Metamorphic Rocks
We know that increasing temperature and pressure during burial causes recrystallization and cementation of minerals and sediments. What happens when rocks are buried at even greater depths? Answer: METAMORPHISISM
1. Formation of Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphism means “to change form.” Rocks change form while remaining semi-solid. Most metamorphic changes occur at elevated temperatures and pressures.
Cooking Rocks
2 ways metamorphic rocks can form: Formation of Metamorphic Rocks Regional metamorphism results in large-scale deformation and high- grade metamorphism. Directed pressures and high temperatures occur during mountain building. Produces the greatest volume of metamorphic rock.
Regional Metamorphism
2 ways metamorphic rocks can form: Formation of Metamorphic Rocks Contact metamorphism occurs when magma moves into existing rock. Occurs near a body of magma. Changes are driven by a rise in temperature.
Contact Metamorphism
Metamorphic Texture: Foliated 2 types of Metamorphic Textures Foliated - Wavy layers and bands of colors or minerals. Foliated rocks require high pressure to align minerals. Example: Gneiss
Foliation animation nt/visualizations/es0607/es0607page01.cfm?chapter_no= visualization
Metamorphic Texture: Non-foliated Metamorphic Textures Non-foliated - lack bands, usually are blocky crystalline masses. Example: Quartzite
Guess the metamorphic Textures
How to Identify Metamorphic Rocks Step 1: Determine the texture – foliated or non-foliated. Step 2: Determine if rock is coarse, medium, or fine-grained.
How to Identify Metamorphic Rocks Step 3: Decide what kind of rock or sediment it used to be (composition). We call this the parent rock. Step 4: Examine the sample for other properties such as minerals present, luster, color, hardness, fused mineral grains. Step 5: Name the sample.
Copy this table onto a sheet of notebook paper SketchTextureGrain-sizeOther properties Parent Rock or sediment Name
Let’s look at some Metamorphic Rocks! 1.Go to lab and look at 6 metamorphic rock samples. 2.Sketch and color. 3.Try to name the rock. 4.We will review samples at the end of lab.