Sui Water Supply Scheme Approved CostApproved Cost GOB ShareGOB Share PPL SharePPL Share On request of PPL, consultant was hired for supervision of the project implementation which expired on June Due to additional man months of supervision upto December 2014 and increase of non-schedule items prices as per market prevailing rates, the cost of the project needs to be revised. Rs Million. Rs Million. Rs Million. Revised Cost Rs Million Revised Cost Rs Million Date of Start Date of Completion February 2011 December 2013 (Subject to Release of Funds) Present Population Projected Population 40,000 Souls 72,000 Souls Release Position Released By GOBReleased By GOB Released By PPLReleased By PPL Rs (M) Rs (M) Rs (M) Rs (M) Total Release: Rs (M) Total Release: Rs (M) Expenditure Upto 31 st December Rs (M) Rs (M)
Sui Water Supply Scheme Main ComponentsMain Components Pipeline Trunk & Zone A.B,C,D,E & F 74% Construction of O.H.S.R 120,000 gallon 4 Nos. 51% Construction of Pump House 2 Nos. 95% Repair & Maintenance of Tank 120,000 gallon 2 Nos. 80% Supplying & Installation of Pumping Machinery 6 sets 90% Construction of staff Quarter 1 No. 5% Construction of Store 5% Construction of DDO Office 5% Repair & Maintenance of Servant Quarter 85% Land Acquisition - Purchase of Tool, Plant & Survey instruments - Soil Investigation 100% Supply of pipes for Household Connection 60% Overall Progress Physical Progress 55% Physical Progress 55% Financial Progress 47% Financial Progress 47%
Way forward The allocation in the PSDP for the financial year is Rs million but we need Rs million addition to allocation of current financial year and remainin in , so that the scheme could be completed by December 2013.
Bottlenecks Contractor is not willing to continue work on the already approved rates. The PC-I has been revised twice and required third revision due to enhancement of rates. If the cash flow remains same it will take 2-3 years more to complete the scheme and the out come results will be achieved.
Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of Akra Kaur Dam Gwadar Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of Akra Kaur Dam Gwadar
REHABILITATION/RE-CONSTRUCTION OF AKRA KAUR Approved CostRs Million Date of Approval 7 th April 2011 Date of Start1 st July 2011 Target Date of Completion within 18 Months (As per PC-I) Expected Completion date31 st December 2013 Subject to availability of Funds Financial Phasing AllocationFunds Released Expenditure Up to date TOTAL:
S.#Major ComponentsPhysicalFinancial 1Rehabilitation / Reconstruction of Akra Kaur Dam10%15% 2Providing & Laying of Pipeline for Faqir Colony85%68% 3Providing & Laying of parallel 12" pipeline class C from Akra Kaur Dam to Gwadar Town 40%24% 4Construction of Boundary Wall for Airport Pumping Station 45%35% 5Construction of Boundary Wall for Pishukan Water Supply Scheme Gwadar -- 6Construction of Boundary Wall for Jiwani Pumping Station Gwadar -- 7Construction of Boundary Wall for Surbandar Pumping Station Gwadar 100% 8Restoration of flood damages to Cyclone PHET during June %- 9Providing & Laying of parallel 10" dia PVC pipe class C from Junction 1 (Nigore Sharif) to Junction 2 (Palleri Pumping Station) 45%7% MAJOR COMPONENTS
REHABILITATION/RE-CONSTRUCTION OF AKRA KAUR OVERALL PROGRESS Physical41% Financial19% Reason of DelayMeager Allocation of Funds Remedial MeasuresFunds may be made available
Clean Drinking Water Project Provincial Project Implementation Unit Clean Drinking Water for All Project Clean Drinking Water for All Project
Total No of PlantsNo. of union councils Additional Plants (Total: 575) Ultra filtration plants542 Reverse Osmosis plants33 Sites/LocationsUnion councils identified by the respective District Government Coordination and Monitoring Project Management Unit Ministry of Special Initiative (Devolved) ImplementationPPIU with the collaboration of Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Department MonitoringProject Monitoring Cell working under the administrative control of Secretary PHE Department Operation & MaintenanceAfter commissioning of the plants the same contractor shall carry out the O&M for a period of three years Clean Drinking Water for All Project Project Digest
