Mineral Classification Lab Name Date Class
Questions Based on what we learned last week, can we identify the 7 mystery minerals in our lab today? What tools are most useful in identifying minerals?
Hypothesis Hypothesize an answer for the first two questions.
Materials 1.8 mystery minerals 2.Streak plate 3.Magnifying glass 4.Glass scratch plate 5.Lab report from last week 6.Mohs hardness scale 7.Mineral characteristic sheet
Procedure 1.Take lab report with you to all stations and take excellent notes. 2.Complete each of the tests at each of the stations. 3.Reference your observations from last week’s lab to solve this weeks lab minute rotations from one mineral to the next.
Observations Leave plenty of room to make observation for the virtual lab and the actual lab.
Conclusion Answer all of the original questions. You will not receive an A if I cannot tell that you learned something from your conclusion.