Order Carnivora Sea otters and polar bears
Sea Otters Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class - Mammalia Order - Carnivora Family - Mustelidae
Sea Otters 2 subspecies 2 subspecies Can dive ~330 ft holding breathe up to 5 mintues Can dive ~330 ft holding breathe up to 5 mintues Average depth ~60 ft holding breathe 2-3 minutes Average depth ~60 ft holding breathe 2-3 minutes Metabolic rate much higher than most mammals of similar size, and must consume large quantities of food. Adult sea otters may eat as much as 9 kg (20 lb.) of food each day (25% of their body weight) Metabolic rate much higher than most mammals of similar size, and must consume large quantities of food. Adult sea otters may eat as much as 9 kg (20 lb.) of food each day (25% of their body weight) Tool use Tool use Swim kicking with hind flippers and use tail to steer Swim kicking with hind flippers and use tail to steer Social- groups of females with pups/male groups Social- groups of females with pups/male groups Considered least specialized marine animal Considered least specialized marine animal
Cognitive Abilities Eddie the arthritic sea otter Eddie the arthritic sea otter Tool use Tool use
~1,000,000,000 hairs per square inch ~1,000,000,000 hairs per square inch 2 sets of hair- long guard hairs (water proof), dense under fur (traps air for insulation) 2 sets of hair- long guard hairs (water proof), dense under fur (traps air for insulation) Spending at least 11% to 48% of their day grooming. They use their paws and claws to remove debris and to comb their fur. They may also aerate their fur by blowing air into it and beating the water with their feet to whip it into foam. Spending at least 11% to 48% of their day grooming. They use their paws and claws to remove debris and to comb their fur. They may also aerate their fur by blowing air into it and beating the water with their feet to whip it into foam Grooming
6 DESCRIPTION: Forefeet are small and dexterous with retractile claws and the flipper-like hind feet are broad and webbed. DESCRIPTION: Forefeet are small and dexterous with retractile claws and the flipper-like hind feet are broad and webbed. Juvenile = uniform dark-cinnamon brown Juvenile = uniform dark-cinnamon brown Adults lighter gray or buff coloration on their heads Adults lighter gray or buff coloration on their heads SIZE: Alaskan sea otters (~5ft, weight 70-85lbs) slightly larger than California sea otters (~4 ft, weight 45-65lbs). SIZE: Alaskan sea otters (~5ft, weight 70-85lbs) slightly larger than California sea otters (~4 ft, weight 45-65lbs). DIET: Sea urchins, crabs, abalone, clams, mussels, octopus, and fishes. Most sea otters specialize in only a few types of the available food items. DIET: Sea urchins, crabs, abalone, clams, mussels, octopus, and fishes. Most sea otters specialize in only a few types of the available food items.
8 GESTATION: Ranges from four to nine months, with an average of six months. This probably includes a period of delayed implantation of two to three months. GESTATION: Ranges from four to nine months, with an average of six months. This probably includes a period of delayed implantation of two to three months. NURSING DURATION: Approximately 6-8 months (wean) NURSING DURATION: Approximately 6-8 months (wean) SEXUAL MATURITY: Approximately 5-6 years in males and 4 years for females SEXUAL MATURITY: Approximately 5-6 years in males and 4 years for females LIFE SPAN: On average, years. LIFE SPAN: On average, years.
