Working in an Early Education and Childcare Setting Working in different settings
Working in a range of settings There are lots of different job titles in early education and childcare Often the same job title in used in different parts of the country to describe the same type of work In this unit you will be looking at three particular types of setting
Working in a range of settings Local authorities Voluntary providers Private providers
Working in a range of settings Part of your investigations will be to find out all that is in the range of settings but here are some examples of the sort of services you could expect to find in each of them
Working in a range of settings In the local authority you are likely to find the following types of service Limited services for children under 2 but with some full day nurseries Nursery schools and classes Primary Schools and classes Some out of school care clubs Breakfast clubs Children and family centres previously run by the Social Work Department and now by children’s Services
Working in a range of settings In the voluntary sector you are likely to find Playgroups, often with breakfast clubs Out of school care clubs Summer holiday play schemes Respite care play schemes for children with additional support needs Nursery provision that is offered by large charities such as Barnardos Special provision for families and children
Working in a range of settings In the private sector you are likely to find Full day care provision, often specialising in caring for babies Nursery schools offering full day provision Out of school care Summer play clubs Crèches
Working in a range of settings These facilities will be different depending on which part of the country you live in. It will be important to try to find out what is available in your locality. You can do this by contacting your local childcare partnership or by looking in the telephone directory. Local libraries also keep information about childcare provision and this is also available in health clinics.