Pre-qualification of Contractors By the pre-qualification committee constituted the Federal Government level Contract awardBy the contract award committee constituted at the Federal Government level with the representation of Provincial Government. Status of contract award in Balochistan 409 Ultra filtration plants to M/s GP-BIDC Islamabad 33 Reverse osmosis plants to M/s Ever Green Lahore Contract Cost of 409 UF Plants Rs Million Contract Cost of 33 RO Plants Rs Million Contract of 133 plants awaited Rs Million Project Digest Clean Drinking Water for All Project
DescriptionProgress UF PlantsR.O Plants Work Awarded40933 Completed plants4057 In complete plants43 Functional plants3367 Non functional plants69- Physical progress against 40983%21% Status of work awarded
Financial Progress (Expenditure incurred so far) (Expenditure incurred so far) Clean Drinking Water for All Project (CDWA) Contract cost of 409 ordinary PlantsRs Million Estimated cost of 133 ordinary left over PlantsRs Million Contract Cost of 33 Reverse Osmosis PlantsRs Million Water Deficit Sites Development of Water deficit sitesRs Million Total (A+B) Rs Million Amount Released Till date C. Ordinary plants under CDWA Rs Million D. Development of Water deficit sites Rs Million Total (C+D) Rs Million Balance Required= Rs (-) Million Rs Million
Brief on Completion of incomplete and Rehabilitation of Old and Construction of New Water Supply Schemes in various District of Balochistan (Federal Portfolio)
Background PHE department prepared a portfolio of 189 water supply schemes requiring completion, rehabilitation & construction. PDWP and CDWP approved the scheme amounting to Rs Million. The scheme was reflected in Federal PSDP and under housing and works sector.
Physical Progress Number of schemes approved=189 – Completed =47 – Under progress=22 – Physical progress=25% Financial Progress Approved Cost = Million Amount released by the Federal Govt:= Million Up to date expenditure= Million Financial Progress= 27%
Further Progress Federal Government stopped further financing after promulgation of 18 th amendment. In a meeting held under the chairmanship of Secretary Planning Government of Balochistan on 4 th October 2011, it was decided that PHE department: i.would take up the issue through P&D department with the Federal Government. ii.To prepare separate PC-I of prioritized on going projects to be completed in near future for its financing through Provincial Government funds
Present Status Federal Government did not consider the Provincial Government’s request even after a D.O letter by the former worthy ACS (Dev). PHE department framed a PC-I costing Rs Million for completion of 22 ongoing schemes for arrangement of funds through bridge financing, so that expenditure already incurred may not go waste.
Present Status The said PC-I stands submitted to P&D department in November 2012, but without any further action. P&D department vide letter dated 27 th November 2012, desired for arrangement of brief for worthy ACS (Dev)
Recommendations Approval of the PC-I costing Rs Million by the PDWP on priority basis. Release of funds through PSDP against overall saving. Approaching Federal Government yet again for release of the balance funds to the tune of Rs Million.
BRIEF NOTE KACHHI PLAIN WATER SUPPLY PROJECT. The phase-I of the project was approved by PDWP at a total cost of Rs Million in June, 2001 to cater the drinking water requirements Nautal, Bakhtiarabad and enrooted population. The work on the project was initiated during the second week of November, 2001 with a planned implementation period of 18 months. The PC-I was subsequently revised and approved by PDWP on 30 th August, 2004 a cost of Rs Million to accommodate of laying of pipeline from Nautal to Landhi Sharif on the directive of the than Prime Minister of Pakistan.
