Somalia To Kenya By; Maddie, Lucia, Sean, Will, Steven
Where is Somalia?
Through out the last decade and a half Somalia suffers from a drought Drought led to starvation Predicted to lose 750,000 lives Death rate from 2/10,000 up to 20/10,000 Malaria and Measles play as factor of death Food production is a quarter of regular production Background History
Why are they migrating Wide spread drought Wide spread starvation Since 2006 Al Shabab threatens the Africans Al Shabab is a radical muslim group Al Shabab is impending agencies from entering the area.
Camp In Kenya Kenya’s third largest city is now a refugee camp Dadaab is a big camp in Kenya on 10 of July 2011, 380,000 refugees are there on August 10, 2011, 440,000 refugees were recorded About 2,000 a day it was built for 90,000
Consequences Kenya’s border control is harsh Infectious epidemics, like cholera Rivalries between Kenyans and Somalians occur In 1990’s a similar famine situation occurred The world was much more willing to help before
Type of Migration The Somalia to Kenya migration is an environmental Migration It is forcing people to get away (push factor) because of lack of food and water.
To what extent is Migration a Fundamental Human right? People all over the world migrate from one place to another. For some it’s to escape from places, or because they are attracted to some places. In Somalia people migrate to get away from dangers, famine, and lack of water Anybody should have the right to temporally migrate to seek shelter and safety.
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