –Approvals

Selection Requests for Qualifications –Interview –Short-list will be no more than 3 Requests for Proposals –Inclusion –One-on-Ones –Price Proposals Not subject to CWA

Cost Estimate Design-Build Contract Estimate Range: $2.0 to $2.1 million

Project Schedule Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q RFQ Issued1/29/2016 X RFP Issued to Shortlisted Teams4/14/2016 X 1 st Round of 1-on-1 meetings4/25-29/2016 X 2 nd Round of 1-on-1 meetings5/9-13/2016 X Deadline for Proposers Questions 5/20/2016 X Proposals due6/21/2016 X Highest Ranked Proposer announced 7/1/2016 X Notice of Award7/13/2016 X Contract Executed and NTP7/29/2016 X Design-Build XXXXX

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