10 RANGE: Eastern North Pacific Ocean. RANGE: Eastern North Pacific Ocean. HABITAT: Coastal waters no further away than ~0.5 mi. from shore. The Alaskan sea otter has a greater tendency to haul out than the California HABITAT: Coastal waters no further away than ~0.5 mi. from shore. The Alaskan sea otter has a greater tendency to haul out than the California
Rafting T2Kfno T2Kfno T2Kfno T2Kfno
Threats to Sea Otters Threatened species due to overhunting for pelts Threatened species due to overhunting for pelts Oil spill Oil spill Boat strikes Boat strikes Entanglement Entanglement Disease, toxins, parasites Disease, toxins, parasites
501 /saving-otter-501/video-sea-otter-pup- lessons/8472/ /saving-otter-501/video-sea-otter-pup- lessons/8472/ /saving-otter-501/video-sea-otter-pup- lessons/8472/ /saving-otter-501/video-sea-otter-pup- lessons/8472/
14 Photo of Sea Otter in Typical Habitat – Kelp Community
Polar Bears Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class - Mammalia Order - Carnivora Family - Ursidae
Polar Bears 1 species 1 species Canines are long, sharp, and well-developed, and premolars are adapted for cutting. Canines are long, sharp, and well-developed, and premolars are adapted for cutting. Forepaws are round and partially webbed. The hind paws are elongated. Forepaws are round and partially webbed. The hind paws are elongated. Can swim for several hours at a time over long distances. They've been tracked swimming continuously for 62 mi. Can swim for several hours at a time over long distances. They've been tracked swimming continuously for 62 mi. Can swim on average 6.2 mph Can swim on average 6.2 mph Keen sense of smell and hearing Keen sense of smell and hearing Solitary Solitary
Hibernation The female polar bear's heart rate slows ~27 beats per minute from a normal resting heart rate of about 46 beats per minute. The female polar bear's heart rate slows ~27 beats per minute from a normal resting heart rate of about 46 beats per minute. Female's body temperature may drop slightly, perhaps to 35°C (95°F), or it may remain normal at 37°C (98.6°F). Female's body temperature may drop slightly, perhaps to 35°C (95°F), or it may remain normal at 37°C (98.6°F). Females fast throughout hibernation. They may lose most or all of their fat stores. Females fast throughout hibernation. They may lose most or all of their fat stores. Unlike most other hibernators, female polar bears give birth while hibernating. High body temperature is needed to meet the demands of pregnancy, birth, and nursing. Unlike most other hibernators, female polar bears give birth while hibernating. High body temperature is needed to meet the demands of pregnancy, birth, and nursing. Though hibernating females sleep soundly, they're easily and quickly aroused. Though hibernating females sleep soundly, they're easily and quickly aroused.
DESCRIPTION: Largest land animal in order carnivora. DESCRIPTION: Largest land animal in order carnivora. Thick fur coat that appears white in coloration, but is really translucent. Their black skin color is readily apparent on the nose, eyes, lips and footpads. Smaller ears and longer necks than other bears. Adult male polar bears, called boars, are substantially larger than adult females. Thick fur coat that appears white in coloration, but is really translucent. Their black skin color is readily apparent on the nose, eyes, lips and footpads. Smaller ears and longer necks than other bears. Adult male polar bears, called boars, are substantially larger than adult females. SIZE: At birth, cubs are ~12 in long; Males typically ft. long; Females typically ft long SIZE: At birth, cubs are ~12 in long; Males typically ft. long; Females typically ft long WEIGHT: Newborn cubs weigh ~16-24lbs; Males weigh 772-1,433 lb; Females weigh lb. WEIGHT: Newborn cubs weigh ~16-24lbs; Males weigh 772-1,433 lb; Females weigh lb. DIET: Ringed and bearded seals and also includes other seal species, walruses, narwhals, beluga whales, whale carcasses, fish, reindeer, birds, eggs, berries and kelp. DIET: Ringed and bearded seals and also includes other seal species, walruses, narwhals, beluga whales, whale carcasses, fish, reindeer, birds, eggs, berries and kelp. 19
20 GESTATION: About 8 months; includes about a 4 month period of delayed implantation GESTATION: About 8 months; includes about a 4 month period of delayed implantation NURSING DURATION: months (wean) NURSING DURATION: months (wean) SEXUAL MATURITY: Males about 6 years; females about 4 years SEXUAL MATURITY: Males about 6 years; females about 4 years LIFE SPAN: Typically years; some have lived over 30 years LIFE SPAN: Typically years; some have lived over 30 years
21 RANGE: Arctic RANGE: Arctic HABITAT: Inhabit Arctic sea ice, water, islands, and continental coastlines HABITAT: Inhabit Arctic sea ice, water, islands, and continental coastlines POPULATION: Estimated at 21,500-25,000 globally POPULATION: Estimated at 21,500-25,000 globally
Threats to Polar Bears Climate change/global warming Climate change/global warming Toxic pollution Toxic pollution Oil exploration Oil exploration Over harvesting Over harvesting Habitat destruction Habitat destruction