BOTTLE NECKS. 1.FINANCIAL:- Insufficient and un-timely release of funds for the project. The detail is given as under :- Year ReleaseExpenditure Year ReleaseExpenditure Rs MRs M Rs MRs M Rs MRs M Rs MRs M Rs MRs M Rs M Rs M Rs MRs M Rs MRs M Rs MRs M Rs MRs M G.Total:-Rs MRs M
KACHHI PLAIN WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Salient Features Approved CostRs Million Total ReleaseRs Million Expenditure Rs Million Date of StartOctober, 2002 Date of CompletionJune, 2011 Coverage Present Population53,000 Souls Projected Population94,000 Souls No. of villages/Town to be benefited18 Maximum Daily Demand (Present)1.0 MGD
COMPONENT WISE PROGRESS DERA MURAD TREATMENT WORKS 1. Acquisition of Land1 Job100% 2. Const: of Intake Structure1 Job100% 3. Const: of Sedimentation Tanks2 Nos.100% 4. Const: of Sump Well with Pump House1 Job100% 5. Raw Water Tanks2 Nos.100% 6. Filter Units3 Nos.100% 7. Clear W/Tank with P/House at main water Works1 No100% 8. Const. of Chowkidar Quarter1 No100% 9. Purchase of Vehicle1 No100% 10. Const. of Generator Room1 No100% 11. S/Installation of Pumping Machinery4 Set100% 12. Barbed Wire Fencing around Water Works1 Job100% 13. Energization by QESCO1 Job100% 14. Const. of Assistant Engineer Residence.1 No100% 15. Supply & Installation of 135 KVA Generator1.No 100%
B CONST. OF NAUTAL BOOSTING STATION 1. Land Acquisition1 Job100% 2. Const. of S/Tanks Gln: & Gln: with P/House2 No100% 3. S/Installation of Pumping Machinery2 Set100% 4. S/Installation of Generator 150 KVA1 Set100% Const. of Generator Room Supply & Installation of Innovator for Generator 1 No 100% 7. Energization by QESCO1 Job100% 8. Const. of Chowkidar Quarter1 No100% C BAKHTIARABAD WATER WORKS 1 Land Acquisition1 Job100% 2 Const. of S/Tank Glns with P/House1 Job100% 3 Const. of Chowkidar Quarter1 JNo100% 4 Barbed wire Fencing around water works1 Job100%
PROGRESS Physical100% Financial99.39% Overall Progress 100% D COMMUNITY TANK 1 Const. of Community Tank 5000 glns6 No98% E LAYING OF PIPE LINE 1 Supplying and Laying of Pipe Line from treatment work to Bakhtiarabad 18", 16", 55 Kms 1 Job100% 2 Supplying and Laying of Pipe Line from Nautal to Landhi Sharif 1 Job95% 3 Supplying and Laying of Pipe Line from Bakhtiarabad to Bahag 6” dia 23 Km. 1 Job100% 4 Supplying and Laying of Pipe Line from Nautal to Hejiwani & Ramdani 1 Job98%
The PC-I for Kachhi Plain water supply project has been submitted to P & D department for approval. The main components are as under:-
COMPONENT A. MODIFICATION OF TREATMENT PLANT 1.Settling Tank1.Job 2.Sludge Motor Chamber2.Nos 3.Mechanical and Electrical Units for Treatment Plant1.Job 4.Laboratory & Office1.No 5.Process Control Room and Store1.No 6.Quarters5.Nos B. STORAGE TANKS 1.Storage Tank 1,000 Gallon Capacity at Abro Village1.No 2.Storage Tank 1,500 Gallon Capacity at Got Ghulam Haider1.No 3.Storage Tank 2,500 Gallon Capacity at Takari Aziziullah.1.No 4.Storage Tank 3,000 Gallon Capacity at Damboli Village, Miro Got, Takari Raisani, Got Raisani, Mach Village. 5.No 5.Storage Tank 4,000 Gallon Capacity at Village Nindani, Bhatti village, Machi Village. 4.Nos 6.Storage Tank 5,000 Gallon Capacity at Qalandar Shah. 1.No 7.Storage Tank 6,000 Gallon Capacity at Takari Saifullah, Got Juma, Muradani, Village Doli. 5.Nos 8.Storage Tank 7,000 Gallon Capacity at Lindsay and Noshera 2.Nos
