Collective Worship
* Desmond Tutu: campaigned in South Africa to breakdown the system of apartheid. He put Christian teachings, such as “Love your neighbour” into action. For example, he led peaceful marches and protests. He saved the life of a black policeman by throwing himself over him when a crowd tried to stone him to death. He said South Africa should have a “rainbow people of God”. Apartheid was legal until 1994.
* Martin Luther King: a Christian who lived in America when black & white people were legally segregated. Black & white children were not allowed to use the same schools, swimming pools or restaurants. Black citizens had to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats for white passengers. MLK used his belief in Christian teachings such as “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” to encourage peaceful protests, for example, the bus boycotts, the student sit-ins and freedom riders (on the national buses) against racist laws. He was a very powerful speaker & 1000s gathered to hear his “I have a dream” speech. As a result segregation was outlawed in the USA.
* Gandhi: A Hindu who believed in ahimsa (non-violence) and used peaceful methods to fight racism and segregation in South Africa and India. He held marches, demonstrations and processions demanding fairness for all people. He encouraged non-violent mass civil disobedience. He led boycotts. He believed that the only way to treat people is to love them. Although Gandhi came from a rich family he dressed like a poor man to show his belief in equality and peace.
* Pope Francis has taken a dozen highly vulnerable refugees who faced deportation from the Greek island of Lesbos back to Rome, offering them refuge. “The pope has desired to make a gesture of welcome regarding refugees, accompanying on his plane to Rome three families of refugees from Syria, 12 people in all, including six children. Two families come from Damascus, and one from Deir Azzor (in the area occupied by Isis). Their homes had been bombed. The Vatican will take responsibility for bringing in and maintaining the three families.”
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* On a post it, write down something that you will do this week to show people that you care.
You have called us to love, to love you, to love others. You call to us now, to gather in your name, just as you call to your people all over this world. And like them we gather to seek you, to seek your will, to seek your heart. We are here Lord. Amen.