Experience of the transformation of social services in Finland. Kirsi Konola, KVPS& EASPD Deinstitutionalization: The Ways Forward 14. – , Prague
Petra Tiihonen 2012 SITUATION IN FINLAND TODAY Around 1900 people with an intellectual disability live in an institution The most typical living solution is a group home Also lot of children in respite care in institutions ( in the year 2011 around 2 500) We have individualized and high quality services but also many challenges (geography, economics of the municipalities, public procurement, demographic change) 2
Petra Tiihonen 2012 DI PROCESS IN FINLAND Programme for organising housing and related services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in 2010–2015 The aim of the housing programme is to facilitate individual housing for persons with intellectual disabilities in ordinary living environments and thus to reinforce their social inclusion and equal treatment in communities and society. The development objectives for disability legislation in accordance with the Government Programme, the guidelines of the Finnish Disability Policy Programme and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities define good housing as an important basis for independent living and social inclusion. 3
Petra Tiihonen 2012 DI PROCESS IN FINLAND The aim of the housing programme for persons with intellectual disabilities is to enable individual housing for both persons moving from institutions and childhood homes in accessible and functional flats in ordinary living environments. Simultaneously, the capacity in institutions for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be reduced systematically and in a controlled way. Development of individual services which meet the needs of people with disabilities. 4
Petra Tiihonen 2012 Key Principles in National Plan Individual service design in all the phases of the process; taking into account individual needs and hopes when planning and providing services Respecting the rights of service users and involving them to the decision making process Developing new models for organising support at the same time when closing institutions Enough well-trained staff who is committed to work according common values
Petra Tiihonen 2012 Key elements in the process Living in normal residential areas, not in the areas of institutions Different options for housing Not complexes for the different groups of people needing special support No big housing units Support for the transition process Not emphasising de-instutionalisation but development of new solutions Tailor-made services which meet the needs of people
Petra Tiihonen 2012 The National Plan and resolution National Plan and resolution were published in March 2012 Main principles and areas of action: Self-determination Children’s rights and services (Close the front door) Closing institutions Training of staff
Petra Tiihonen 2012 Opportunities Strong international legal framework (UN Convention) and commitment on EU level (Common European Guidelines on the Transition from Institutional to Community Based Care) and practical steering mechanism (Structural Funds) Political commitment on national level Good practices on local level Staff is well educated 8
Petra Tiihonen 2012 Barriers Responsibility of the implementation is on local level Big differences in different parts of the country Traditions; there is not enough knowledge at local level What kind of services we are developing and are we asking this from the people themselves Threat of new and mini institutions: 9
Barrier: Working with Families for the best interest of people with disability families must be seen as partners and experts
Barrier: Lack of self-determination of people with disability and attitude of staff 11 Kirsi Konola 2012
Petra Tiihonen 2012 Barrier: Are the organisations ready to take human rights as the guiding principle and understand the responsibility they carry in making these true 12 Kirsi Konola 2012
How can services support individual life choices and equality? ”we are all equal” Protest march of self advocate organisation Me Itse Kuva: Teppo Moisio
How can services support people to have their own strong voice? Political voice: Tommi Kivimäki ja Olavi Hietaharju. Kuvat: Yle & Janne Ruotsalainen
How can services enable full citizenship for people with lots of support needs? Minister of Health and Social Affairs Paula Risikko and Chairman of the annual conference Tommi Korhonen
How can services support people to have many and meaningful roles in community? Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät. Kuva: Pekka Elomaa
How can everybody live full life in community? Services are not the focus but what they make possible is
Petra Tiihonen 2012 Conclusions DI is a long process which needs to be carefully planned and implemented. All the stakeholders have to be involved from the beginning. Managing change with staff is crucial; we need them in new services also but they need to learn new ways of doing and thinking Closing institution is not the vision but a good life and good quality services in the community for people with disability and their families. 19
Thank you for your attention. Kirsi Konola Národní centrum podpory transformace sociálních služeb 3P Consulting, s. r. o. Římská 12, Praha 2 Součást individuálního projektu MPSV Podpora transformace sociálních služeb.