HISTORY Our department has been established in Education was started with the Professors came from different Universities of Germany and Austria. 6/7/2016 2
3 VISION To continue its high educational standards equal to the internationally well-known Mining Engineering Departments. To educate students for playing an active role in industry, satisfying present and future needs of a global society through the development and implementation of revolutionary technologies for the extraction of mineral resources, and construction of underground structures in a socially responsible, economically viable and environmentally sound manner.
6/7/ MISION To provide high quality undergraduate and graduate programs supported by up-to-date curriculum and scientific, industrial research, To produce technically competent and well educated mining engineers who have team skills and are able to work in mining and mining-related industries both within the country and abroad
6/7/ ACADEMIC STAFF Our Department has; 8 Professor, 3 Assocc. Prof., 3 Assist. Prof, 9 Research Assistant, 2 Engineers with PhD degree
Current Doctorate Subjects of our Research Assistants Gas Content of Coals Coal Mine Methane mitigation/utilization oportunities Shotcrete Mine Backfill (pastefill, cemented aggregate fill etc.) Open-pit mine design and softwares Roughness of rock mass Mineral Economics Mechanization in soft and hard rocks 6/7/2016 6
International Accreditation; Our department accepts 35 students for %100 English education program and 35 students for % 30 English-% 70 Turkish education program. Our Mining Engineering Department has gained full accreditation for 6 years by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.) in /7/2016 7
8 To improve the quality of Graduate education we have opened new lectures; Mine Fires, Gaz Outbursts and Explosions Sale and Marketing of Minerals Cement Raw Materials and Preparation Mine Closure and Reclamation Planning Advanced Drilling Techniques Rock Fragmentation by Blasting Mechanical Excavation and Mechanisation in Soft Ground 6/7/2016
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Since education term 9 students have been sent to abroad with Erasmus Program and in education term our 6 students have been chosen for the program. 6/7/2016 9
PROJECTS Both national and international industrial problems have been solved by our academic staff. Subject of these projects are; Open-pit and underground mine planing and design projects Ventilation and safety projects Cuttability and drillability projects, Tunnel designs and excavation projects Blasting projects 6/7/
“Cuttability and Drillability Studies for Predicting Performance of Mechanical Miners in Hyperbaric Conditions of Deep Sea Mining”, Nautilus Minerals Inc. (Milton Queensland, Australia). “Physical and Mechanical Properties and Cuttability Characteristics of Subsea Core Samples”, Nautilus Minerals Inc. (Milton, Queensland, Australia). Imbat Madencilik A.Ş Soma Eynez Underground Coal Mine Ventilation Project, /7/
6/7/ TECHNICAL FIELD TRIPS At least 2 field trips are being done in every semester. This is our priority for the mining engineering education.
Open Mining Museum 6/7/
6/7/ ITU MINING ENGINEERING StudentClub Mining engineering student club was established to help the students about their preparation to engineering and to build solidarity between members during their university education.
6/7/ LABORATORIES Rock Mechanics and Natural Building Stone Laboratory Excavation Technology and Mining Machinery Laboratory Micro-Tunnel Boring and Drilling Techniques Laboratory Mine Ventilation and Safety Laboratory Aggregates and Briquetting Laboratory Sample Preparation and Rock Cutting Laboratory Mine Planning and Design Laboratory
6/7/ In this laboratory physical and mechanical properties of rock samples, taken from the surrounding rocks. Physical Properties tests like Density, Porosity, Water absorption, Seismic Velocity (PUNDIT), Permeability, Slake Durability Index, Swelling Index and Mechanical Properties and index tests like Uniaxial Compressive Strength (including Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio Determination ), Indirect Tensile Strength, Direct and Indirect Shear Strength, Triaxial Compressive Strength, Point Load Strength, Bending Strength, Impact Strength, Schmidt Hammer Hardness Index, Mohs Hardness Index, Abrasiveness Index, Shore Hardness Index, are carried out in the laboratory Rock Mechanics and Natural Building Stone Laboratory
6/7/ Excavation Technology and Mining Machinery Laboratory This laboratory was created for the specific purpose of providing the tunnelling and mining industries with solid solutions to practical problems, for this reason we test the rock and determine its CUTTABILITY AND DRILLABILITY characteristics in actual conditions. The laboratories contain a selection of equipment that allows physical testing of every type of commercially available rock cutting or drilling tools at full scale..
6/7/ Micro-Tunnel Boring and Drilling Techniques Laboratory This rig can perform drilling and boring tests up to 1 m in diameter. Cutterhead rotational speed can be varied up to 80 rpm, the power is 132 kw, a thrust of 50 tons may be obtained, and it is possible to apply a lateral force up to 20 tons. Cutterheads and drill bits up to l m in diameter can be tested and the cutting actions of a roadheader or drum shearer can be simulated by moving the rock sample sideways with a hydraulic actuator. Penetration rate, thrust, torque, rotational speed can be measured during testing by a computer based data acquisition system.
6/7/ Mine Ventilation and Safety Laboratory In order to establish a safe and healthy environment in mines, it is necessary to investigate the physical properties of Air and the environmental conditions. It is possible to investigate these subjects in the mine ventilation and safety laboratory;Measurement of the characteristics of mine air, measurement of the characteristics of mine climate parametersDust measurementsIlluminationInvestigation of coal properties related to gas and coal outburstsPlanning ventilation networks and solution of ventilation network problems
6/7/ Sample Preparation, Rock Cutting and Briquette Laboratory In this laboratory the physical properties of aggregates are tested in order to determine their quality for the standards. Physical Properties tests like, Particle Size Distribution Determinations (Sieve Analysis, Fine Materials), Particle Shape Determination, Los Angeles abrasion value, Aggregate impact value, Flakiness index, Resistance to freezing, Density and water absorption, Grading of sands and gravels, Unit weight and void content, Crushability index etc are carried out in this laboratory. In order to test the briquetting quality of Turkish coals there are also few testing apparatus in the laboratory. This laboratory is used to prepare rock specimens in order to determine the cuttability of rocks and wearability Specimens are used for tests in Mine Machinery and Mechanization Lab.
Thank you… Prof. Dr. Orhan KURAL 6/7/