9. Storage Tank 9,000 Gallon Capacity at Mungir Village, Noshera, Got Dashti, Tangoti Khan Mohammad. 6.Nos 10. Storage Tank 10,000 Gallon Capacity at Got Machi (1 No) 1.No 11. Storage Tank 15,000 Gallon Capacity at Chander, Wazir Machi, Chuttalabad. 3.Nos 12. Storage Tank 20,000 Gallon Capacity at Ghulam Haider, Takari Kurd 2.Nos 13. Storage Tank 25,000 Gallon Capacity Wazir Khan and Dashti Village 2.Nos 14. Storage Tank 60,000 Gallon Capacity at Ghazi. 1.No 15. Under Ground Storage Tank 60,000 Gallon Capacity At Nuthal. 1.No 16. Storage Tank 70,000 Gallon Capacity at Baktiarabad. 2.Nos 17. Storage Tank 80,000 Gallon Capacity at Bhag 2.Nos 18. Storage Tank 83,000 Gallon Capacity at Chalgiri. 1.No 19. Storage Tank 1,00,000 Gallon Capacity at Haji Shaher and Babar Ahmad Khan. 5.Nos C. BUILDINGS 1. Pump Operator House / Chowkidar Quarter at Baktiarabad and Lindsay 2.Nos 2. Pump House Over Clear Water Tank for 75,000 Gallons Tank At Baktiarabad 1.No 3. Pump House Over Clear Water Tank for 60,000 Gallons Tank At Nuthal 1.No
4. Pump House Over Clear Water Tank for 30,000 Gallons Tank At Lindsay 1.No 5. Patrolling Huts 8.Nos 6. Wash Rooms for Patrolling Huts and Pump Operator House 10.Nos 7. Generator Rooms at Baktiarabad and Lindsay 3.Nos D. LAYING OF PIPELINE 1. Procurement and Laying of Pipe Line 1.Job E. Procurement and installation of pumping machinery & generators F. Providing and fixing 25 KVA transformer at LINDSAY 1.No G. Procurement of Land at BAKTIARABAD AND LINDSAY 3.Jobs H. Overhead Water Tank 50,000 Glns 1.NO G. PROJECT SUPPORT COST
Project Title:Provision of Drinking Water to the Fishermen Communities along-with Coastline Location:Pasni and Ormara Sub-Divisions of Balochistan Concerned Federal Ministry: Economic Affairs Division Sponsoring Agency:Government of Pakistan Executing AgencyPublic Health Engineering Department, Government of Balochistan Agency for Operation & Maintenance: Public Health Engineering Department, Government of Balochistan LocalFECTotal PC-I (Approved by the CDWP on ) Nil Revised PC-I (December, 2012) Nil Capital Cost: (Rs. in million) Provision of Drinking Water to the Fishermen Communities along-with Coastline
Project Title:Rehabilitation of Flood Affected Water Supply Schemes in Balochistan (2012) Location:Thirteen Districts of Balochistan Province. Approved Cost: Rs Million Sponsoring Agency:Federal Government (NDMA) & Government of Balochistan (P&D Department). Executing AgencyPublic Health Engineering Department, Government of Balochistan Objectives: The proposed scheme forms an integral part of the objective of the sector to provide improved quality drinking water to the flood effected population of the thirteen Districts of Balochistan. Present Status: UNICEF provided Rs (M) on emergent basis for Restoration of Water Supply Schemes in severely affected areas. UNICEF provided Rs (M) on emergent basis for Restoration of Water Supply Schemes in severely affected areas. The Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan has announced emergency grant of Rs.2.00 Billion, out of it Rs (M) have been proposed by the NDMA to PHED which is yet to be released. The Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan has announced emergency grant of Rs.2.00 Billion, out of it Rs (M) have been proposed by the NDMA to PHED which is yet to be released. Rehabilitation of Flood Affected Water Supply Schemes in Balochistan (2012)
ABSTRACT S.NoDistrict Total WSS in District No of Scheme Damaged # of Scheme Restored Estimated Cost for Rest: / Reh: of WSS 1Dera Bugti Khuzdar Loralai Killa Saifullah Sibi Kachhi Kachhi Plain Harnai Jhal Magsi Nasirabad Jaffarabad kalat Sherani TOTAL Water Filtration Plants Damaged due to Recent Flood Total PlantsTotal DamagedRestoredNot Restored 1Nasirabad Jaffarabad Estimated cost of Rs.7.00 million will be required for restoration of the plants. Rehabilitation of Flood Affected Water Supply Schemes in Balochistan (2012)
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